Why Dallas is different regarding TO.


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Duane said:
My only real concern is how the locker room will shape up now that a lot of the veteren leadership has gone. If TO comes in and acts like he did in Philly he could destroy the team.

I always thought it was odd that if the situation were as bad as presented, there weren't more Philly players coming out to defend McNabb, and that it always seemed that a lot of the players still loved TO, even when the strained situation with the team finally broke.

It looked like the organization (and the media) was content to make McNabb their untouchable sacred cow whom no one could dare critique. But it also seemed like TO had tapped into an overall discontent in the locker room related to the way the team handled contracts, and the perception that McNabb was on the organization's side, rather than the player's when it came to contracts.

Granted, TO got and acted on some appalling advice from a weasel of an agent, and has never been a model citizen in the football world, but this team has had its share of primadonna egos and quests for more money, and has survived—and succeeded. He's not going on trial for assault with a weapon, or messing with drugs, or beating up his baby momma. I'm willing to give it a shot.


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I hate Terrell Owens and him landing in Dallas makes it understandably worse.

BUT I have been saying all offseason that this guy is eventually going to get his act together and just play ball. My hope is that he acts like a flesh-eating virus in Dallas starting in August, but I think he knows that he's on his last chance and will tone it down.

He still will want to be the ringleader of circus, but I don't think he'll totally rip your team apart like he did in Philly.

That being said, I don't think your coach and fellow fans are going to enjoy the media circus that will surround your team for every second of this season.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
SkinsFan26 said:
That being said, I don't think your coach and fellow fans are going to enjoy the media circus that will surround your team for every second of this season.

:lmao2: :lmao: :lmao2: :lmao: :laugh2: :lmao: :lmao2: This is Dallas kid ......... This happens every time one of our players gets a speeding ticket.

I just hope T.O. can handle the spotlight of being on America's Team.

Commanders couldnt get as much press as Dallas if your whole team set itself on fire in protest :lmao2:


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There is one reason, and one reason alone why TO will work in BIG D....and that's PARCELLS!!!!

In BP's tenure, he has been able to control a cast of characters that includes the likes of LT...Key...and Brian Cox...just to mention a few

Unlike Jerry...BP is NOT a GAMBLER...if this deal gets done...there is no doubt in my mind that BP has ALL the Chips Stacked in his Favor!

Hopefully some of the veteren players will step up and maintain a strong united front in the locker room..


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isnt it also a possibility that dallas fans feel so strongly about TO is because he played for SF and Eagles.

Of course being a cowboys fan living in philly my whole life i hate the eagles, and sf is a close 2nd, yes i would root for the Commanders and giants before i would root for sf.

So to be honest, i probably would not have cared about anything TO did if he had played for, say the bengals, or some other team that had no type of rivalry with dallas.


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Hoov said:
isnt it also a possibility that dallas fans feel so strongly about TO is because he played for SF and Eagles.

Of course being a cowboys fan living in philly my whole life i hate the eagles, and sf is a close 2nd, yes i would root for the Commanders and giants before i would root for sf.

So to be honest, i probably would not have cared about anything TO did if he had played for, say the bengals, or some other team that had no type of rivalry with dallas.

No different than when we signed TurfToe....This is what the NFL has been reduced to...You no longer root for a player...you root for the Jersey


No Quarter
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It's silly that fans here need babying and coddling regarding TO in thread after thread.

Philly's "iron $$$ fisted" management killed that lockerroom first and foremost.


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jterrell said:
1st let me state that anyone telling me they can not ever imagine cheering TO after his various antics is completely within the scope of reason as well as of right and wrong to feel that way.

All that said not every situation is equal.

Let's compare key aspects by team.

QB: The biggie in my honest opinion.
SF: Garcia was a system guy out of Canada. He is small with a mediocre at best arm. He was dating hotter chicks than TO. (lol as i have no idea who TO was dating)
Eaglets: McNabb was a young stud with emeging League MVP type love being thrown his way. The biggest star on the team.
Dallas: Older veteran with obvious warts and short NFL life expectancy in front of him. Not a showboat or star but does pile up yards and TD passes.

Advantage: Dallas. TO should love playing with Bledsoe. Fans and media will be quick to blame Bledsoe and Drew throws a better deep ball than anyone TO has played with.

Talent of team: A big issue because TO wants to be 'the man' on a winner.
SF: TO was the star but SF was still living off of Jerry Rice and Steve Young. TO jerseys were no where near as popular as Rice ones even when TO was finally traded. The talent went down as he became its most visible star.
Eaglets: Team was already in the elite category consistently getting to the NFC championship game.
Dallas: Dallas is a solid team built around a young defense but honestly has no offensive star or identity. If TO puts on the star he becomes the offensive identity. Even with the mass throng of fans who still despise him his jersey likely becomes the team's biggest selling one by midseason. IF the team takes off he gets all the credit. A Super Bowl win here would probably make him a Hall of Fame lock; even with philly media members never voting him past round 1.

