Why do people get so bent out of shape at Cowboy criticism?

Bizwah;2933979 said:
I don't whine too much. I rarely read what the pundits want to say.

But you can't call the people "thin skinned" and weak for getting angry.

Do you have kids?

I ask because.....

I can take all kinds of crud....I do all the time....doesn't really bother me when I'm insulted....or when I'm criticized. If I'm criticized at work, I simply try to get better. If I'm criticized somewhere else, I simply ignore it.

But when it's my wife or kids.....then, I get riled up.

My guess is that most of these guys would be the same. They can probably take a lot of junk from folks....but if you insult their family...they get angry and spout off.

Many of us feel like that about the Cowboys. I get angry with the constant garbage our team seems to take. It actually seems like folks go out of their way to dog on the Cowboys. But I try to ignore it the best I can.

I don't get mad when the media dogs Dallas it gets to be a bit much when some of the fans are dogging the team. Nothing wrong with pointing out things the team or players need to do to improve but some of the times I get the sense some don't want to see improvement in a player because they have spent so much time and energy ragging on them and they don't want to be wrong about it.
I don't really have anything to say, I just wanted to make you feel uneasy with my avatar.
There is a sport columnist in Tampa, Ira Kaufman, who has been ragging on the Cowboys all week. First the stadium, then Jerry Jones, it was Romo yesterday, who knows what or who tomorrow. If Dallas wins, I will be watching him closely next week, and if I don't see something positive from him, I'm going to call him. He specidically attacks the America's Team theme in everything he writes.
Signals;2933990 said:
I don't really have anything to say, I just wanted to make you feel uneasy with my avatar.

they eyes follow me...

i won't sleep tonight.....
shaketiller;2933843 said:
I criticize the critics of the criticism of the critics who criticize criticism for criticism's sake. And I think I an going to have a good cry, maybe watch a Lifetime movie and eat some chocolate.

Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.:D
This conversation is so civil. Everyone does it. Don't worry about it.

So the question is, why are fans who see problems with the team labeled as Negative Nancy's?

There is a self-esteem problem that is inherent in fans. No matter where the questions come from. Especially in training camp and right before the season.

Because hope springs eternal. And darn it, nobody is going to dash my hopes with questions.
FLcowboy;2934021 said:
There is a sport columnist in Tampa, Ira Kaufman, who has been ragging on the Cowboys all week. First the stadium, then Jerry Jones, it was Romo yesterday, who knows what or who tomorrow. If Dallas wins, I will be watching him closely next week, and if I don't see something positive from him, I'm going to call him. He specidically attacks the America's Team theme in everything he writes.

And I can actually see that to a degree with a writer from a different city and state. Although if I were a local reader and he just kept harping on Dallas, I wouldn't be happy about it and it still doesn't excuse him if his logic is extremely flawed, his facts are inaccurate and he ceases being professional. But what gets me is the local media acts the same way and ESPN and Sports Illustrated are just as bad, if not worse. You sometimes wonder did Landry, Schramm and Jerry kick their dogs? Especially Jerry who is always courteous to the media and is more than willing to give them access, time and truth (well, about as truthful as an NFL owner will be).

TwoDeep3;2934115 said:
This conversation is so civil. Everyone does it. Don't worry about it.

So the question is, why are fans who see problems with the team labeled as Negative Nancy's?

There is a self-esteem problem that is inherent in fans. No matter where the questions come from. Especially in training camp and right before the season.

Because hope springs eternal. And darn it, nobody is going to dash my hopes with questions.
Why are fans who are excited labeled as homers, sheep, koolaid drinkers, and pom pom shakers?

It's always one sided huh? Pfft.
I used to get so upset at someone bad-mouthing my favorite player as if that player was my daughter or something. Then I had to wake up and think to myself, does it matter? The answer is no.

If you ever want the upper hand in an argument over your team, it's simple.

Signals;2933990 said:
I don't really have anything to say, I just wanted to make you feel uneasy with my avatar.

