Why can’t they get rid of the salary cap?


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Why cant they get rid of the cap. Have a hard cap on teams trying to buy a Super Bowl but no cap on players you drafted or signed as UDFA. This way we keep players we want without having the animosity we have like Zeke last year and now Dak and coop this year. You can keep teams altogether and not be punished for drating well and coaching players up. Honestly we should start a union for fans so we have a voice in all this. After all we are the driving force for all of this, we should have a voice at the table or use what would hurt most, boycott games and dont show up or watch.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Why cant they get rid of the cap. Have a hard cap on teams trying to buy a Super Bowl but no cap on players you drafted or signed as UDFA. This way we keep players we want without having the animosity we have like Zeke last year and now Dak and coop this year. You can keep teams altogether and not be punished for drating well and coaching players up. Honestly we should start a union for fans so we have a voice in all this. After all we are the driving force for all of this, we should have a voice at the table or use what would hurt most, boycott games and dont show up or watch.

No way the owners vote to make it a non-cap league.
Jerry still has to earn a Superbowl victory and not go out and buy one.:omg:


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The cap on s best for the owners why wouldn't they want a cap? It limits how much a player can make and how much you can spend on your roster. It's best for the fans as well. However having a cap sucks for the players.


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It sucks for fans to. Having to have a player with you for years and than go see him play for a rival team. Having no cap worked for years and made this league what it is today. Having a cap did lead to more parity but the play on the field is not what it was. Meet somewhere in the middle. Football like no other sport needs players together for timing purposes either with linemanwith each other and their RB and QB and their WR.


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Maybe cap each position more equally?
That’s what I have been talking about. Cap each position. Let each position go up equally as the cap goes up. And cap the rotational or second level players also. What ever it adds up to is the salary cap and it can go up from there. Teams can keep there players or be traded. Players are still leaving or holding out for max position cap but not crazy record setting money. They are still over paid.


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One reason is a majority of NFL teams aren't profitable. They can only meet the current cap because of revenue sharing agreements from the profitable teams.

Also, do we really want the NFL to be the NBA? Where you can essentially list 4 teams and guess the finals matchup every year?


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the cap is great for the elite players. not so much for the next tier players. absolutely sucks for fans who have to see their favorite players jump ship for more money.


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The NFL salary cap is the brain child of Jerry Jones. It’s one of the reasons the NFL owners love him because the cap was always designed first to maximize the owners’ profits while minimizing or at least controlling the players’ ability to maximize their value. Unlike MLB and the NBA, the NFL employs a very hard salary cap. Again, designed to maximize owners profits.

An average NFL player in today’s game has a 4-5 year career and earns well below what a baseball or basketball player earns. Sure, the super stars and most NFL QBs get big bucks, but most NFL players make a lot less than players in other pro sports. Some of that has to do with the number of games played but the TV revenue earned in the NFL has been the richest of the American pro sports.

I have no problem with NFL owners making a profit. It’s good capitalism. But the greed of NFL owners and the profit margins they hold exceeds that of other pro sports owners. It’s their “right” to do that but that alone doesn’t make it right. NFL owners owe their profits and attained wealth to two groups of people without whom they would have nothing- the players and the fans. I wish the owners would at least open their wallets a little more to players who have lost their health playing the game that makes those owners rich.


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cap within the cap

no one player paid more that 10-12 % of the total cap
It wouldn’t be that low but a max cap on a particular contract would mean more money spread around to more players
If the players really looked at it the majority of them would make more money
The cap is never going away but from a players perspective the majority of the money goes to a handful of players. Those are generally a teams best players but for the majority of players a set max would mean more for the rest of the guys
I would think probably more like 15% but the concept should be popular for the majority of players, probably not for agents and super stars


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
What you don’t like the party. The league wanted parity that’s what they got. No more buying Super Bowls