What would the real Longest Yard team look like?


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After watching the remake of The Longest Yard, I was wondering if it would be possible to make a real Longest Yard team.

To make it easier to recruit players, we'll include any player who was recently released from prison in the last few years, and just assume that they could still cut it on the field up until the age of 50.

Remember, it's only players who have served hard time and can be transferred to the prison team. :D No one-night jail sleepers.

A few players to start the roster:

QB Todd Marinovich (not sure if he's been locked up or just jailed a few nights)

RB Jamal Lewis, Bam Morris, Lawrence Phillips (has he served time yet?)

WR Rae Carruth

OL Nate Newton, Barrett Robbins (if he doesn't get off)



I would think that you'd have to include Jim Brown and Mercury Morris at RB.

Lawrence Taylor at LB and Leonard Little at DE.
TruBlueCowboy said:
After watching the remake of The Longest Yard, I was wondering if it would be possible to make a real Longest Yard team.

To make it easier to recruit players, we'll include any player who was recently released from prison in the last few years, and just assume that they could still cut it on the field up until the age of 50.

Remember, it's only players who have served hard time and can be transferred to the prison team. :D No one-night jail sleepers.

A few players to start the roster:

QB Todd Marinovich (not sure if he's been locked up or just jailed a few nights)

RB Jamal Lewis, Bam Morris, Lawrence Phillips (has he served time yet?)

WR Rae Carruth

OL Nate Newton, Barrett Robbins (if he doesn't get off)




I am ashamed of you... ASHAMED that you mentioned Rae Carruth in lieu of Bob Hayes...

Hayes doesn't even get respect from the prison crowd... :rolleyes:
D-Line should include Mark Gastineau

O.J Simpson. He never went to prison, but he was in Jail for over a year.

Who's the former Raiders kicker that just got busted for doing a drive by?
D-Line should include Mark Gastineau

O.J Simpson. He never went to prison, but he was in Jail for over a year.

Who's the former Raiders kicker that just got busted for doing a drive by?

I can't remember his name... but I would take Rafael Septien anyway...
I was thinking Goodrich, but then figured he probably would not make the team :p:
trickblue said:
I am ashamed of you... ASHAMED that you mentioned Rae Carruth in lieu of Bob Hayes...

Hayes doesn't even get respect from the prison crowd... :rolleyes:

Like I said, no guys over 50, or in Hayes' case, no dead guys. I'm trying to make a real team here. :D

Oh well, I can see it has already fallen apart. We're already getting the all-time prison team with folks like Jim Brown and Bob Hayes. Let the all-time team commence. :cool:
TruBlueCowboy said:
Like I said, no guys over 50, or in Hayes' case, no dead guys. I'm trying to make a real team here. :D

Oh well, I can see it has already fallen apart. We're already getting the all-time prison team with folks like Jim Brown and Bob Hayes. Let the all-time team commence. :cool:

ok... I get it now... sorry...
By the way, since we're doing all-time team now and now just players who might actually be able to still play, I draft Hollywood Henderson on the team now! :cool:
So here's what I have so far.....

CURRENT LONGEST YARD ROSTER (Fellas that might actually be able to still play in some form.)

QB Todd Marinovich
WR Rae Carruth
RB Jamal Lewis, Bam Morris, Lawrence Philips
OL Nate Newton, Barret Robbins
DL Dexter Manley
LB Lawrence Taylor


QB Art Schlichter
WR Bob Hayes, Lance Rentzel
RB Jim Brown, Mercury Morris, Jamal Lewis
OL Nate Newton, Barrett Robbins
DL Mark Gastineau, Dexter Manley
LB Lawrence Taylor, Hollwood Henderson
ST Rafael Septiem
TruBlueCowboy said:
Oh, by the way, I found this site on accident when trying to remember if some fellas went to prison or not.


It's the motherload. Complete bios of every criminal we need to beat the guards! :D

LMAO at Peyton on that list.
Don't remember if it was just one night in jail....but Moss was arrested and jailed not just with the Vikings but also while in High School.
TruBlueCowboy said:
Oh, by the way, I found this site on accident when trying to remember if some fellas went to prison or not.


It's the motherload. Complete bios of every criminal we need to beat the guards! :D

Not exactly prison listings here but this used to be a fun site to check out about people in sports (on all levels) getting in trouble.


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