Why can't Dallas develop OL personnel from within...


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Wood;2406926 said:
Nate Newton loves harping on this. He says its a problem that Dallas does not have good depth behind starters.....you end up playing guys who have broken fingers, stingers, knee problems( flozell).

Newt has a point.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Because our GM has stadiums to build. Interviews to conduct. America's team to pimp. Plus, you've just gotta make micro-time for the afternoon naps, the botox injections, mini-tucks, seaweed wraps, facials, more camera face time, scouting for a decent backup QB, Oh wait, he DID that, right? There is simply no time for a man of his stature to become involved at a GM level. What, with being the GM and all. He has aspirations to become the NFL's first.............owner, chief CEO, General Manager, Scouting director, grand Pooh-bah of football operations, meeting maker, meeting misser, half-time speech giver, sideline pacer, Danny Schnieder mentorin', well drainin', over-payin, under acheivein', firmly beleivein', hope givin' jethro actin', jet settin', commercial makin', Pizza eatin', mess makin', soul shredin', doofus hirin', back-peddlin', finger pointin', complete flop bein', never seen before........... football, Owner, GM hack of all trades.

~Takes breath~

Thank you "Gerry". From the bottom of our shredded, blind-folded hearts. Keep on being you. You're very good at it. :eek::


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Seven;2407748 said:
Because our GM has stadiums to build. Interviews to conduct. America's team to pimp. Plus, you've just gotta make micro-time for the afternoon naps, the botox injections, mini-tucks, seaweed wraps, facials, more camera face time, scouting for a decent backup QB, Oh wait, he DID that, right? There is simply no time for a man of his stature to become involved at a GM level. What, with being the GM and all. He has aspirations to become the NFL's first.............owner, chief CEO, General Manager, Scouting director, grand Pooh-bah of football operations, meeting maker, meeting misser, half-time speech giver, sideline pacer, Danny Schnieder mentorin', well drainin', over-payin, under acheivein', firmly beleivein', hope givin' jethro actin', jet settin', commercial makin', Pizza eatin', mess makin', soul shredin', doofus hirin', back-peddlin', finger pointin', complete flop bein', never seen before........... football, Owner, GM hack of all trades.

~Takes breath~

Thank you "Gerry". From the bottom of our shredded, blind-folded hearts. Keep on being you. You're very good at it. :eek::
Tell us how you really feel.....

I just wish Jerry would hire a GM and let a real football person make the football decisions.


Kane Ala
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Do you think it would matter if he did hire a GM. He'd still tell him what to do. Well, some anyway. I really don't know how much Jerry really bends the will of people but my guess is enough to matter at least some.

I'd really love to see him hire a GM then just be an owner. But I think I'll die before he gets to that. And I'll hold that against him afterwards. Depending.


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jobberone;2407779 said:
Do you think it would matter if he did hire a GM. He'd still tell him what to do. Well, some anyway. I really don't know how much Jerry really bends the will of people but my guess is enough to matter at least some.

I'd really love to see him hire a GM then just be an owner. But I think I'll die before he gets to that. And I'll hold that against him afterwards. Depending.
Read the post again:

PaulH1083 said:
and let a real football person make the football decisions.
No, I don't think Jones would allow anyone to make the decisions, I'm thinking wishfully.


Kane Ala
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PaulH1083;2407784 said:
Read the post again:

No, I don't think Jones would allow anyone to make the decisions, I'm thinking wishfully.

Wasn't criticizing you. It was just a general remark and satire. He's not going to hire a GM and even if he did he wouldn't step back and let him to his job. He'd be influencial to say the least.


Messenger to the football Gods
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PaulH1083;2407773 said:
Tell us how you really feel.....

Witty.......... Not.

PaulH1083;2407773 said:
I just wish Jerry would hire a GM and let a real football person make the football decisions.

He can't. It doesn't fit into his schedule. Rest easy tho. We've got Stephen, totin' his miller-lite out onto the practice field. Did I see that? Are you kidding me?!!? Do we NOT see this thing is ugly? From "Dad" on down..............