Coach: A big component of the TO chemistry set.
SF: Mooch was a young college coach who was hired because he had WCO experience and basically because he was cheap. An offensive version of Dave Campo with better talent in place. He has not beena proven manager of players as all the rumors in Detroit cement well beyond anything in SF.
Eaglets: Reid is a proven guy who did alot to destroy his own image by running a weird all pass all the time offense that bordered on insanity. Especially when he ran it with a banged up QB.
Dallas: Old geezer who has had experience with Lawrence Taylor, Bryan Cox, Keyshawn Johnson. All 3 guys love him to death.

At the end of the day TO is still an egomaniac and he will be high maintenance to a fault. But he will also give you production, draw attention to the team and add a swagger this offense hasn't seen since Irvin.

TO is a self-aggrandizing attention-loving egomaniac. But isn't Jerry Jones cut of a similar cloth? What about Jimmy Johnson? What about Michael and Emmitt and Bill Parcells? Aren't a lot of really good players almost insane in how much faith they have in themselves being the best and how hard they push to prove it over and over again?

Shut Up. Shut Up. Shut Up. Shut Up.

Doesn't matter who your coach and QB is. You do all you can to give them your ut-most respect. Reid and McNabb sux the big one-Agreed. However-even their players should give them just that.

It's just like our schools and government. Sure-we may hate what our politicians do-but we have to abide by their laws and respect what they do.


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zrinkill said:
:lmao2: :lmao: :lmao2: :lmao: :laugh2: :lmao: :lmao2: This is Dallas kid ......... This happens every time one of our players gets a speeding ticket.

I just hope T.O. can handle the spotlight of being on America's Team.

Commanders couldnt get as much press as Dallas if your whole team set itself on fire in protest :lmao2:

You're right...what was I thinking?

Dayton Cowboy

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rkstevens said:
I would hope Jerry and Bill recognize that we need some new blood at WR. I don't support drafting a WR early this year because I don't think the quality is there, I'm not sure they would make enough of an impact and I think we have more pressing needs. If anything, signing T.O. may keep us from having to decide whether or not we take a Chad Jackson if available at #18. As far as stunting a young WR's development, I think even without T.O. next season, Key, Glenn and Witten are options #1, 2 and 3, so I'm not sure a rookie WR would get that much action, especially considering our propensity to run the ball.

While I would not mind either Jackson or Holmes at #18 depending on who else is signed in free agency as well as what options are available when we pick in the draft, I agree that this apparent signing would mean that its not as pressing a need to sign someone that early. There are a couple of prospects that should be there in round 3.

But lets not forget that Crayton has not proven anything other than some really soft hands. We hope that he could develop into a solid #2 but we don't know anything for certain. Will TO stunt Crayton's development? I do believe we are going to draft a WR at some point for the 4th or 5th position on the depth chart. I don't believe that our practice squad guys will be on the 53(even if Crowder lights up NFLE).


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Terrell Owens, welcome to the Dallas Cowboys...your version of the Hotel California. A lovely place that you can never leave.

Owens has burned more bridges around the league than anyone that I can remember. It's in his own fiduciary interest to behave in Dallas and endear himself to as many people possible because if he leaves Dallas for the same reasons he departed San Francisco, Baltimore and then Philadelphia there isn't a team in the league that will touch him for any amount of cash.

The Cowboys are the winners in this because he will be motivated to kick the crap out of the Eagles twice a year. He gives us a playmaker on offense that will keep DCs up at night...due to his presence alone, Terry Glenn will have his best year in Dallas because he will see more single coverage than he ever has. Julius Jones/Marion Barber will account for at least 1,800 combined rushing yards together because the days of stacking 7 or 8 defenders in the box against us are over...Owens, Glenn, Crayton and Witten will kill people if they stack the box. If we don't have any major injuries we could be very, very good.

Scary good.


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BeWare94 said:
Terrell Owens, welcome to the Dallas Cowboys...your version of the Hotel California. A lovely place that you can never leave.

Owens has burned more bridges around the league than anyone that I can remember. It's in his own fiduciary interest to behave in Dallas and endear himself to as many people possible because if he leaves Dallas for the same reasons he departed San Francisco, Baltimore and then Philadelphia there isn't a team in the league that will touch him for any amount of cash.

The Cowboys are the winners in this because he will be motivated to kick the crap out of the Eagles twice a year. He gives us a playmaker on offense that will keep DCs up at night...due to his presence alone, Terry Glenn will have his best year in Dallas because he will see more single coverage than he ever has. Julius Jones/Marion Barber will account for at least 1,800 combined rushing yards together because the days of stacking 7 or 8 defenders in the box against us are over...Owens, Glenn, Crayton and Witten will kill people if they stack the box. If we don't have any major injuries we could be very, very good.

Scary good.