That's that Afgan girl from the 1970's or 1980's National Geographic, right? Striking picture, that....
yimyammer;2933697 said:
Who cares what other people think? It doesn’t have any effect on the outcome and winning is all that matters anyway. Is any form of praise more satisfying than winning?

As I’ve read many posts where people become highly offended by Cowboys criticism, I can’t help but wonder why so many people get upset by the “haters” (there will always be haters) and other people who criticize the Cowboys.

Do you fall apart when you boss corrects your work? What do you do when your wife or significant other criticizes you? What about when friends get upset with you?

Seriously, how do you make it through the day with such thin skin? Why get so upset about what other people say or think about something you have absolutely no control over, involvement in or direct influence over?

It doesn’t matter what other people think about your beloved team, all that matters is winning and the satisfaction you derive from being devoted to your team.

In my opinion, winning is that much sweeter when the entire world is against me.

I’d be curious to know how old the people are who continually gripe about people criticizing the Cowboys. It seems I had much thinner skin when I was younger, so maybe this is just attributable to being passionate and young.

I’m sure this post will somehow be offensive and feathers are flying everywhere, but this wasn’t my intent, I was genuinely curious why this occurs and if it was merely a symptom of youth or something else.

No judgment here, you’re entitled to feel and react however you like, I just never let other peoples opinions affect my quality of life or the things I enjoy.

I enjoy thoughtful analysis and critiques of the Cowboys personnel, coaches, management and ownership, but I ignore tabloid journalism that tends to amount to nothing more than sensational rants in attempt to garner attention. These media outlets are counting on the very reaction too many people give them. They know if they provide inflammatory and controversial material, they’ll increase their audience.

Quit buying into their tactics and ignore them, or at least don’t give them the satisfaction of a reaction! Then, maybe, just maybe, they’ll start to write something worthwhile. This seems to be the way of the press in all forms of journalism these days and until people quit rewarding their behavior, it will just continue. I know this is idealistic, but it’s what is truly needed in all forms of journalism on all kinds of topics.

Thoughtful, mutually enlightened discussion never occurs because issues are always presented in a way that polarizes all parties involved. This doesn’t help anyone much less solve any problems. I can’t help but feel our inability to have civil discussion and open minded debate is putting the future of this country in an extremely perilous position, especially when something so unimportant in the scheme of life as the success or failure of the Dallas Cowboys devolves into a shouting match between the “realists” and the “optimists”.

You always hear people say, “don’t talk about religion or politics”, but I say those are the very things we need to talk about. Are there any bigger issues in our world than these two subjects? If we can’t talk about these matters, how do we expect to understand them or bring resolution to an issue?

This is a great forum to practice civil discussion based upon sound reason, firm evidence, logical and persuasive arguments set within an atmosphere of tolerance and a mutually desired outcome (“realists” or “optimist” , we all want to win a Super Bowl, don’t we?).

Hey, if we can do it here, maybe we can do it everywhere.

In my opinion, that’s true change from which hope can be born out of.

Just something to think about…..

Its because the extreme homers only see thru silver and blue and not objectively or realistically.
arglebargle;2934306 said:
That's that Afgan girl from the 1970's or 1980's National Geographic, right? Striking picture, that....

That's her. They did a special on her a few years back where the original photographer went back and found her again for a few photos. Same eyes, but so faded you could read a very hard life in them. Sad, to an extent, but the photographer was overjoyed that she had lived through the extremes Afghanistan had seen since the original photo.
McCordsville Cowboy;2934309 said:
Its because the extreme homers only see thru silver and blue and not objectively or realistically.
You wouldn't know objective if it fell out of the sky, landed on your head, and twirled around like a ballerina.
Hostile;2934412 said:
You wouldn't know objective if it fell out of the sky, landed on your head, and twirled around like a ballerina.

Everyone responds to critism about the same at first, they don't like it atall.

As time goes on in this thing called life we tend to mature and grow thicker skin, you simply swim or sink.

