Why Dallas is different regarding TO.


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1st let me state that anyone telling me they can not ever imagine cheering TO after his various antics is completely within the scope of reason as well as of right and wrong to feel that way.

All that said not every situation is equal.

Let's compare key aspects by team.

QB: The biggie in my honest opinion.
SF: Garcia was a system guy out of Canada. He is small with a mediocre at best arm. He was dating hotter chicks than TO. (lol as i have no idea who TO was dating)
Eaglets: McNabb was a young stud with emeging League MVP type love being thrown his way. The biggest star on the team.
Dallas: Older veteran with obvious warts and short NFL life expectancy in front of him. Not a showboat or star but does pile up yards and TD passes.

Advantage: Dallas. TO should love playing with Bledsoe. Fans and media will be quick to blame Bledsoe and Drew throws a better deep ball than anyone TO has played with.

Talent of team: A big issue because TO wants to be 'the man' on a winner.
SF: TO was the star but SF was still living off of Jerry Rice and Steve Young. TO jerseys were no where near as popular as Rice ones even when TO was finally traded. The talent went down as he became its most visible star.
Eaglets: Team was already in the elite category consistently getting to the NFC championship game.
Dallas: Dallas is a solid team built around a young defense but honestly has no offensive star or identity. If TO puts on the star he becomes the offensive identity. Even with the mass throng of fans who still despise him his jersey likely becomes the team's biggest selling one by midseason. IF the team takes off he gets all the credit. A Super Bowl win here would probably make him a Hall of Fame lock; even with philly media members never voting him past round 1.

Coach: A big component of the TO chemistry set.
SF: Mooch was a young college coach who was hired because he had WCO experience and basically because he was cheap. An offensive version of Dave Campo with better talent in place. He has not beena proven manager of players as all the rumors in Detroit cement well beyond anything in SF.
Eaglets: Reid is a proven guy who did alot to destroy his own image by running a weird all pass all the time offense that bordered on insanity. Especially when he ran it with a banged up QB.
Dallas: Old geezer who has had experience with Lawrence Taylor, Bryan Cox, Keyshawn Johnson. All 3 guys love him to death.

At the end of the day TO is still an egomaniac and he will be high maintenance to a fault. But he will also give you production, draw attention to the team and add a swagger this offense hasn't seen since Irvin.

TO is a self-aggrandizing attention-loving egomaniac. But isn't Jerry Jones cut of a similar cloth? What about Jimmy Johnson? What about Michael and Emmitt and Bill Parcells? Aren't a lot of really good players almost insane in how much faith they have in themselves being the best and how hard they push to prove it over and over again?


Who Loves Ya Baby?
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Well I didn't like Keyshawn when we traded for him. But after watching him play I changed my mind because I seen how much of a warrior he was. After seeing some of the hits he took, watching him running down the field with no helmet. I started to gain some respect for him.

I don't like T.O. nor the signing at this time. Mainly for reasons we all aware of, so no since listing them. But this is the Cowboys and I will always root for them. I will just have to watch him play and he will have to earn my respect.

But I am sure glad Parcells chose to stay on. Because with him here it kinds of gives me a little comfort over the whole ordeal.


Active Member
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Good read, jt.

I believe the key to making T.O. happy is offer him a fair contract that pays him what he's worth (top 3), give him some spotlight and above all else, prescribe him a large dose of Prozac. :D


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BK, I agree.
I think the spotlight and feeling loved are the biggest components and he'll get that here.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Fan loyalty to specific players usually comes down to results. If Owens comes in and the Cowboys make it to the Super Bowl, fans will love him or at least not hate him. If he comes in and they don't, they'll blame him.

The Owens-vs-Philly soap opera was solely based on money and nothing else. Owens realized he wasn't getting the money he felt he deserved so he started attacking McNabb because he knew the Philly organization would side with McNabb and hopefully get rid of him (Owens). While it took longer than he wanted, he got his wish.

Owens is nearing the end of his career .. he knows this. He knows that he is still one of the top 5 receivers in the league and that he has a chance to cash in one last time before his career ends and he needs to do it NOW rather than later. That is why he made such a big scene in Philly. While his methods are questionable, the reason behind his antics were financially logical given his abilities.

Personally, I don't/didn't care either way if Owens lands in Dallas. My only concern was that I didn't want him on any other NFC East team. Beyond that, I don't care.

In any case, I am still hoping they resign Keyshawn irregardless.