Messenger to the football Gods
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jobberone;2407779 said:
Do you think it would matter if he did hire a GM. He'd still tell him what to do. Well, some anyway. I really don't know how much Jerry really bends the will of people but my guess is enough to matter at least some.

Make no mistake. He's the spin master. He gets everything he wants. One way or the other. If you don't buy into it, he'll buy you into it.

jobberone;2407779 said:
I'd really love to see him hire a GM then just be an owner. But I think I'll die before he gets to that. And I'll hold that against him afterwards. Depending.

Brace yourself. There's the off-spring............ :eek:hboy:


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Double Trouble;2407620 said:
Being a replacement at the pro-bowl is hardly an honor.

He played some nice football for a few years. Right now he's no better than the 3rd best center in the division. If you think that's quality, then your idea of quality conficts with reality.

Gurode started the probowl in 2007. He was not a replacement.

Whatever you perceive to be his weakness this season, you need to look no further than the guy to his left. You'd be hard pressed to find a weaker OG in the division (or even a worse OL player - not that Proctor is terrible) and that is what affects Gurode's game.


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rathalarge;2407528 said:
Parcells' thing was to draft linemen "who played hurt" ( ie. Rogers, Peterman, Al Johnson) and who were from big time programs. My thing is why not draft linemen who are relatively healthy and played well. Not all lineman who are successful in the NFL played major big time college football, like our own Larry Allen and Erik Williams!

Linemen need to play hurt and Parcells was right for making them do so. Where folks get hung up is the hurt and injured are two different things. Hurt is something you can play through without reasonably making it worse. Injured is something that needs time to heal so that you don't make it worse.

Playing hurt = sucking it up and play when you are physically able.


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Seven;2407792 said:
Witty.......... Not.

He can't. It doesn't fit into his schedule. Rest easy tho. We've got Stephen, totin' his miller-lite out onto the practice field. Did I see that? Are you kidding me?!!? Do we NOT see this thing is ugly? From "Dad" on down..............
Hi pot, I'm..... never mind.


Messenger to the football Gods
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AbeBeta;2407806 said:
Linemen need to play hurt and Parcells was right for making them do so. Where folks get hung up is the hurt and injured are two different things. Hurt is something you can play through without reasonably making it worse. Injured is something that needs time to heal so that you don't make it worse.

Playing hurt = sucking it up and play when you are physically able.

Exactly. Flo is hurt. No denying that.

He's playing like he can't feel anything from the hair down. Poor baby has a boo-boo. If he is as hurt as bad as he's playing, he'd be in the ICU. I'm sure the team doctors and trainers would not allow him to play if his injury was anywhere close to his performance. He's acting/playing like a punk cause their making him play. Gee.......can't wait for the playoffs.


A Mere Flesh Wound
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Our offensive lineman should be dominate but they seem to have the same issue as the defense -- no heart or desire. They collect the big paycheck and expect things to be easy, so when it gets tough they fold like cheap suits.

And our inability to draft or develop a starting lineman is very telling on the scouts and coaches in Dallas. I would like to point to Denver who has a rookie offensive lineman starting and a rookie wide receiver starting (they actually have four rookie starters who are making an impact)...why can't Dallas ever get good young talent that makes a difference on the line.

We must have ******** coaches, scouts, and players.


Mr. Fixit
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Dallas supposedly had the most dominating OL in NFL history in the 90's. Out of all those "HOF" lineman, only 4 were "home grown":

Kevin Gogan (8th round), Erik Williams, Mark Stepnoski, Larry Allen

The rest were FA acquisitions:

Nate Newton
Mark Tuinei
John Gesek
Ray Donaldson
Derek Kennard


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aardvark;2406824 said:
I think it's a foregone conclusion to some fans as to the reason a good offense works and creates excitement with it's ability... A solid smash-mouth running game and an exciting passing game is due to good blocking and good chemistry within the OL of course. Good lineman usually equals some modicum of offensive success.

