It is possible. On paper, Hous has the best D in the NFL. However, Slowik keeps falling in love w/ those long-developing pass plays, and that gets your QB killed. The other effect is wearing out your D by not possessing the ball long enough, as well as keeping the other D fresh w/ the 3 and outs or quick drives. It's so weird and so hard to explain to casual fans how quick scoring can hurt your team. Sure, it's fine against the Giants and the Raiders, but when you get into the playoffs it's a different story. ATL lost a super bowl in 16 strictly due to scoring too quickly. By the 4th qtr, the ATL D couldnt' have stopped a Pop Warner team.
Mixon carried the ball 25 times/106 yds. Keep that up and Texans could win. Go back to that Marz-like long passing trash and KC will win, and might seriously hurt Stroud.