Why did Jerry even say anything?


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He most likely said something so that he could weigh offers. If something were to come up that was doable, then he's in the market. If you get nothing but unacceptable offers, then you sit tight.

If he didn't say anything, everyone would say he didn't try.

If he did say something, and paid too much, everyone, including me, would cry that he spent too much for too little.

So . . . this is really all about nothing. Beckham is still on the market. So, I can see him going to the Giants, or Cowboys. And I suspect, the more I look into it, that Beckham will try to play the Giants and Cowboys against each other while each team tries to sign him.

We shall see.


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Why did Jerry even say anything?

Because he is addicted to three things 1) money 2) Jerry 3) publicity

C'mon man. Pretty sure we've been posting since the Austin 360 days. And we've talked a lot about Jerry. But there are actual reasons here that have nothing to do with the bitterness of the fans toward him.

This was part of his job.

On this site.. I read all kinds of hateful, sarcastic, and exaggerated exertions about Jerry Jones. That’s fine, it’s all conjectured opinions anyway. I get he’s polarizing, overly optimistic, and has made down right dumb decisions throughout his tenure. He definitely can be an easy game of “pin the donkey”.

I can listen to the complaints that he should hire a “real GM” (even though Will McClay essentially is that guy); I can deal with the mockery of some of the one liners he spouts; I can ignore the debates of FO decisions from couch potato GMs that most certainly know better…But..

To say Jerry doesn’t care is obviously ridiculous. I’m sure I won’t change your mind, but if anything.. He cares too much.. cares to a fault.

An owner that wants to be so involved in the team, he takes the title of GM when most owners just sit back and collect. Many players have maintained a personal relationship (I.e.- Dez, Witten, Irvin, ESmith,etc). When fans wanted a “real” coach in the 90’s, he took a back seat (which you know was hard for him) and hired Parcells.. then held on too long to Jason Garrett, possibly due to his revere for longtime Cowboys scout Jim Garrett. He overpays for Cowboys stars that tend to cripple our cap..he even shed a tear when he was forced by the entire coaching staff to release Terrell Owens.

As much as people make Jerry out to be all business.. his biggest fault is he doesn’t know how to keep his emotions about the Cowboys separate from team business decisions.

So to say the man doesn’t care.. imo.. is really a cheap shot and far from the truth.

edit: Side note: the one things I’ve learn in my almost half century lifetime.. is when you care a lot about something’s.. your chances of making some really dumb decisions increases significantly

Great post, my brotha.

I was starting to think I was the only one who appreciates what Jerry has been up to recently.

He's actually going at it very hard for an 80-year-old, if you think about this objectively.

It's impressive.

Doing a bang up guy for an elderly guy.

Some of this crap is age discrimination. He has the right to be productive if he wants to be.
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Because he's an egomaniac and can't keep his mouth shut


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Why did Jerry even say anything?

Somebody put a microphone in front of his face.


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What exactly was the point of Jerry even saying anything in the first place

1) He thinks contacting a team puts himself behind the 8 Ball.
2) Making a general observation in a hope a team contacts him

There's also the PR that he tried all he could ...."dont blame me"


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Jerry laughs at all the foolish eyeballs creating media buzz yesterday. He smiles as he counts another billion to his gold coffers when those tours, visits to the star, and all those jerseys fly off the shelves. Yep, it's great to be Jerry Jones as he strokes his charges.


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Does Jerry really say anything when he talks? He is a narcissist in the twilight of his life and is still trying to ensure both he and the Cowboys remain relevant.

Watch any sport show and it seems they all lead with teasers about the Cowboys…manufacturing drama where there is none to be found. All this does is feed Jerry’s ego even more so he feels compelled to keep talking.