where did everyone meet their partners?

The old fashioned way -- in college at a fraternity/sorority mixer.
Church in Japan. I had just arrived in Japan for a one year work assignment on a Wed. On Sat., someone knocked on my door. I answered it. It was some young guy inviting me to church. I didn't want to go to church but I figured I owed it to God to go. I went expecting to see some small church filled with old people. Not at all. Many young people and a large church. There, I met my future wife. Thank God that person came to my door and invited me to church.

I often wonder what would have happened if I had not been home at that time or if I had decided not to go to church.

I was in the right place at the right time and made the right decision.:)

church for me as well.

I had to move to let her out to go to work....beautiful....

After asking around I found out who she was....16 years and two kids later she looks even more beautiful.
PullMyFinger;2734306 said:
Good for you man.

Ive been sober going on 7 years and I dont miss it. I was a bad alchie after my daughter died, almost lost my wife because of it too, but she stuck with me. Dont know why, but she did.

God bless you. Keep coming back!
We both played EQ (Everquest) for years, on the same server even, but had never been in the same circles, per se.

We actually spoke for the first time in an IRC chat room that his guild (later my guild as well, naturally) uses.

And the rest, as they say, is history. :)

For the gamers, we were both Dark Elf Clerics.
Faerluna;2734710 said:
We both played EQ (Everquest) for years, on the same server even, but had never been in the same circles, per se.

We actually spoke for the first time in an IRC chat room that his guild (later my guild as well, naturally) uses.

And the rest, as they say, is history. :)

For the gamers, we were both Dark Elf Clerics.

Ha. I played that game for years as well. That's pretty cool.
A friend put my wife and me together. When she walked in Chilis for the 1st time to meet me I knew I was going to marry up and I did.

After 19 yrs this September, she is still my best friend and love of my life. I would not trade her for anybody. I kid her today and tell her if something ever happens to her I am going to sign up at EHarmony and put in an application for a deaf-dumb and blind 20 yr old slut so she better stay around for a while.
I saw her crouching by the watering hole.
I snuck up real quiet like and clubbed her with a Tapir femur.
I dragged her back to my cave.
It's been bliss ever since...

The knock on the head didn't hurt in altering her better judgement.

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