Why I'm All In on The Cowboys

Chuck 54

Well-Known Member
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I’m all in on the upcoming free agency period. I believe we will sign some LBs and linemen.
I‘m all in on the draft. I believe we will bring in players based on the FA signings that will improve the team for 2024 and beyond.
I will eventually be all in on the 2024 season, sometime by August 2024.

Naive, dumb, maybe worse. That’s just who I am.
I‘m 67 years old, and since I was 9 years old, I’ve been a baseball fan of the St. Louis Cardinals, a basketball fan of the New York Knicks, and a football fan of the Dallas Cowboys.

I’ve been a proud fan through all the glorious championship seasons of each franchise and a long suffering fan through the horrible laughing stock years of those three franchises. There have been many many seasons in all three sports when I knew my team was not the best, sometimes closer to the worst, but there was always hope on opening day, always hope that they’d make the playoffs so I could watch my team in the post-season, and there have been many years when that didn’t happen and the postseason had no allure, so I pulled for my team to ruin someone else’s dream as the seasons drew to a close. Even with the long seasons of baseball and basketball, I have never purposely missed watching one of my teams play when on TV no matter how bad they were.

I don’t love everything or everyone. I couldn’t stand Duane Thomas because he wasn’t a team player and because I loved Calvin Hill and his running style, all elbows and knees. I cursed Parcells on every 2nd down run that got stuffed after a first down inc pass because everyone watching knew we were running after an inc pass. I hated both Jerry and Jimmy for what they did. I’ve been disgusted with every offseason when every fan knew we needed to improve the OL and the defense but didn’t. Nothing has embarrassed me more than the way Arizona, Miami, Buffalo, SF, and GB ran the ball down our throats this season.

More importantly, even if Dallas does nothing to improve the run game or the defense for 2024, I’ll still be excited about every game, no matter what our record. I’ll cherish anytime the network or streaming app broadcasts the national anthem from Dallas with the lone trumpet player featured, followed by the helmets with the star appearing from a tunnel. That’s just who I am. I know the franchise hasn’t won anything more than a divisional title since 1995. I see the disfunction in the front office. I’ve watched the Bobby Carpenters and Taco Charltons come and go. I see us win because of certain players one week and lose because of them the next. I’ve seen Hall of Fame coaches on the sideline for Dallas, along with guys who never did better than 5 wins.

I‘m as frustrated as any fan by the two #1 seed teams in the NFC that lost their first playoff games despite two different teams, coaches, QBs, etc. But I’m still all in on the offseason and the 2024 season because …… well, I know no other way. I cannot become a fan of any other teams. I cannot live in negative misery for more than a few days at a time after a loss. That’s what I loved about sports when I played them and what I love about golf, the only thing I can still do. There’s always the next day, the next game, the next round or shot, the hope of improvement.. The Dallas Cowboys have made me happy when they were the bottom of their division and when they won Super Bowls. When the time comes to rebuild and we stink, I’ll still enjoy a valiant effort, the occasional win, and watching players like Bill Bates struggle to just be a part of the team.

So, yes, I’m all in! Not because I think they’ll win, not because Jerry sells me on his empty promises, not because we do this or do that, not because we pay this player or that player. I’m all in because they were My Dallas Cowboys long before they were the Jones‘s or Jimmy’s or Garrett’s or Aikman’s or Dak’s or anyone else’s. I’m all in because they are the Dallas Freakin’ Cowboys and they bring me joy.


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Yeah I watch every year and hope. Seems to be the same pattern. Get on an early run and lose to a team we should beat. Then another run. Get smoked by good team and then go on a streak. We get close to or make the playoffs before season is over and drop one. Or 2.

Then the playoffs start. We know by the end of the first quarter if it’s gonna be bad. When we played bucs the team was on and Dak was on. We just need a healthy team with confidence and playing physical. Enough with this fake swagger and getting punched in the mouth and not wanting to respond. Your playmakers have to make plays..

But it’s a long offseason so I will always root for my team and enjoy the ride. JJ knows most of us will. And depends on it..


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The only way evil wins is when good men do nothing, Evil has consumed our once beloved franchise and dried it to a hollow shell. Time to make a stand.

