News: Why Dak hugs and slaps hands with all staff during pre-game warmups


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We are blessed at the QB position with this franchise, we usually don't have to wait too long before we find the next good/great one, as for Dak he absolutely is a special player, may not necessarily be the best, but he's right for this team...and maybe it will be proven we got the best 2 players in this draft in the end. As likely as it seems that a 4th round rookie QB would lead us to a 10-1 start, I am not discounting that this rookie QB could lead us to SB victory.


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Jon Machota from the Dallas Morning News asked Dak Prescott why he hugs and slaps hands with all players, trainers, equipment staff, and coaches during pregame warmups. This was the response:

"I want everyone to know I am there for them. I'm going to give them my all. It's kind of just appreciation throughout the week for everything they have done. We are blessed to be in this position, to be in this organization and get to play this game and get to work for this team."

Have we ever had a player this young who gets it like Dak does? I am just blown away by what a humble young man he is. A lot of quarterbacks (Eli Manning is a great example) reiterate the words, but this man really understands how special this opportunity is and is truly humbled by it.

I am really proud to be a fan of this team!

Well, said. Couldn't agree more. We've been blessed with Dak being on our team.


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damn girl, some people are STUPID!
Yeah, I agree. No need to bash any member on this team. Giving Dak a compliment doesn't mean it's a comparison to anyone else.

Cuz if you really think about we got a lot of high character guys on this team that do a lot of charity work, are role models, and are great team mates. I've been watching this team for 40 some years and I can't remember a team so close to each other. And this is the only team I can think of that their play on the field is matched by the people they are off the field. We got an extremely talented group of guys that are good character people. So no negativity is needed.

Getting back to Dak for a second, what makes him so special in the humble/character department is his age. He is very mature and grounded for a guy his age. I see a lot of people fresh out of college that think they are God's gift to the world and they're not pro football players. For him to be this humble and appreciative at his age when most 20-25 yr olds are not that way is truly special. I love rooting for this kid and I love rooting for this team. I've never seen a team like it. I'm going to enjoy every second of this season. All these guys are special people.


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He seems sincere and overall like a good dude, whereas Russell Wilson comes across as a dork, imo


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That the natural leader ability he praised Prescott for includes a pretty nasty blemish that marred his golden boy streak one that romo has never had and thus made the comparision Of his look silly and surely ensured he won't show his face in this thread any time
People make mistakes and so long as they learn from those mistakes they are better for it. Perfect example is Manziel. He's partied his way out of the NFL and hasn't learned anything from it. Dak I'm sure learned a very valuable lesson from his DUI. That is what makes a good leader.


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That's such BS.. lol

That said.. does a complimentary post of Dak have to start off with Romo's perceived failings? Romo has been nothing but a good dude off the field. So all of that really isn't necessary to prop up Dak. Dak is a good dude in his own right and doesn't need it.

That's because the poster you're talking about there isn't anything other than an ignorant troll. Nothing he says should be taken with any kind of seriousness or given any merit.


Hoping to be half the man Tom Landry was.
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it's amazing how good his instincts are. If he can stay this humble going forward he has a chance to really be a special player in the Cowboys tradition.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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I am so happy that it would appear we do not have to go through another number of years like we did after Aikman until we found our Starting QB.

Those were some rough years with a list of names that we tried out at QB and never made it.
Heck even when Romo went down prior to this year, it was another list of failed QBs that could not get it done.

We really did get lucky in the 4th round. Not only that we got him in the fourth round with our second 4th round pick...but lucky that we were unable to move up draft to take a different QB like we tried to do and lucky another one did not fall to us when the Raiders jumped in front to take one from us.

It seems like it was meant to be. We brought him in or visited with him more than any other QB, tried to get two different QBs before drafting him, chanced not taking him with our first fourth round pick and he was sitting there for us...It was like Fate stepped in and said...make it so.

DC Cowboy

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That's such BS.. lol

That said.. does a complimentary post of Dak have to start off with Romo's perceived failings? Romo has been nothing but a good dude off the field. So all of that really isn't necessary to prop up Dak. Dak is a good dude in his own right and doesn't need it.


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I'm like Parcells when it comes to rookies. Yes.. I like what they're doing...but give me 5 to 10 years like my vets who've been giving their all during the fat and lean years. This Oline, receivers, Witten, coaching staff, etc. is a huge part of their success. The rookies know it...unfortunately the fans don't get it. Shiny objects easily distract them.