Who says the referees are not biased and help other teams beat the Cowboys?

Every team can make a video like that. This is why Cowboy fans have a bad reputation. No one is out to get us. Bad calls happen. You want to point out bad calls, fine, it’s a pertinent topic. But Stop whining about conspiracies.
If you can't handle the truth, pass up this thread.
Really? No lazier than you jumping over the last drive where the refs practically handed the Cowboys the game in a gift basket. The game was lost by poor execution on the Cowboys part. A game which was right there for the taking.
Once again that's lazy. I'm speaking on the entire game's officiating. It simply doesn't matter that the penalties ended up being close and the execution at the end of the game doesn't magically change the fact that Dallas was hosed over and over. Btw, those penalties at the end of the game on the Eagles were penalties and they still missed Dak taking a shot to the Helmet.

Penalties weren't the entire reason the game was lost. Nobody is saying that. However, they did play an inexcusable part in it.
Me satellite images say otherwise!
Those Chinese satellites are deceiving.

Americans satellites show differently...




Clear holding by the Eagles player.
Poor, questionable and controversial inconsistencies in Officiating has and will always be part of the game .

Great teams usually overcome . Marginal teams are more effected .
I hate complaining about officials... I believe things even out. But you cannot tell me that the eagles were getting ticky tack calls all game. There is a difference. The penalties that were called For us were legit most of the time. Like the pass interference and the late hit on our last drive.

The calls that went in the eagles favor....

- I'll take the original posters post a step forward, Micah Parsons was literally grabbed on 2 occasions. So blatantly obvious that tv had to point it out. No call.

- Gillmore PI, bad call.

- Call on our guy for tugging jersey, but no call on the eagles player.

- The illegal hands to the face! Why the hell was that picked up? The flag was thrown... there was a reason the flag was thrown. Yet they picked it up? That would have been a huge call go in our favor second to last drive.

You look at penalties and it's even for the game... but the eagles were legit penalties ours weren't. To be honest I don't come out of most games feeling this way, cause there are times when calls go in our favor. But that one was awful. Especially since the refs let them play a bit the first half.
If there was truly a conspiracy against the Cowboys or any team there would be a leak at some point with a whistle blower , etc.

In todays era of immediate news breaking wouldn’t be able to keep anything like that under wraps forever.

As usual there’s absolutely no evidence of individual wrong doing , conspiracies or organized criminality to throw games.

Typical sour grapes from fans which is understandable as these obvious errors , poor judgement and inconsistencies are very frustrating.
This is just a normal issue with most fanbases. Occasionally, I'll go to a low rent bar and have some conversations with normal folk. I feel like this is one of those issues similar to issues I hear them gripe about. Complaining about the president, taxes, the roads, traffic, etc. This is another one. Some people just need to complain in life about how unfair it is. I guess it's why they are "normal folks"

Some of us see it is another obstacle that is part of life and you deal with it as part of the bigger picture.

If you leave the game in the hands of a ref, then you didn't want it that bad any ways. Play better and take the decision out of their hands.
It's always the typical posters who come out bashing anyone who calls out clear video proof biased calls on the refs, but I guarantee you in their own personal lives if they get railroaded or cheated on, they are the first ones to cause an uproar and call the police.

It's always the typical posters who come out bashing anyone who calls out clear video proof biased calls on the refs, but I guarantee you in their own personal lives if they get railroaded or cheated on, they are the first ones to cause an uproar and call the police.

“call the police”…do you think referees are committing crimes? Do you honestly believe games are fixed? Do you believe NFL officials conspire and collectively treat the Dallas Cowboys unfairly? Do you believe NFL officials could pull that off without being exposed at some point? Do you believe legal sports gambling would be allowed to proliferate if states had the slightest inkling things are not what they seem? Do you believe anyone that has matriculated beyond middle school could believe such a thing is not only possible, but is occurring?
“call the police”…do you think referees are committing crimes? Do you honestly believe games are fixed? Do you believe NFL officials conspire and collectively treat the Dallas Cowboys unfairly? Do you believe NFL officials could pull that off without being exposed at some point? Do you believe legal sports gambling would be allowed to proliferate if states had the slightest inkling things are not what they seem? Do you believe anyone that has matriculated beyond middle school could believe such a thing is not only possible, but is occurring?
I never once said anything about any conspiracy theories. It never was mentioned. That is what you referee apologists are coming up with because you can't explain the double standard and biased calls by the referees.
It's always the typical posters who come out bashing anyone who calls out clear video proof biased calls on the refs, but I guarantee you in their own personal lives if they get railroaded or cheated on, they are the first ones to cause an uproar and call the police.

Wait, so do you believe that other fanbase’s make these very same claims about refs against their teams? Yes or no?
The bigger question is why would someone that “knows” there’s a conspiracy against the Cowboys continue to watch and get upset at the results?

Again, this is just another poor reflection on your mental state.
usually the mentally ill believe they can diagnose others
Blaming the refs is such whiny thing to do. HOWEVER, the Eagles got walked down the field in the 3rd quarter. The refs had to have gotten a call from the league. Brought me back to this clip here:

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