Why do you remain a Cowboys fan?

Because I fell in love with them as a boy. First game that I watched was the NFL championship with Green Bay--the one before the Ice Bowl. My heros were Cowboys--Meredith, Lilly, Landry, Staubach. And the 70's were truly special. OK, the 80's were ruff, and going to grad school in the north before the NFL ticket made it hard to follow them, but I still devoutly followed them no matter how bad they were. Firing Landry really shook the foundaiton of my faith, but three Super Bowls from Jimmy's team really made me appreciate their football excellence, and long as I ignored some of their personal behaviors.
When Parcell's was hired, I even got season tickets. Flew down from northern Missouri so see most of the games (sold the others on stub hub) My butt drug at work on Monday's, but sitting in that stadium watching them was magical.

So why am I still a fan? More loyalty to the memory of what they were than what they are now. I have no respect for Jerry Jones, and no expectitions that the team will win while he sucks air. Gave up my season tickets when that bandit wanted a $150,000 seat license to have seats in the same general spot I had in Texas Stadium. As I got more disgusted, I stopped buying tickets to individual games......later cancelled NFL Ticket....later stopped subscribing to to NFL Plus to listen to games on the radio. Stopped buying merchandise.....this last year skipped a few games that were broadcast on free TV. Wasn't worth my time to watch them get blown out with another 40 burger.

Old loyalties die hard I guess, but my loyalty isn't anywhere close to what it used to be and I have no hope for the future.

Criminy. Didn't mean for this to be a Blueblood type post.
Cause I'm too old to go to a bar and pick up hookers.

The truth is I haven't found another hobby since 1973.

Now which revelation is more depressing to you. :muttley::facepalm::eek:
What’s the main reason you remain a fan? Are you a “can’t switch teams” guy? Are you a “one day when Jerry’s gone” guy? Are you a “the team is bigger than the owner” guy? Or are you just a “I don’t know anymore” guy?

Every year is more and more depressing, and I am really looking deep to find the answer to this question for myself. Perhaps I can find some better explanations from y'all, because I don’t really know anymore.

Diehard since 77/78, can’t remember the exact year.
It's more fun being a fan of a team you have a long history with. More fun when interacting with other fans. Fun in forums.

Being a sports ball fan is just kind of dumb in the first place. There are more productive and fulfilling ways to spend your time.

I grew up in Hawaii in the 70s. We got the Raiders and Cowboys games. I was more of a fan of the Raiders, but I cheered for the Cowboys next. Dried up on being a Raiders fan when Stabler left. Got on the Cowboys train when I went to UPenn in Philly in the 80s out of spite to all the Commander, Giant, and Eagles fans in Philly. All the worst fans in the world.

Most of my Cowboys fandom isn't the games anymore, but the forums. Knowing the history, and sharing that with others who know the history. A new team would mean talking about a team I knew and cared nothing about.

Cheering for a new sports ball uniform holds next to no interest.

The question for me is whether to continue on with following the Cowboys. I probably will just as a time wasting vice because it's just so easy. But already even in the last year or two I've felt less impulse to indulge in the games and the forum, and I expect that trend to continue as we enter the locked in Dak Age of Meh.

And it's not just Dak. There used to be more players I liked. Just not so much now. The NFL is more and more entertainment and less and less competition. More pro wrestling than MMA. The players don't care about winning as much. They're not putting it on the line. The NFL is no longer a human spectacle of guys giving it their all to win. How do you not respect a guy like Woody, HOF level player still playing special teams in his last season on a crappy team as he dragged around one arm that just didn't work all year?

The drama used to be in guys pushing themselves to the limits to win. Now it's in who said the latest dumb thing on social media. Just not the same.

Permanence is the illusion of every age.
What’s the main reason you remain a fan? Are you a “can’t switch teams” guy? Are you a “one day when Jerry’s gone” guy? Are you a “the team is bigger than the owner” guy? Or are you just a “I don’t know anymore” guy?

