What's the one thing that sets you off? Your #1 pet peeve

When an official doesn't give your team a call and turns around and gives the other team the exact same call on the exact same thing.
How long penalty reviews take. I don't get how the TV crew can play back video instantly and within seconds have a clear sense of whether calls should be overturned or confirmed, but it takes the official crew ten times as long.
Most of us have followed professional football for while now. So, there is a large body of work to pick from.

What's the one thing that sets you off?.

Example; Lets take driving for example. I'm not perfect and neither is anyone else. We are human and make mistakes. I'm older so, i forgive for the most part...except for one.

You just can't pass me and then make me slow down suddenly so you can turn off...(that's the worst for me)

So, in our sport...if you cover it all from start to finish....what is your..."you just can't?"

1. You just can't.....call PI a spot foul any longer. it gives teams new life. that's mine.

With this team , It's 3rd and 3 , Romo is getting sacked or scrambling and all the Wrs are running 20 yards downfield . I'll never understand why this team can't adjust to a blitz .
For some reason it really bothers me that offensive skill players, when they have the ball, can put their hands on defender's facemasks (mainly via stiff-arms). Just seems unfair.
I hate the entire wussification of the game. Harris hit was "too hard." If that doesn't make it clear to the world that they want to move to flag football with blocking what will? Ronnie Lott and Cliff Harris (among others) could not play in today's NFL. You can't touch the QB. You can't touch the receivers after 5 yards. If you are coming up to hit a guy, he ducks his head and your helmets hit, it's a penalty. Forget the fact you never intended to hit him in the head and he ducked into that contact out of reflexes. There are entirely too many penalties. Especially on punt returns. Pass interference is a joke. Throw a flag if a guy gets mugged. Otherwise let them play. I think Offensive interference happens as much as Defensive. Yet almost all contact draws on Defense. It isn't equitable.

Stop talking about 18 game schedules, a team in London, and other crap that dilutes the game. Just let them play.
For some reason it really bothers me that offensive skill players, when they have the ball, can put their hands on defender's facemasks (mainly via stiff-arms). Just seems unfair.

They can still do that. What they can't do is what Barber was doing which was punching folks in the face on the pre-text he was stiff-arming them.
Catching a punt inside the ten.

Onside kick to the middle of the field.

Psss interference on an uncatchable ball, how do you know it was catchable.
Failure to adjust in order to counter the opponents' schemes, until maybe after halftime. (Basic coaching)

Failure to cover punts and kickoffs effectively. (Basic discipline)
I think Perry was saying stiff arms should NOT be allowed.

You're right. I misread. Stiff-arming is as old as time. As long as they're not grabbing and punching, I don't see why it's a problem.
Let's stick with the bad driving theme. On the highway:
The Left Lane is for Passing only !!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

This x 1000.

Apparently they don't even teach people that rule. Getting a drivers license is way too easy. They should make it a really difficult test to keep idiots off the road.

They keep spending tax payer money to build wider and wider highways, but enforcing that rule would make the existing highways more efficient.
The stupid replay rule that removes your challeges inside of 2 minutes and leaves it all in the hands of the biased official in the booth. This stupid rule nearly cost the Bengals a game on Sunday when Tampa Bay had 12 men on the field. The replay official (along with every official on the field) missed it and Marvin Lewis had to throw a flag(all the time knowing he would be penalized for it) and then try to plead for a review. Why in the world would you take the challenge ability away from a team at the most crucial juncture of games? I just dont get it. If you have challenges left you should be able to use them. Stupid,stupid rule.

Second on my list is the replay rule that has you losing your challenges after 3 if you lose just 1 challenge. This may have cost us the 2008 game against the Steelers when the refs made so many bad calls that Wade Phillips had to use all his challenges. After being given an extra challenge the refs found one call inconclusive and we were left to play the fourth quarter with zero challenges left. It bit the Cowboys big time when on the Steelers game tying drive with around five minutes left Ben Roethlisberger scrambled and came up 1 1/2 yards short of the first down but the refs marked it just inches short. The Steelers then did a QB sneak to keep the drive going. Had we had a chalenge left we likely would have won the challenge and forced the Steelers to go for the FG and then play D.
If the refs screw up and you have to use a challenge to get the call right then their should never be a penalty against that team. But the way the system is set up now is not fair to the team on the short end of officiating bias.
3rd down and you execute a pass play a yard or two short of the first down marker. This became a staple of Chan Gailey's offense and its driven me crazy every since.

I would take that over what the Cowboys were doing against Philly. Third and three and all of the routes are 10 yards or longer.

I know announcers like to go on and on about a receiver catching a ball short of the 3rd down marker, but having a short route or more than one with multiple receiver sets give the QB an option instead of just throwing it away or taking a sack if the longer routes are covered or if the pass rush doesn't allow time for the longer routes. There is always a possibility that the receiver gains yards after the catch but a sack has zero chance of YAC.
This just infuriates me and I look for it all the time so I know it's there.

Let's say it's 4th & 7 early in the game (regardless of field position). I always watch the defense and I bet 90% of the time they will peel and head downfield when the punter is in his last step. If you pay attention around the edges there is nobody within 15 yards.

I'm sure the special teams coach knows the defensive formation (are they staying or peeling) so if they peel and the punter faked the act of kicking, but instead tucked the ball and ran towards the sideline, and the guy on the end of the line just gets a simple seal block to the inside the punter could run for a first down every single time. It's an absolute freebie -- but coaches coach scared.
20 yard deep routes against an all out blitz. (See Washington game)

As for non football, the way my kids butcher opening cereal boxes, they always break the little tab you're supposed to close the box with and the bag looks like it was opened by Wolverine.

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