Roflmao, look everyone superonyx is mad at someone so goes after some ammunition with an pre-conceived agenda, does it half-assed and comes back with supposed proof to support his "point" Suddenly who is right and who is wrong in this argument comes down to who contributes more to the group according to just him. Too funny. Fact is I stand by my original point here and that is the people who keep bashing those who debate the merits of Dak by using extreme ad-hominem attacks relentlessly are hurting the group. But according to superonyx you need to have some sort of group posting score to have an opinion on right vs wrong. You are so far up your own butt I bet you can taste yesterdays cheese. What will happen next is superonyx will find another way to insult me, because he likes to insult, but all he will be when he does this is the equivalent of a kid in playground who keep saying "I know you are but what am I" over and over. Yeah keep "contributing" to the board dude. Youre so good at it.
Finally a little personality coming out of the most boring poster on this site. Its about time.
Who are you speaking to with this rant? Its kind of weird and comes off like a old man with multiple personalities. But hey it beats 99% of your post.
Your original 'point' is so far off base and you seem to lack the ability to see it. I even tried to clarify it for you but you were too busy smelling your own farts to get it.
So what this ends up coming down to is you failing in your original post by accusing posters who are sick of the agenda driven Anti Dak manbabies of being the ones who are bad for this message board. You conveniently ignore the spammers because you agree with them and instead attempt to characterize the other side into a category that you feel more comfortable debating.
Now go ahead and yell at those kids for being on your yard again and then come back and try again to bore everyone to death.