With our piss-poor OL, Bledsoe may not even have time to plant and deliver.

Wish we had signed LeCharles instead.:mad:


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SkinsFan26 said:
I hate Terrell Owens and him landing in Dallas makes it understandably worse.

BUT I have been saying all offseason that this guy is eventually going to get his act together and just play ball. My hope is that he acts like a flesh-eating virus in Dallas starting in August, but I think he knows that he's on his last chance and will tone it down.

He still will want to be the ringleader of circus, but I don't think he'll totally rip your team apart like he did in Philly.

That being said, I don't think your coach and fellow fans are going to enjoy the media circus that will surround your team for every second of this season.

But Jerry Jones LOVES the attention the Cowboys will receive. In marketing, no press is bad press.

I don't want TO either. But I have to agree with you. TO is 31. This is his last stop.

Remember what he gains by playing with Dallas:

1. A chance to get back at the Eagles TWICE in a season.
2. A chance to remake his image.
3. A chance to win a Super Bowl.
4. A chance to continue building his resume for the Hall of Fame.
5. A chance to set himself up for life after football (if he can ever reform his image and put it behind him).

He has to make some changes now. If he can't, then he's pathological and needs to see a shrink.

His days are numbered, and I think he knows this.

In addition, if Terrell Owens cuts up, don't think for a moment Jones/Parcells won't cut him.

Jones may be a risktaker, loyal to a fault and a busybody. But the man didn't make millions being an idiot. You cross him the wrong way and mess with his team's potential to make money and be a winner, and you're going to see a shrewd cutthroat businessman.

This is absolute it for Terrell Owens. No more third chances. He has to make it work this time.


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Hoov said:
isnt it also a possibility that dallas fans feel so strongly about TO is because he played for SF and Eagles.

Of course being a cowboys fan living in philly my whole life i hate the eagles, and sf is a close 2nd, yes i would root for the Commanders and giants before i would root for sf.

So to be honest, i probably would not have cared about anything TO did if he had played for, say the bengals, or some other team that had no type of rivalry with dallas.

My problem with TO is not his desire for more money but his childish antics and his burn-the-bridge approach if he doesn't get his way.

I could care less about the Star Dance. Descration? Pulease. It's an emblem on a field.

Besides, if the Cowboys could have stopped him, he wouldn't have needed to run to the middle of the field to celebrate.

I just have a problem with us basically allowing TO to act like a child throwing temper tantrums and then rewarding him.

Kind of like the kid that screams at the teacher, screams at his classmates because he wants out of a traditional classroom and then gets placed in an honor's class.

Bad, bad precedent. But hey, some people can change if given the right motivation, and maybe TO, recognizing this is his last stop, will do just that.


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rkstevens said:
I would hope Jerry and Bill recognize that we need some new blood at WR. I don't support drafting a WR early this year because I don't think the quality is there, I'm not sure they would make enough of an impact and I think we have more pressing needs. If anything, signing T.O. may keep us from having to decide whether or not we take a Chad Jackson if available at #18. As far as stunting a young WR's development, I think even without T.O. next season, Key, Glenn and Witten are options #1, 2 and 3, so I'm not sure a rookie WR would get that much action, especially considering our propensity to run the ball.

I think that getting Owens and Fabini gives us flexibility going into the draft. By fixing two of our biggest areas of need we don't go into April needing to draft a wide receiver or a right tackle. We are free to get someone who falls to us at #18 or even trade back and get an extra first next year if no one that represents much value is around when we get on the board. Looking back I'm glad we missed the playoffs because if we'd made it we wouldn't have addressed some of the needs that we have addressed over the last week.

Perhaps the unthinkable could have happened...Billy Cundiff could still be here!:eek:

Dat Dude

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JustSayNotoTO said:
I cant wait for 2009.

IS that when you jump back on the Cowboys bandwagon???? Well at least you have reggis Bush going for your in 2006. Let us all know when you jump back on....


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SkinsFan26 said:
That being said, I don't think your coach and fellow fans are going to enjoy the media circus that will surround your team for every second of this season.

Yeah, that's the real downside here.

I'm pretty confident that TO will play choir boy at least this year, and possibly even next.

But the media is going to be pushing and pushing and pushing hoping for the next TO meltdown. THe only people that want to see it happen more than Eagles fans are the reporters.

On the bright side, NOBODY plays the media better than Parcells. But it is an issue.


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jterrell said:
TO is a self-aggrandizing attention-loving egomaniac. But isn't Jerry Jones cut of a similar cloth? What about Jimmy Johnson? What about Michael and Emmitt and Bill Parcells? Aren't a lot of really good players almost insane in how much faith they have in themselves being the best and how hard they push to prove it over and over again?

Those other guys care about being part of a team and have pride in their teams' accomplishments. They realize that they have to earn their money and fame...TO I don't think does. I think he's waiting for the rest of the world to pay him the due he thinks he is owed.