I find myself holding opinions on subjects like geopolitics, work/life balance, child rearing and, dare I say, Dallas Cowboys football, that sound remarkably like things my dad would tell me 50 years ago. And, yes, I scoffed at some of the things he said and generally thought he was "old school".
Well, color me "old school" then.
Look, I hated two-a-days in high school and college, and questioned what they actually did in terms of making us a better team. While I wouldn't "wish" those sort of practices on anyone, I can't help but think that some players today are missing football fundamentals that were ruthlessly and relentlessly drilled a generation ago.
No doubt, today's players are better conditioned, more physically imposing imposing - the whole bigger, better, faster mind set. How often, though, do we hear "Xxx is more an athlete than football player"
Yes, the game is evolved and, yes, the players are generally better, but, no, I don't think the game is better over-all