What's the one thing that sets you off? Your #1 pet peeve

Zampese and Coslett were doing it too...

Yup. One of my pet peeves is fans who are incapable of understanding that some pass plays are designed to net a couple of yards after the catch. Madden did this all the time, yammering about how he couldn't understand why a receiver would stop short of the first-down marker. Um, because he was supposed to run for a couple of yards after he caught the ball? If Madden had his way, every receiver on the field would run a button hook, just past the first down marker. LOL.
coming out clearly unprepared, playing with no heart, and playing ultra conservatively (especially defensively)

basically what we saw last Thursday
I hate the entire wussification of the game. Harris hit was "too hard." If that doesn't make it clear to the world that they want to move to flag football with blocking what will? Ronnie Lott and Cliff Harris (among others) could not play in today's NFL. You can't touch the QB. You can't touch the receivers after 5 yards. If you are coming up to hit a guy, he ducks his head and your helmets hit, it's a penalty. Forget the fact you never intended to hit him in the head and he ducked into that contact out of reflexes. There are entirely too many penalties. Especially on punt returns. Pass interference is a joke. Throw a flag if a guy gets mugged. Otherwise let them play. I think Offensive interference happens as much as Defensive. Yet almost all contact draws on Defense. It isn't equitable.

Stop talking about 18 game schedules, a team in London, and other crap that dilutes the game. Just let them play.

Wow. I thought any post by Hostile in this thread would simply be this:


The CZ fans who point out inconvenient facts and the media that hates the cowboys. These are the most important reasons why we lose games and have been mediocre the last few years.
As for non football, the way my kids butcher opening cereal boxes, they always break the little tab you're supposed to close the box with and the bag looks like it was opened by Wolverine.

My kids rip the cereal bag vertically so there is no way to seal it after that. Then when you go to pour a bowl, the cereal goes everywhere but in the bowl. This is also a non football pet peeve of mine.
But when one is in the left lane passing a long line of vehicles going under the speed limit, but you are going 10 MPH over the speed limit to pass them. But someone behind you is riding your arse to go even faster is ridiculous even more. And I for one won't pull into the right lane only to be stuck not to pass anyone because the idiot wanting to pass me while 10 MPH over the speed limit decides to not pass at all. :D
If you are in the left and passing cars on the right, then you're OK even if you're going slower than the guy behind you. The problem is when people in the left lane are not passing cars to their right. And passing does not mean going 1/2 MPH faster than them.

It's the job of law enforcement to monitor the speed of motorists. It's not somebody in the left lanes job to try and slow down the guy behind him. Your speedometer could be off or you could cause the guy behind you to get road rage. That might seem funny, but if they start swerving around over in the other lanes to your right and end up causing a wreck that kills somebody minding their own business, then you had a hand in that. Yes it would be his fault, but you could have prevented it.
Yup. One of my pet peeves is fans who are incapable of understanding that some pass plays are designed to net a couple of yards after the catch. Madden did this all the time, yammering about how he couldn't understand why a receiver would stop short of the first-down marker. Um, because he was supposed to run for a couple of yards after he caught the ball? If Madden had his way, every receiver on the field would run a button hook, just past the first down marker. LOL.

Our problem during that era is that, I vaguely recall, a lot of them being out patterns to the sideline so it made it really easy for defend when we needed to net a couple of yards. Man, those were awful days.

With Novacek and Norv, I just seem to recall us attacking the middle a lot more. We even use to run that flare over the middle to Emmitt with Norv.
coming out clearly unprepared, playing with no heart, and playing ultra conservatively (especially defensively)

basically what we saw last Thursday

Yup, I was stunned by what I saw on Thursday. Stunned. I thought it was going to be their finest hour, I really, really did. That is the type of loss that could put Garrett right back in the crosshairs -- you could tell how disgusted Jerry was by the team's ineffectiveness.
Discussing the Cowboys with fans of other teams and hearing the "Tony Homo" thing - ALL THE FRICKIN TIME ! Makes my blood boil.
Makes me want to do badddd things to them ...
Discussing the Cowboys with fans of other teams and hearing the "Tony Homo" thing - ALL THE FRICKIN TIME ! Makes my blood boil.
Makes me want to do badddd things to them ...

it's almost like just mentioning the word "cowboys" or "dallas" when discussing football with fans of other teams suddenly makes their maturity level and IQ drop drastically
Fans who uses the term "eyeball test". You don't know what you're looking at, how don't know how to judge what you are looking at. Quit pretending like you do.

The phrase "He's out with __" and dropping the word injury. Miles Austin is out with a hammy. Carson Palmer is out with a knee. In-ju-ry. It's 3 syllables for crying out loud!
If you are in the left and passing cars on the right, then you're OK even if you're going slower than the guy behind you. The problem is when people in the left lane are not passing cars to their right. And passing does not mean going 1/2 MPH faster than them.

It's the job of law enforcement to monitor the speed of motorists. It's not somebody in the left lanes job to try and slow down the guy behind him. Your speedometer could be off or you could cause the guy behind you to get road rage. That might seem funny, but if they start swerving around over in the other lanes to your right and end up causing a wreck that kills somebody minding their own business, then you had a hand in that. Yes it would be his fault, but you could have prevented it.
Thank you.

Everybody deals with some form of traffic while driving, regardless of where it may be in the world. There are literally too many natural, unavoidable variables that create traffic. However, it is completely illogical for people to intentionally create traffic. It is almost lunacy. Some people complain about road congestion and gridlock but the insane thing is that some of the same people are responsible for creating the very same congestion and gridlock.

The left lane is for passing. Passing means increasing your speed beyond that of the vehicles in the right hand lane UNTIL you have either surpassed those vehicles or exit the highway. Every driver has a choice. If you do not intend to pass, do not get into the passing lane. If you intended to pass and another driver behind you wants to do so even more quickly, get out of the way. Sometimes I jump into the passing lane and somebody is in a bigger hurry than I am. It's no big deal. I get out of that driver's way. The road does not belong to me. It belongs to every driver.
Mine is when a team converts 3rd down after 3rd down and scores. Would rather just give up a Hail Mary
Thank you.

Everybody deals with some form of traffic while driving, regardless of where it may be in the world. There are literally too many natural, unavoidable variables that create traffic. However, it is completely illogical for people to intentionally create traffic. It is almost lunacy. Some people complain about road congestion and gridlock but the insane thing is that some of the same people are responsible for creating the very same congestion and gridlock.

The left lane is for passing. Passing means increasing your speed beyond that of the vehicles in the right hand lane UNTIL you have either surpassed those vehicles or exit the highway. Every driver has a choice. If you do not intend to pass, do not get into the passing lane. If you intended to pass and another driver behind you wants to do so even more quickly, get out of the way. Sometimes I jump into the passing lane and somebody is in a bigger hurry than I am. It's no big deal. I get out of that driver's way. The road does not belong to me. It belongs to every driver.

Yes, the key is to focus on whether or not your passing somebody if you're in the left lane regardless of speed. If your passing them, then most likely you'll eventually be able to move over after you pass them if somebody wants to pass you. If you drive the same speed or slower than the people to your right, then you're screwing up the entire Highway system and making it more dangerous for everybody.

Slow drivers don't seem to understand that they are creating a hazard.

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