Oh, you know I love a good catch thread. Let's actually break out the video and ALL the rules though. My emphasis in red.
ARTICLE 3. COMPLETED OR INTERCEPTED PASS. A player who makes a catch may advance the ball. A forward pass is
complete (by the offense) or intercepted (by the defense) in the field of play, at the sideline, or in the end zone if a player, who is
(a) secures control of the ball in his hands or arms prior to the ball touching the ground; and
(b) touches the ground inbounds with both feet or with any part of his body other than his hands; and
(c) after (a) and (b) have been fulfilled, performs any act common to the game (e.g., tuck the ball away, extend it forward, take
an additional step, turn upfield, or avoid or ward off an opponent), or he maintains control of the ball long enough to do so.
This is quite simple. You can't turn upfield until AFTER you have control and 2 feet on the ground. In the video below, at the 2nd foot down, Sheppard is already heading upfield. You can't "turn" upfield when you're already headed that way. This is just like the point I made with the Waller no fumble last Thanksgiving which no one could answer and just kept screaming malfeasance! Repeating inaccuracies don't make them true. The rules are clear, just like they were on the Dez no-catch. The "turning upfield" football move is designed for a play where a receiver stops, faces the QB and either jumps up or stays with 2 feet on the ground and then "turns" to run upfield. This clearly wasn't that. This is your answer
@silvernblu . Appreciate those who ask the questions and don't just immediately jump to conspiracy victimhood.