While developing into a mature adult requires manuvering over bumps, pot holes and obstacles ironically it's the only road to sanity.
Hostile;2934412 said:
You wouldn't know objective if it fell out of the sky, landed on your head, and twirled around like a ballerina.

maybe not - but it would be fun to watch.
shaketiller;2933843 said:
I criticize the critics of the criticism of the critics who criticize criticism for criticism's sake. And I think I an going to have a good cry, maybe watch a Lifetime movie and eat some chocolate.

it statements like that from cowboy fans that make me think its all bull****!

now where did I put that cheese :huh:
yimyammer;2933697 said:
Who cares what other people think? It doesn’t have any effect on the outcome and winning is all that matters anyway. Is any form of praise more satisfying than winning?

As I’ve read many posts where people become highly offended by Cowboys criticism, I can’t help but wonder why so many people get upset by the “haters” (there will always be haters) and other people who criticize the Cowboys.

Do you fall apart when you boss corrects your work? What do you do when your wife or significant other criticizes you? What about when friends get upset with you?

Seriously, how do you make it through the day with such thin skin? Why get so upset about what other people say or think about something you have absolutely no control over, involvement in or direct influence over?

It doesn’t matter what other people think about your beloved team, all that matters is winning and the satisfaction you derive from being devoted to your team.

In my opinion, winning is that much sweeter when the entire world is against me.

I’d be curious to know how old the people are who continually gripe about people criticizing the Cowboys. It seems I had much thinner skin when I was younger, so maybe this is just attributable to being passionate and young.

I’m sure this post will somehow be offensive and feathers are flying everywhere, but this wasn’t my intent, I was genuinely curious why this occurs and if it was merely a symptom of youth or something else.

No judgment here, you’re entitled to feel and react however you like, I just never let other peoples opinions affect my quality of life or the things I enjoy.

I enjoy thoughtful analysis and critiques of the Cowboys personnel, coaches, management and ownership, but I ignore tabloid journalism that tends to amount to nothing more than sensational rants in attempt to garner attention. These media outlets are counting on the very reaction too many people give them. They know if they provide inflammatory and controversial material, they’ll increase their audience.

Quit buying into their tactics and ignore them, or at least don’t give them the satisfaction of a reaction! Then, maybe, just maybe, they’ll start to write something worthwhile. This seems to be the way of the press in all forms of journalism these days and until people quit rewarding their behavior, it will just continue. I know this is idealistic, but it’s what is truly needed in all forms of journalism on all kinds of topics.

Thoughtful, mutually enlightened discussion never occurs because issues are always presented in a way that polarizes all parties involved. This doesn’t help anyone much less solve any problems. I can’t help but feel our inability to have civil discussion and open minded debate is putting the future of this country in an extremely perilous position, especially when something so unimportant in the scheme of life as the success or failure of the Dallas Cowboys devolves into a shouting match between the “realists” and the “optimists”.

You always hear people say, “don’t talk about religion or politics”, but I say those are the very things we need to talk about. Are there any bigger issues in our world than these two subjects? If we can’t talk about these matters, how do we expect to understand them or bring resolution to an issue?

This is a great forum to practice civil discussion based upon sound reason, firm evidence, logical and persuasive arguments set within an atmosphere of tolerance and a mutually desired outcome (“realists” or “optimist” , we all want to win a Super Bowl, don’t we?).

Hey, if we can do it here, maybe we can do it everywhere.

In my opinion, that’s true change from which hope can be born out of.

Just something to think about…..

Get off your soap box man, some people care more about what others think than others. I am certain you care at times.
I've always wondered why people get so bent out of shape when people criticize the cowboys. Lately the cowboys have not been able to prove the media wrong with regards to success on the field.

I just like to see things play out and not worry too much.
I remember when I used to want Roy Williams out and everybody would flame me. Oh It wasnt roys guy, He needs to play closer to the line, blah blah blah...Excuse after excuse and I wasnt a true Cowboys fan for not drinking the kool-aid. I laugh at those people now. Atleast when I drink the kool-aid I admit I was wrong.

As far as I'm concerned this team derserves every bit of critisism it gets. They dont deserve the benefit of the doubt untill they prove to everybody they can get past December and come together as a team and WIN.

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