Which is better? One great FA or three above average FAs?


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When it comes to signing free agents, I believe one great player is better than three above average players. Great players usually make great plays when it matters most. The HOF is full of great players who shined the brightest when the lights were brightest and the stakes were highest. Cowboys playoff history (30 or more years ago anyway) is full of great players making great plays in the playoffs.

As free agency looms ahead, and if we are truly a team that is “all in” (I know this FO is not but just for argument sake let’s pretend they were all in) I believe signing one or two top talent FAs is way more important than getting a bunch of “affordable” JAGs. We need a “no guts, no glory” or “nothing risked means nothing gained” approach this off-season. Why not?

In short, wouldn’t we rather have one Chris Jones than three above average guys? (Yes, I know Chris Jones won’t be here next year) Because “all in” should mean we are swinging for home runs not bunting. Right?


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Chris Jones. All day everyday.

Because Jerry isn’t signing middle tier guys. He wants the guys coming off ACL injuries or old guys like Anthony Barr who only want vet minimum

big dog cowboy

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When it comes to signing free agents, I believe one great player is better than three above average players.
Good debate. I can see pros and cons to each side. I'm going to choose 3 above average players. Not sure why. I guess just fills more holes.

Is an above average C, DT and LB better than a Chris Jones type? It's close.


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The overall benefit factor is graded by specific positions for me.

And that is if it is a great QB or edge rusher, then the one great one over the 3 above average ones. The individual impact at those 2 specific positions are the 2 most influential in determining games imo.

The only way I would quantify the 3 above average over the one great one at the other positions is IF I already have an elite QB AND elite edge rusher on my team.

So since we don't have an elite QB, and his contract is currently holding us hostage, and our supposedly elite edge rusher is already on the team, there's really no measurable impact this team can make in either scenario.

Total team stagnation for 2024 from the lame duck HC to the albatross contract QB.

Long live GroundHog Day.
Year 29 and going strong.


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When it comes to signing free agents, I believe one great player is better than three above average players. Great players usually make great plays when it matters most. The HOF is full of great players who shined the brightest when the lights were brightest and the stakes were highest. Cowboys playoff history (30 or more years ago anyway) is full of great players making great plays in the playoffs.

As free agency looms ahead, and if we are truly a team that is “all in” (I know this FO is not but just for argument sake let’s pretend they were all in) I believe signing one or two top talent FAs is way more important than getting a bunch of “affordable” JAGs. We need a “no guts, no glory” or “nothing risked means nothing gained” approach this off-season. Why not?

In short, wouldn’t we rather have one Chris Jones than three above average guys? (Yes, I know Chris Jones won’t be here next year) Because “all in” should mean we are swinging for home runs not bunting. Right?
Easy. One great FA. They make everyone around them better. They make a difference. Teams have to plan against them.

Three average FAs you get cowboys.


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When it comes to signing free agents, I believe one great player is better than three above average players. Great players usually make great plays when it matters most. The HOF is full of great players who shined the brightest when the lights were brightest and the stakes were highest. Cowboys playoff history (30 or more years ago anyway) is full of great players making great plays in the playoffs.

As free agency looms ahead, and if we are truly a team that is “all in” (I know this FO is not but just for argument sake let’s pretend they were all in) I believe signing one or two top talent FAs is way more important than getting a bunch of “affordable” JAGs. We need a “no guts, no glory” or “nothing risked means nothing gained” approach this off-season. Why not?

In short, wouldn’t we rather have one Chris Jones than three above average guys? (Yes, I know Chris Jones won’t be here next year) Because “all in” should mean we are swinging for home runs not bunting. Right?
All depends on the surrounding cast. What good is a Cris Jones if he's getting double and triple teamed every play like Micah.
If he is the finishing piece, then yeah. But, if we have many holes, which we do....I'd go after above average DT, OL and MLB


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I guess it depends on your definition of "above average" vs great. Looking at the projected market value, I could get Chris Jones at around 28 million per year, or I could get DJ Reader, Derrick Henry, and Frankie Luvu for around 31 million. In that scenario. I take package B. Just my opinion.


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If he is the finishing piece, then yeah. But, if we have many holes, which we do....I'd go after above average DT, OL and MLB
:hammer:this is exactly my point. For this team, at this time, a $32M Chris Jones isn't a good fit.

But if the defense was stacked and we were only trying to replace a starting WR, then yeah, if we can sign a Cheeta and Jefferson, hell yeah, I'm all in.


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For what the Cowboys are likely to sign as veteran free agents, they're far more likely to be JAGS than above average FAs, who would likely be more expensive than what the Dallas FO would find acceptable. If they would be willing to sign three vet FAs who are above average, maybe they would serve the team somewhat more capably than one great FA, depending largely upon how much above average they might be. I'm assuming that the coaching staff, as well as the FO, would have reasonably equal say in the results.
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You compare 1 top free agent to 3 "above average" free agents. Depending on your definition of "above average", I would take the 1 top tier impact free agent. But let's be honest, Jerry does not sign 3 above average free agents. His top free agent might be a guy like Cooks, who is good by not great. His other free agents are JAGs. He gets a guy like Edoga, who we all hope never has to play. Even Hankins is just a JAGs at this point in his career. He only looks good to Dallas because the rest of their DTs are so bad.

In another thread you started I used the example of McKenzie Bernadeau and Nate Livings. Jerry signed both of them when Ben Grubbs was available. Grubbs signed with New Orleans for just a little more than Bernadeau and Livings combined.. The smarter play in my opinion would have been to sign Grubbs and plug him in at OG and that would have made the Cowboys OL better.


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Depends on what you need more.
Are you a deep team lacking in star power or do you have elite guys but lack depth.

For Dallas in 2023 it was clearly the latter.
For SF adding CMC was that move.


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When it comes to signing free agents, I believe one great player is better than three above average players. Great players usually make great plays when it matters most. The HOF is full of great players who shined the brightest when the lights were brightest and the stakes were highest. Cowboys playoff history (30 or more years ago anyway) is full of great players making great plays in the playoffs.

As free agency looms ahead, and if we are truly a team that is “all in” (I know this FO is not but just for argument sake let’s pretend they were all in) I believe signing one or two top talent FAs is way more important than getting a bunch of “affordable” JAGs. We need a “no guts, no glory” or “nothing risked means nothing gained” approach this off-season. Why not?

In short, wouldn’t we rather have one Chris Jones than three above average guys? (Yes, I know Chris Jones won’t be here next year) Because “all in” should mean we are swinging for home runs not bunting. Right?
If we're talking about free agency? Then yeah I'd take 3 above average guys because that's 3 starters.

I'm also of the belief that great players don't make it to free agency. So knowing that gives me 3 above average guys who are still hungry and fighting for a big pay day.


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Depends on what you need more.
Are you a deep team lacking in star power or do you have elite guys but lack depth.

For Dallas in 2023 it was clearly the latter.
For SF adding CMC was that move.
I'd say 2023 we had the depth. Problem was scheme IMO. You maybe could even get away with Bell at linebacker if you had better interior play.