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jterrell said:
1st let me state that anyone telling me they can not ever imagine cheering TO after his various antics is completely within the scope of reason as well as of right and wrong to feel that way.

All that said not every situation is equal.

Let's compare key aspects by team.

QB: The biggie in my honest opinion.
SF: Garcia was a system guy out of Canada. He is small with a mediocre at best arm. He was dating hotter chicks than TO. (lol as i have no idea who TO was dating)
Eaglets: McNabb was a young stud with emeging League MVP type love being thrown his way. The biggest star on the team.
Dallas: Older veteran with obvious warts and short NFL life expectancy in front of him. Not a showboat or star but does pile up yards and TD passes.

Advantage: Dallas. TO should love playing with Bledsoe. Fans and media will be quick to blame Bledsoe and Drew throws a better deep ball than anyone TO has played with.

Talent of team: A big issue because TO wants to be 'the man' on a winner.
SF: TO was the star but SF was still living off of Jerry Rice and Steve Young. TO jerseys were no where near as popular as Rice ones even when TO was finally traded. The talent went down as he became its most visible star.
Eaglets: Team was already in the elite category consistently getting to the NFC championship game.
Dallas: Dallas is a solid team built around a young defense but honestly has no offensive star or identity. If TO puts on the star he becomes the offensive identity. Even with the mass throng of fans who still despise him his jersey likely becomes the team's biggest selling one by midseason. IF the team takes off he gets all the credit. A Super Bowl win here would probably make him a Hall of Fame lock; even with philly media members never voting him past round 1.

Coach: A big component of the TO chemistry set.
SF: Mooch was a young college coach who was hired because he had WCO experience and basically because he was cheap. An offensive version of Dave Campo with better talent in place. He has not beena proven manager of players as all the rumors in Detroit cement well beyond anything in SF.
Eaglets: Reid is a proven guy who did alot to destroy his own image by running a weird all pass all the time offense that bordered on insanity. Especially when he ran it with a banged up QB.
Dallas: Old geezer who has had experience with Lawrence Taylor, Bryan Cox, Keyshawn Johnson. All 3 guys love him to death.

At the end of the day TO is still an egomaniac and he will be high maintenance to a fault. But he will also give you production, draw attention to the team and add a swagger this offense hasn't seen since Irvin.

TO is a self-aggrandizing attention-loving egomaniac. But isn't Jerry Jones cut of a similar cloth? What about Jimmy Johnson? What about Michael and Emmitt and Bill Parcells? Aren't a lot of really good players almost insane in how much faith they have in themselves being the best and how hard they push to prove it over and over again?

great post jt
i am not sold yet but am cautiously optimistic


The Actualist
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jterrell said:
1st let me state that anyone telling me they can not ever imagine cheering TO after his various antics is completely within the scope of reason as well as of right and wrong to feel that way.

All that said not every situation is equal.

Let's compare key aspects by team.

QB: The biggie in my honest opinion.
SF: Garcia was a system guy out of Canada. He is small with a mediocre at best arm. He was dating hotter chicks than TO. (lol as i have no idea who TO was dating)
Eaglets: McNabb was a young stud with emeging League MVP type love being thrown his way. The biggest star on the team.
Dallas: Older veteran with obvious warts and short NFL life expectancy in front of him. Not a showboat or star but does pile up yards and TD passes.

Advantage: Dallas. TO should love playing with Bledsoe. Fans and media will be quick to blame Bledsoe and Drew throws a better deep ball than anyone TO has played with.

Talent of team: A big issue because TO wants to be 'the man' on a winner.
SF: TO was the star but SF was still living off of Jerry Rice and Steve Young. TO jerseys were no where near as popular as Rice ones even when TO was finally traded. The talent went down as he became its most visible star.
Eaglets: Team was already in the elite category consistently getting to the NFC championship game.
Dallas: Dallas is a solid team built around a young defense but honestly has no offensive star or identity. If TO puts on the star he becomes the offensive identity. Even with the mass throng of fans who still despise him his jersey likely becomes the team's biggest selling one by midseason. IF the team takes off he gets all the credit. A Super Bowl win here would probably make him a Hall of Fame lock; even with philly media members never voting him past round 1.

Coach: A big component of the TO chemistry set.
SF: Mooch was a young college coach who was hired because he had WCO experience and basically because he was cheap. An offensive version of Dave Campo with better talent in place. He has not beena proven manager of players as all the rumors in Detroit cement well beyond anything in SF.
Eaglets: Reid is a proven guy who did alot to destroy his own image by running a weird all pass all the time offense that bordered on insanity. Especially when he ran it with a banged up QB.
Dallas: Old geezer who has had experience with Lawrence Taylor, Bryan Cox, Keyshawn Johnson. All 3 guys love him to death.

