Big Dakota;3201122 said:
I live in a state with a very small population(800K) and in the north east part of the state one guy pretty much controlls all gas distribution. He delivers to most stations so it's hard for me to believe in my state there's much of a difference in gas. My guess is it's all the same, but i do hear to watch out for some small "mom and pop" stations up this way that have a bad rep for wattering down their gas, but who knows?
water down as in how?
you can not actually put water in gas. if you did the car would not make it out of the parking lot. water goes directly to the bottom of the cars gas tank and therefore it is the first to reach the cars engine... water seperates from gas.
now the United states is switching to have efferdin in gas. this hurts gas mileage . maybe 5-7 miles per tank of gas on average. many states have already done this. if you find a gas station that has this and one with the same price that does not then go with the one without.
additive are the biggest difference in gas . if you do the non branded cheaper gas you are still getting the additives because as the article said it is the law but you get the bare minimum. on the most part gas is gas from brand to brand and it is true you may be at a shell station pumping Citgo gas.
one huge misconception is that the gas station itself is getting rich, they are not. if you are a shell station that does not mean shell is who you are. it simply means you are selling there product just as that store is selling coke , doesnt mean they are owned by coke.
A gas station that is being competative with other gas stations in the area are probably making some where from .08 -.10 cents per gallon. and out of that comes paying the state so much a month to check the pumps also the yearly license and many other things.
the station itself makes the least money out of the gas. the government makes more than even the exxons and shells of the world and we all know how well they put the cash and their pocket and to give one example of how much the true gas companies are in bed with our government is this... the gas station itself can only charge so much per gallon over what they have paid. shell, exxon, etc, can legally charge whatever they want.
now that is not to say that price gouging at store levels does not go on but it is not legal for the stores to do this. it is only legal for the billionaires that are really running this country to do this....