Every year is more and more depressing, and I am really looking deep to find the answer to this question for myself. Perhaps I can find some better explanations from y'all, because I don’t really know anymore.

Diehard since 77/78, can’t remember the exact year.
I'm not beyond switching teams. I quit my 40+ year-old diehard Astros fan status when it was revealed in November 2011 that the new owner had worked out a discount (aka, ransom) from Bud Selig if he were to allow the team to move to the DH league.

But it takes some better reason than lack of success... God knows, sports has taught me to enjoy the ride, not just the destination.

And quite honestly, you'd never know it by the environment around places like here, but the Cowboys have given me a good ride for the most part. And when they haven't, I've not been like a lot of fans who practically consider their consumer sports entertainment choices to be right up there with religion and politics... I just take a hiatus. It's all good. It's not like we don't live in a world where there aren't, literally, dozens if not hundreds of adequate substitutes on a temporary basis.
What’s the main reason you remain a fan? Are you a “can’t switch teams” guy? Are you a “one day when Jerry’s gone” guy? Are you a “the team is bigger than the owner” guy? Or are you just a “I don’t know anymore” guy?

Every year is more and more depressing, and I am really looking deep to find the answer to this question for myself. Perhaps I can find some better explanations from y'all, because I don’t really know anymore.

Diehard since 77/78, can’t remember the exact year.
A fan since 1963. I guess I just don’t know any better.
What’s the main reason you remain a fan? Are you a “can’t switch teams” guy? Are you a “one day when Jerry’s gone” guy? Are you a “the team is bigger than the owner” guy? Or are you just a “I don’t know anymore” guy?

Every year is more and more depressing, and I am really looking deep to find the answer to this question for myself. Perhaps I can find some better explanations from y'all, because I don’t really know anymore.

Diehard since 77/78, can’t remember the exact year.
Fell in love with Roger as a role model when I was a kid.
I am a very loyal person ,
So here I am 50 years later stuck with a dysfunctional front office, watching other GMs run circles around ours.
Have lost my enthusiasm for the team.
This forum keeps me engaged.
This is my team since the Roger Staubach days. It's been a frustrating 29 years since the last championship but I'm not the type to switch teams.. Heck, I'm a NY Islanders fan since the dynasty years in the 70's. That's even worse! lol
Same reason why I'm still married after 29 years.
Same reason why I'm still Catholic after 55 years.
50 years of rooting for the star, I have no interest in rooting for another team no matter how hard Jerry makes it.

I am bad at picking teams I guess, the Rockies ownership is actually worst than Jerry.
Because I am a Cowboy, I will always be a Cowboy, It's the best organization, team in the league. Born a Cowboys fan. Win , lose, or draw, I ride with them. Americas Team
What’s the main reason you remain a fan? Are you a “can’t switch teams” guy? Are you a “one day when Jerry’s gone” guy? Are you a “the team is bigger than the owner” guy? Or are you just a “I don’t know anymore” guy?

Every year is more and more depressing, and I am really looking deep to find the answer to this question for myself. Perhaps I can find some better explanations from y'all, because I don’t really know anymore.

Diehard since 77/78, can’t remember the exact year.
I grew up watching the Cowboys on Sunday afternoon with my dad. Even when we didnt see eye to eye on things and constantly argued about life stuff, Sunday afternoon and the Cowboys was like a cease fire. Nothing else really mattered during those 3 hours.

So, I guess I am still a fan out of a sense of missing those days, but to be 100% honest, I really dont care all that much if the Cowboys win or lose nowadays.

I didnt watch a single game live last year, I just DVR the games, check the score later, and then decide if it is worth a watch. At least half the games I just deleted and never watched, so I am about as low key a fan as you can get nowadays.

If it was not for the nostalgia aspect of remembering watching the games with my dad growing up, I would totally care less about this organization that Jerry has driven into the ground.

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