At the end of the day TO is still an egomaniac and he will be high maintenance to a fault. But he will also give you production, draw attention to the team and add a swagger this offense hasn't seen since Irvin.

TO is a self-aggrandizing attention-loving egomaniac. But isn't Jerry Jones cut of a similar cloth? What about Jimmy Johnson? What about Michael and Emmitt and Bill Parcells? Aren't a lot of really good players almost insane in how much faith they have in themselves being the best and how hard they push to prove it over and over again?

Yes this is very true, very nice jt.



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:bow: :starspin :bow:
jterrell said:
1st let me state that anyone telling me they can not ever imagine cheering TO after his various antics is completely within the scope of reason as well as of right and wrong to feel that way.

All that said not every situation is equal.

Let's compare key aspects by team.

QB: The biggie in my honest opinion.
SF: Garcia was a system guy out of Canada. He is small with a mediocre at best arm. He was dating hotter chicks than TO. (lol as i have no idea who TO was dating)
Eaglets: McNabb was a young stud with emeging League MVP type love being thrown his way. The biggest star on the team.
Dallas: Older veteran with obvious warts and short NFL life expectancy in front of him. Not a showboat or star but does pile up yards and TD passes.

Advantage: Dallas. TO should love playing with Bledsoe. Fans and media will be quick to blame Bledsoe and Drew throws a better deep ball than anyone TO has played with.

Talent of team: A big issue because TO wants to be 'the man' on a winner.
SF: TO was the star but SF was still living off of Jerry Rice and Steve Young. TO jerseys were no where near as popular as Rice ones even when TO was finally traded. The talent went down as he became its most visible star.
Eaglets: Team was already in the elite category consistently getting to the NFC championship game.
Dallas: Dallas is a solid team built around a young defense but honestly has no offensive star or identity. If TO puts on the star he becomes the offensive identity. Even with the mass throng of fans who still despise him his jersey likely becomes the team's biggest selling one by midseason. IF the team takes off he gets all the credit. A Super Bowl win here would probably make him a Hall of Fame lock; even with philly media members never voting him past round 1.

Coach: A big component of the TO chemistry set.
SF: Mooch was a young college coach who was hired because he had WCO experience and basically because he was cheap. An offensive version of Dave Campo with better talent in place. He has not beena proven manager of players as all the rumors in Detroit cement well beyond anything in SF.
Eaglets: Reid is a proven guy who did alot to destroy his own image by running a weird all pass all the time offense that bordered on insanity. Especially when he ran it with a banged up QB.
Dallas: Old geezer who has had experience with Lawrence Taylor, Bryan Cox, Keyshawn Johnson. All 3 guys love him to death.

At the end of the day TO is still an egomaniac and he will be high maintenance to a fault. But he will also give you production, draw attention to the team and add a swagger this offense hasn't seen since Irvin.

TO is a self-aggrandizing attention-loving egomaniac. But isn't Jerry Jones cut of a similar cloth? What about Jimmy Johnson? What about Michael and Emmitt and Bill Parcells? Aren't a lot of really good players almost insane in how much faith they have in themselves being the best and how hard they push to prove it over and over again?
Love your prose Man your talk is deep and Heavy you should write poetry. I think if all goes well and no Shirley- Temple tantrums we should go deep into the playoffs and if we sign Vinateri we could set out sights on a Super Bowl. How bout dem Cowboys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lost in the Woods
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I don't like the signing for the Star Incident and the fact that TO appears to be a very selflish and disruptive player (one thing people have not explained in regards to his past antics is the whole Ravens incident). But, like Keyshawn, I'm willing to give the guy another chance in the hopes that he will silence his critics and prove wrong my skepticism. Having said that, in the event that he starts acting up again, I'm putting Mr. Teague on speed dial.


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The bottom line is that Jerry Jones pays his superstar players. When his superstar players retire they all cry and thank jerry for compensating them so handsomely. Philty has a problem paying their players and feels no one is irreplaceable. I guess thet found out that wasnt the case once T.O left. We shouls all thank out lucky stars we have an owner like jerry.


Well-Known Member
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Why Dallas is different regarding TO.

To answer the thread question...

We aren't...Let the implosion begin!!!


The Grand Poobah
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Great post jt.......

