When Dallas beats Tampa


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Also a Tampa guy. Same vibes from my folks. The Cowboys are getting more respect from Tampa fans than this forum. The usual formula could work against Tampa. Make their defense run sideline to sideline and try to wear them down, then take the top off with our excellent WR group. 3 yards up the middle will not work.

Yep! Was in publix grocery store yesterday wearing a cowboys t shirt and a guy with his old bucs cap on was in the same aisle as me...i said to him opening night should be a great one, he responds with "yeah its gonna be a tuffy, the cowboys are some pesky buggers", i respond "yeah i hope both teams are healthy"!!!

I agree with the ole man though, we can be pesky buggers, when healthy of course!

And your game plan would be a great one. We just dont know how the bucs will approach things.


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He’s just following a script that they gave him. I’m sure there was someone else with a counter-view. It is standard operating procedure there.

Does that mean that Dallas can’t win the NFC? Of course not… but it doesn’t mean anything the other way either. Just meaningless sports talk.

As much as i love reading cool and positive stuff about the Cowboys, gotta agree with you. Its a product they are giving us.

Still... i like hearing it. ha! I love my Dallas Cowboys... what can i say?


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I know this is completely hypothetical but if the Dallas defense manages to keep this game close enough to pull out the win, this would be a HUGE confidence boost for the defense. I think it would really help shape the season in a positive way, no doubt.

I've not looked forward to an opening day game quite like this. This game will be different.