Who else felt good kicking Fisher's butt?

I feel good anytime we beat any team. I think Fisher made some questionable moves in the game and Cowboys capitalized on those mistakes.

Was not overly thrilled with the play of the Cowboys but I do love the fact that they continued to fight and claw their way back into the game and found ways to win both offense and defense.
Jeff Fisher seems like a cool cat, he seems like the personable neighborhood dad that's cool and cracks jokes that most people don't get because he never laughs. He also seems to have an ability to keep always keep a locker room full of questionable characters in order, somehow someway.

However, outside of a few seasons with the Titans in which he got more out of his team than anyone in the NFL, I think he's completely overrated as a coach and talent evaluator. Don't understand the lovefest.
I don't think it was arrogant... I actually think it was a sign of respect to our offense. Our O had gotten it rolling by then I think he knew they needed seven and not three to keep up with our scoring.

I can understand that point of view as well, and actually thought of it after I had posted that.
Yeah that too.

I felt like he was basically saying "You guys suck, and I don't respect you"

While he may have reason to feel that way, still get's you pissed.

That's not what Fisher was saying. He had confidence in his O-line. He thought his team would pick up the yard. And why not? His o-line was gashing us all day. There is nothing wrong or arrogant about having confidence in your o-line.

I thought they would get it easily. I was shocked we stuffed them. Good play by Hitchens there.
I like Jeff Fisher, but I liked beating Brian Schottenheimer. At 14-0 yesterday, he acted like it was the Super Bowl. Settle down Schotty, there's still 50 minutes of clock left.
I really really dislike this guy. I loved it when he thought he could keep going for it on 4th down, thinking we were a bag of sweet candy and had it backfire.

When I saw him keep trying us like that, I really wanted us to stick it to him.

It did especially for all the people on here that were wanting him for head coach here and think he's really good.
i think it was a preseason game a few years back or something where he told his punter to hit it.. memory is a little foggy on that, but it was something to that affect

yeah, the media and a lot of people around here freaked about it. was going to be an issue every game, raise it, burn down the stadium, etc. i dont thinks its been hit since.
He seemed to have it out for the cowboys when he was on the competition committee. Remember the punter hitting the video screen stuff.
Fisher reminds me of Cliff from the show Cheers. Always thought that.

https://encrypted-tbn2.***NOT-ALLOWED***/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQlpDwuDo569aSZ2Te83-RtW52nVI3C6VgFyOCOEksjDCGlMMri vs https://encrypted-tbn0.***NOT-ALLOWED***/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRRdWg2XJ4cp2hKosyGZX3Qo6s80aHeVoeRoemO_sITmOPiZPXHz9Qy5Yg
Why are people upset about the preseason video screen thing?

If you remember, his kicker did hit it and Jerry raised it after that. So he was right about it being too low anyway.
He has a reputation as a standup guy -- surprised that he walked off when JG offered to shake hands, though.
Some guys on here were all over Fisher being the coach of the Cowboys. We are 3-0 against him with Garrett as head coach. Whether you like Garrett or not, I was saying back then that Fisher is average. He is. People like him because he pumps his fist and is the rah rah guy, but look at what is now a very large body of work. He is the epitome of average.
Over a TWENTY YEAR head coaching career, he is 157 and 139 and 1. SINCE 2008, he is:

= 29-37-1
Wow I missed that....

See i knew it was something, lol

He turned around and shook his hand the players were surrounding him and he was turning in a circle. At first it appeared that way but he turned when they were going to the other game.
With this team, it's good to beat anyone.I have no problems with Jeff Fisher

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