I love the swagger TO will bring to the O......

I'm optimistic that BP can controll TO if he can't, no one can.

The karma of the Cowboys will overcome anything including TO.

Dayton Cowboy

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The question that I have about TO is will this set us back at drafting and developing young wide receivers? The Cowboys have had problems with that development before TO came into play. The possibility of drafting a WR in the first day went way down. But lets not just talk this year, what about next year? Admittedly from all reports its a weak class both years, but what if a junior such as Ted Ginn comes out or another high ranking junior? The odds are very much against us for drafting a Ted Ginn or someone else of that caliber in the '07 draft either. I think it will end up being a situation similar to Aikman and Emmitt, in that we are handcuffed by the fact that we have TO even if he is entering the twilight of his career.

Also, are we so certain that TO can be all that effective outside of a WCO?


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Reality said:
The Owens-vs-Philly soap opera was solely based on money and nothing else. Owens realized he wasn't getting the money he felt he deserved so he started attacking McNabb because he knew the Philly organization would side with McNabb and hopefully get rid of him (Owens). While it took longer than he wanted, he got his wish.

I dont think Owens is that smart.
He wanted to get away from McChoke.

Zippy Speedster

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Bottom-line, in SanFran and Philly, two of the most self-ritious, holier-than-thou, ball clubs in all of pro sports, Irvin would have been run out of each those towns faster then he could have snorted his first line of coke off his first underage hooker.

In Dallas, Michael had Jerry to protect him. Without a figure like Jerry in Irvin's life, I dare say I don't think we ever would have known the Playmaker how we know him today. He would have self-imploded much to the same effect that TO self-imploded on his last two teams. Possibly even 100x worse because drugs and addiction were adding to Irvin's problems.

I think that is the bottom-line, TO will be protected by Jerry. This will work for that simple reason alone. Although once it's all said and done, if this goes good Parcells will get all the credit and if it goes bad the blame will be shouldered by Jerry, when in reality it will more likely be the other way around. Because if this fails, I believe it will in all likelyhood be because Parcells just didn't have the patience, not that Dallas wasn't the right place.


Well-Known Member
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Great read as always JT.

My only real concern is how the locker room will shape up now that a lot of the veteren leadership has gone. If TO comes in and acts like he did in Philly he could destroy the team.


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Dayton_Cowboy said:
The question that I have about TO is will this set us back at drafting and developing young wide receivers? The Cowboys have had problems with that development before TO came into play. The possibility of drafting a WR in the first day went way down. But lets not just talk this year, what about next year? Admittedly from all reports its a weak class both years, but what if a junior such as Ted Ginn comes out or another high ranking junior? The odds are very much against us for drafting a Ted Ginn or someone else of that caliber in the '07 draft either. I think it will end up being a situation similar to Aikman and Emmitt, in that we are handcuffed by the fact that we have TO even if he is entering the twilight of his career.

Also, are we so certain that TO can be all that effective outside of a WCO?
I would hope Jerry and Bill recognize that we need some new blood at WR. I don't support drafting a WR early this year because I don't think the quality is there, I'm not sure they would make enough of an impact and I think we have more pressing needs. If anything, signing T.O. may keep us from having to decide whether or not we take a Chad Jackson if available at #18. As far as stunting a young WR's development, I think even without T.O. next season, Key, Glenn and Witten are options #1, 2 and 3, so I'm not sure a rookie WR would get that much action, especially considering our propensity to run the ball.


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Duane said:
Great read as always JT.

My only real concern is how the locker room will shape up now that a lot of the veteren leadership has gone. If TO comes in and acts like he did in Philly he could destroy the team.

so why take the chance on signing him! the risk is not worth the reward in my opinion!:bang2: :bang2:


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BadKarma said:
Good read, jt.

I believe the key to making T.O. happy is offer him a fair contract that pays him what he's worth (top 3), give him some spotlight and above all else, prescribe him a large dose of Prozac. :D
Didn't Owens have all that during year one with the Eagles?

And TO shot it all to hell because he decided the contract he willingly signed less than a year earlier wasn't up to snuff.

Sooner or later, Owens is going to find something to be upset about in Big D and a maelstrom will follow.

It's in his nature.

I have hated TO for a long time now and I will never become a fan, but I will keep my fingers crossed that the stars have indeed aligned for his union with the Cowboys.

I want the team to succeed and Owens the player can give us so much we've been lacking.

But how long will TO stay in the shadows and allow Owens the player and the rest of us happiness?

Tick tock.