Saying that, why can't Dallas ever seem to develop offensive linemen?? it's like we're cursed or something. Gurode has worked out, but that took about 3 years of switching him around. He's been a rock at center... since 98 Flozell has been good for us over time... last year's draft brought Free and Marten, but nobody knows anything about Marten and Free's ability, certainly Proctor hasn't impressed me at all and I guess I can understand why they keep plugging him in there if the others can't impress much. what is the deal?? the list of castoffs on the OL over the last 10 years is enormous...

2006 Whitley is gone, McQuistan is still backing up...
2005 Petitti washed out...
2004 Rogers and Peterman... both with college championship experience, gone...
2003 Al Johnson, gone... Justin Bates (who?) think he's gone too.
2002 A. Gurode is still going strong but LeCharles Bentley's favorite punching bag, T Tyson Walter, is gone
2001 brought us Matt "lights out" Lehr and the invincible Charon Dorsey
1999 had Solomon Page and Kelvin Garmon
1998 had Big Flo, Oliver Ross and Antonio Fleming.

so by my count - out of 10 years Dallas has drafted 18 linemen... currently suits up 2 current pro bowl starters, has 3 backups from that time period, and sent 13 linemen away.

I don't know what kind of ratio other teams have hit on in their drafts to compare to as far as offensive linemen, but I guess some teams have a different philosophy for what kind of guys they prefer as far as securing their offensive foundation. Just guessing, the Giants, Patriots, and Titans fare well in that category. For the Cowboys, having one ninth of the big guys make the team and contribute over that large of a time period doesn't seem very good to me.


Green Bay is also very underrated when it comes to drafting O-Lineman. They always draft and groom them within. Every team goes through a couple of years minimum once their core gets old and they need to build a new line.

Nonetheless, Green Bay always does it 2-3 years max after having a good to great line for 5 years and then as all teams have to rebuild it. But make no mistake, they always rebuild a good one and it is always through the draft.

I don't remember Green Bay ever drafting a highly regarded lineman neither the top 10 and more surprising first round. They find them after the first round somehow.

The Broncos are just outright different than any other team at the o-line game. Rarely draft them high, pick them up through free agency and they are not your typical road grader line. They are small and athletic yet yield good running games with average backs and seem equally adequate in pass protection. But they draft em and groom em.

When I saw Montrae Holland in for Bigg last week he really looked physically sloppy and I can see why he would not fit into the Broncos system. It was only 2 plays but he did a good job on the right side on the 2 running plays we ran draws.


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I was hoping the kid from BC would be a player. They have a great rep for o linemen.


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AbeBeta;2407806 said:
Linemen need to play hurt and Parcells was right for making them do so. Where folks get hung up is the hurt and injured are two different things. Hurt is something you can play through without reasonably making it worse. Injured is something that needs time to heal so that you don't make it worse.

Playing hurt = sucking it up and play when you are physically able.

Not after they've had major injury medical concerns coming out of college, like Rogers and Peterman. Lets face it, by the time many players get out of college, they have played with some type of injury, regarding of the positon they play because the game is physical. That's why teams have medical teams, and at the NFL Combine, study players' injury history. Parcells was advised, "not to take Rogers"!!!


Double Trouble
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AbeBeta;2407801 said:
Gurode started the probowl in 2007. He was not a replacement.

Whatever you perceive to be his weakness this season, you need to look no further than the guy to his left. You'd be hard pressed to find a weaker OG in the division (or even a worse OL player - not that Proctor is terrible) and that is what affects Gurode's game.
Our OL has been dreadful for most of the last 10 years.

If you think that means they have done a good job in any aspect with the OL, then I don't know what else can be said.


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If you think we stink at drafting lineman, take a look at our history of wide receivers...can you name a wide we have developed since Irvin and Harper? And Landry drafted Irvin, not Jimmy. So we have not developed a legit #1 wide out since Tom Landry....that was 1988....:banghead: