Why does an athlete need $30m instead of $20m?


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Yep... Fans are still enthralled in winning.

These guys provide them the perception their franchise is doing everything within their power to win while retaining popular icons. It’s good for business regardless.
Name me a team in the NFL that isnt doing all they can to win? Every GM hired, every coach, and every player bust their ***** to win. There is just no way to gaurantee wins in t a league designed to keep everyone about the same. This is the exact reason a team like the Rams goes from worst to first, and it happens damn near every single season. There was a time when a WC team could pretty much be assured of an *** whoopin in their first game. Not anymore. A WC team has just as much a shot at the SB as the number 1 seed.


Regular Joe....
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and I gladly pay what I pay. Some people dont pay jack as they watch their team for free on local TV every week. I myself, I travel to games and I buy the Sunday Ticket.... and I gladly do so. For those that say it is too much to go to a game.... thats your choice to allocate your money how you see fit. For me personally, there is NOTHING in my life that I spend my money on that brings me more enjoyment thah going to Cowboys games with my wife and daughters. I will never ***** about the costs. When it gets too high, I will adjust accordingly.

I am happy that one, you are happy to pay what you pay. I am happy, two, that you are in a financial position to afford to do those things. Everybody is not so while I appreciate that you feel this way, by no means should you mistakenly feel as if you speak for everybody because you do not. Some people will never be in that spot and it may not be their fault. How do you adjust when there is nothing for you to adjust with? I guess they just suck it?


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So their college education or the chance they had for one is worthless ? Hell I did a lot more with a whole lot less through GI bill.

I was talking about chances in their chosen profession, and even so, realistically a large % of those that have the talent level to make a lot of money in the Pros aren't going to college to be a doctor or accountant. Many don't even finish school. For many college is just a vehicle to get to the pro's.


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I am happy that one, you are happy to pay what you pay. I am happy, two, that you are in a financial position to afford to do those things. Everybody is not so while I appreciate that you feel this way, by no means should you mistakenly feel as if you speak for everybody because you do not. Some people will never be in that spot and it may not be their fault. How do you adjust when there is nothing for you to adjust with? I guess they just suck it?
I grew up on welfare.. I was damn poor. I missed 2 weeks of school because th eonly pair of shoes I had was stolen. I know what being poor was like, so I get it. I was married at 18, we had ZERO help from family, and we worked our butts off. I will not apologize for going to school full time, getting out of class and going to work at UPS every night from 5 till 9:30, while my wife worked her arse off to have a great career where she travels the country. (in Atlanta for 2 weeks currently)

I NEVER claimed to speak for anyone, but I also do not feel sorry for lazy people that watch the clock at work everyday waiting to get the hell out of there, and then they complain about their crappy job and do nothing to market themselves.

I know I am VERY fortunate to have the life I have, but that life was not handed to us.

I often have to remind my kids that when they mock me for playing golf during the week, or chilling out at our pool. I quickly remind them that for 5 years I was gone from the house by 7:30 am and didnt get home until 10:30 pm. ... and that was after doing 4 years in the Mrine Corps.


The Boognish
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You can and when you do that, because I have done that, you see that there really only a hand full of guys who actually have solid contracts on both ends. If you look at the QB contracts, there are really only a few that have both big time averages over an extended period of time and that are fully guaranteed. You see big numbers but you don't see a lot of fully guaranteed years. You see pie in the sky numbers. You don't see rock solid contracts as the norm, that simply escalate year over year, regardless of players.


The contracts are what they are. The first few years are weighed more because they are likely to be earned and the guarateed cash is what it is. There are hundreds of contracts each year and more than enough similar cases in terms of age, experience, production, etc to look at for any player.

That is the market. It is not that complex.


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He is in some fairly sizable money immediately, but it isn't $20-30MM money. And the reality is there are as many or more guys like Mariota's and RGIII and Blaine Gabbe and Jake Lockers and Christian Ponder and Mark Sanchez than there are guys like Patrick Mahomes and Jarod Goff and Andrew Luck. And that is part of why the supply is so low and the demand so high, and therefore prices are high.

A person might believe a house should only be worth $100k, but as long as there is enough of a demand for a house of that general quality in the same kind of neighborhood at $200k, that is the price it will take to buy that house. The same applies to the services of a football player.
Pretty sweet deal of your lucky enough for picks 1-10. 4 year rookie deal. Between 18-35 million. Not per year but like hitting the lotto for these kids. All that hard work paying off.


Regular Joe....
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I grew up on welfare.. I was damn poor. I missed 2 weeks of school because th eonly pair of shoes I had was stolen. I know what being poor was like, so I get it. I was married at 18, we had ZERO help from family, and we worked our butts off. I will not apologize for going to school full time, getting out of class and going to work at UPS every night from 5 till 9:30, while my wife worked her arse off to have a great career where she travels the country. (in Atlanta for 2 weeks currently)

I NEVER claimed to speak for anyone, but I also do not feel sorry for lazy people that watch the clock at work everyday waiting to get the hell out of there, and then they complain about their crappy job and do nothing to market themselves.

I know I am VERY fortunate to have the life I have, but that life was not handed to us.

I often have to remind my kids that when they mock me for playing golf during the week, or chilling out at our pool. I quickly remind them that for 5 years I was gone from the house by 7:30 am and didnt get home until 10:30 pm. ... and that was after doing 4 years in the Mrine Corps.

You are far from alone, you are not the only one who grew up dirt poor. But so what? The fact remains that your view on this, while cool for you, is far from cool for a lot of people. They flat can't afford to do what you suggest and that's just the reality of it.


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I grew up on welfare.. I was damn poor. I missed 2 weeks of school because th eonly pair of shoes I had was stolen. I know what being poor was like, so I get it. I was married at 18, we had ZERO help from family, and we worked our butts off. I will not apologize for going to school full time, getting out of class and going to work at UPS every night from 5 till 9:30, while my wife worked her arse off to have a great career where she travels the country. (in Atlanta for 2 weeks currently)

I NEVER claimed to speak for anyone, but I also do not feel sorry for lazy people that watch the clock at work everyday waiting to get the hell out of there, and then they complain about their crappy job and do nothing to market themselves.

I know I am VERY fortunate to have the life I have, but that life was not handed to us.

I often have to remind my kids that when they mock me for playing golf during the week, or chilling out at our pool. I quickly remind them that for 5 years I was gone from the house by 7:30 am and didnt get home until 10:30 pm. ... and that was after doing 4 years in the Mrine Corps.
Starvation can be the worlds best motivator for some people. And I don’t mean that in rude or bad way at all. Congrats on working your behinds off to have what you have. Enjoy..


Regular Joe....
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The contracts are what they are. The first few years are weighed more because they are likely to be earned and the guarateed cash is what it is. There are hundreds of contracts each year and more than enough similar cases in terms of age, experience, production, etc to look at for any player.

That is the market. It is not that complex.

What's with the Huh? I mean, it's crystal clear, just as you said originally. The Contracts are what they are but what they are not are contracts that are simply giving out top money over a long period of time, fully guaranteed and that's what I am trying to explain. I have been very consistent in this line of thought. The "Market" is not a guarantee for a player that they are going to get a top 5 contract simply because they are up for a contract. What do you not understand about that statement? What is it that you think one of the sites you mention will be able to do to support or disprove that statement?


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I was talking about chances in their chosen profession, and even so, realistically a large % of those that have the talent level to make a lot of money in the Pros aren't going to college to be a doctor or accountant. Many don't even finish school. For many college is just a vehicle to get to the pro's.

But that is their choice , they had to chance to better themselves at think long term not just right now. Even so they can do while in NFL because the have plenty of time. Even easier today with online classes.


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When the new CBA hits, it's said that QBs like Mahomes will probably be making $50+ million a year.

At that point, if not already, it's not really about football anymore. These teams and players will be so careful, they'll barely touch the field. Guys will sit out with literally any minor injury they get so they don't risk future contract potential. It'll be over as we know it.


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Yeah, this kinda falls on def ears for me. I mean, I haven' spent 10 years in the NFL but I can tell you that I have lower back issues, shoulder issues, both knees and a broken ankle, to say nothing of fingers or neck or whatever else, that I live with every day and I am not getting paid anything for it. I wasn't good enough and I get that but so what? I played because I loved the game. I would play today if I could and you know what, I'm paying my own way so again, I don't see it.

BTW, Earl Campbell is my all time favorite player in any sport. I know pretty much all there is about that guy. Earl was smart to invest wisely. All of these other players have the same chance to invest and lost more capitol to work with them most of us. I don't feel sorry for those guys because they have much more to work with then most of us do and yet, nobody is going to step in and pay our way. They can't because why should they? I am not anybodies responsibility but my own. Why would I expect anybody to have to pay my way? That's not cool.
That's exactly why these guys try to make money when they can so they can take care of themselves. They know others aren't going to take care of them. They also know, no matter how much the fans love you while you're playing, you aren't getting their financial support after your playing days are through. Players looking for that first big deal are trying to get that long term security. It's easy to say that players should invest wisely, but investments carry risk too, they don't always pan out. I don't begrudge players trying to make what they can, particularly early in their careers, I'm not gonna have to pay their bills later in life.

Not once did Earl ever complain or tell me about his health issues and I never brought it up with him either. I would ask his family/friends on those tough days, when you could see he was struggling, how he was doing. They were always cordial about it and joke, he shouldn't be out today but he wanted to come out and once he sets his mind, you can't tell him no. He was fun to be around on those good days tho


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When the new CBA hits, it's said that QBs like Mahomes will probably be making $50+ million a year.

At that point, if not already, it's not really about football anymore. These teams and players will be so careful, they'll barely touch the field. Guys will sit out with literally any minor injury they get so they don't risk future contract potential. It'll be over as we know it.
Are you serious.. 50 million. Ok come on. I guess I shouldn’t let it bother me. I ain’t paying it. Just what they get from my discounted Sunday Ticket I pay for.


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You are far from alone, you are not the only one who grew up dirt poor. But so what? The fact remains that your view on this, while cool for you, is far from cool for a lot of people. They flat can't afford to do what you suggest and that's just the reality of it.
I get it, and my point to adjusting was that when the cost is too much for what we make, Ill stop doing what I do. So for those that cant afford it, you cant afford it.


Regular Joe....
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That's exactly why these guys try to make money when they can so they can take care of themselves. They know others aren't going to take care of them. They also know, no matter how much the fans love you while you're playing, you aren't getting their financial support after your playing days are through. Players looking for that first big deal are trying to get that long term security. It's easy to say that players should invest wisely, but investments carry risk too, they don't always pan out. I don't begrudge players trying to make what they can, particularly early in their careers, I'm not gonna have to pay their bills later in life.

Not once did Earl ever complain or tell me about his health issues and I never brought it up with him either. I would ask his family/friends on those tough days, when you could see he was struggling, how he was doing. They were always cordial about it and joke, he shouldn't be out today but he wanted to come out and once he sets his mind, you can't tell him no. He was fun to be around on those good days tho

Sure, but the market is going to pay what the market is going to pay. In terms a guy like Dak, how does holding out for 30 mil plus help him if the market is at 25? I mean, we can dance around this all night and through tomorrow but a player is only going to get what a team is willing to pay.


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That's exactly why these guys try to make money when they can so they can take care of themselves. They know others aren't going to take care of them. They also know, no matter how much the fans love you while you're playing, you aren't getting their financial support after your playing days are through. Players looking for that first big deal are trying to get that long term security. It's easy to say that players should invest wisely, but investments carry risk too, they don't always pan out. I don't begrudge players trying to make what they can, particularly early in their careers, I'm not gonna have to pay their bills later in life.

Not once did Earl ever complain or tell me about his health issues and I never brought it up with him either. I would ask his family/friends on those tough days, when you could see he was struggling, how he was doing. They were always cordial about it and joke, he shouldn't be out today but he wanted to come out and once he sets his mind, you can't tell him no. He was fun to be around on those good days tho
That guy had legs. I mean tree trunks for legs.


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Are you serious.. 50 million. Ok come on. I guess I shouldn’t let it bother me. I ain’t paying it. Just what they get from my discounted Sunday Ticket I pay for.
There are soccer players in Europe making the equivalent of more than $100 million per year.

The new CBA is coming, so I think Jerry and Stephen want to overpay now so they've got a bargain in 3 years.


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There are soccer players in Europe making the equivalent of more than $100 million per year.

The new CBA is coming, so I think Jerry and Stephen want to overpay now so they've got a bargain in 3 years.
No doubt if they got away with 32-33 million now then wrap it up. If they are really really convinced in him for franchise then make it a 7 year deal.


Regular Joe....
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I get it, and my point to adjusting was that when the cost is too much for what we make, Ill stop doing what I do. So for those that cant afford it, you cant afford it.

But then the fan base deteriorates and you no longer get the product you pay so much for. When the fan base goes, so do the big dollars and so do a lot of things. So to me, that's not a wise way of looking at it. I mean, you are free to look at it how you want but, saying that the players should get cradle to grave healthcare is a good idea and that it should cost them anything is a direct expense that will be passed on to the fans. You wanna take on that burden, that's fine but many will not and those who do not, should not be forced to IMO. That's not part of what they are paying for. They are paying to watch a game. That's it.


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But then the fan base deteriorates and you no longer get the product you pay so much for. When the fan base goes, so do the big dollars and so do a lot of things. So to me, that's not a wise way of looking at it. I mean, you are free to look at it how you want but, saying that the players should get cradle to grave healthcare is a good idea and that it should cost them anything is a direct expense that will be passed on to the fans. You wanna take on that burden, that's fine but many will not and those who do not, should not be forced to IMO. That's not part of what they are paying for. They are paying to watch a game. That's it.
It seems the prices for it goes up every year. I understand cost of living going up. I quit buying jerseys and hats a while back. And if they don’t discount my Sunday Ticket then I won’t get it anymore. It not so much that I can afford it. But when your looking at it as a whole then I just don’t want to pay it. Or sacrifice something else to get it. At some point it’s just enough.