The lack of success hurts, but the lack of accountability within the franchise is unforgivable. Financially supporting the franchise, and therefore propping up the corruption, is negligent.

big dog cowboy

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I’m all in because they are the Dallas Freakin’ Cowboys and they bring me joy.



Still waiting...
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When I was coming up as a Cowboys fan in 1969 season (I was ten) Tom Landry was a football God/genius and the Cowboys were sooooo close! Next Years Champions. Yeah, Duane Thomas drew fire - the whole ‘plastic man’ characterization of his coach. But Landry was no *******. Thomas started on Sundays because he could tote the rock better than Calvin. And THAT is the ONLY reason. Football coaches wanna win. ‘Winning is the name of the game.’ Interested to hear what McCarthy wants - Jerry and Stephen can suck it.

Risen Star

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Why would you curse Parcells for every 2nd down run? He wasn't the offensive coordinator. He wasn't even an offensive coach.

Oh because you're a fan? Well then, carry on.


Well-Known Member
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I’m all in on the upcoming free agency period. I believe we will sign some LBs and linemen.
I‘m all in on the draft. I believe we will bring in players based on the FA signings that will improve the team for 2024 and beyond.
I will eventually be all in on the 2024 season, sometime by August 2024.

Naive, dumb, maybe worse. That’s just who I am.
I‘m 67 years old, and since I was 9 years old, I’ve been a baseball fan of the St. Louis Cardinals, a basketball fan of the New York Knicks, and a football fan of the Dallas Cowboys.

I’ve been a proud fan through all the glorious championship seasons of each franchise and a long suffering fan through the horrible laughing stock years of those three franchises. There have been many many seasons in all three sports when I knew my team was not the best, sometimes closer to the worst, but there was always hope on opening day, always hope that they’d make the playoffs so I could watch my team in the post-season, and there have been many years when that didn’t happen and the postseason had no allure, so I pulled for my team to ruin someone else’s dream as the seasons drew to a close. Even with the long seasons of baseball and basketball, I have never purposely missed watching one of my teams play when on TV no matter how bad they were.

I don’t love everything or everyone. I couldn’t stand Duane Thomas because he wasn’t a team player and because I loved Calvin Hill and his running style, all elbows and knees. I cursed Parcells on every 2nd down run that got stuffed after a first down inc pass because everyone watching knew we were running after an inc pass. I hated both Jerry and Jimmy for what they did. I’ve been disgusted with every offseason when every fan knew we needed to improve the OL and the defense but didn’t. Nothing has embarrassed me more than the way Arizona, Miami, Buffalo, SF, and GB ran the ball down our throats this season.

More importantly, even if Dallas does nothing to improve the run game or the defense for 2024, I’ll still be excited about every game, no matter what our record. I’ll cherish anytime the network or streaming app broadcasts the national anthem from Dallas with the lone trumpet player featured, followed by the helmets with the star appearing from a tunnel. That’s just who I am. I know the franchise hasn’t won anything more than a divisional title since 1995. I see the disfunction in the front office. I’ve watched the Bobby Carpenters and Taco Charltons come and go. I see us win because of certain players one week and lose because of them the next. I’ve seen Hall of Fame coaches on the sideline for Dallas, along with guys who never did better than 5 wins.

I‘m as frustrated as any fan by the two #1 seed teams in the NFC that lost their first playoff games despite two different teams, coaches, QBs, etc. But I’m still all in on the offseason and the 2024 season because …… well, I know no other way. I cannot become a fan of any other teams. I cannot live in negative misery for more than a few days at a time after a loss. That’s what I loved about sports when I played them and what I love about golf, the only thing I can still do. There’s always the next day, the next game, the next round or shot, the hope of improvement.. The Dallas Cowboys have made me happy when they were the bottom of their division and when they won Super Bowls. When the time comes to rebuild and we stink, I’ll still enjoy a valiant effort, the occasional win, and watching players like Bill Bates struggle to just be a part of the team.

So, yes, I’m all in! Not because I think they’ll win, not because Jerry sells me on his empty promises, not because we do this or do that, not because we pay this player or that player. I’m all in because they were My Dallas Cowboys long before they were the Jones‘s or Jimmy’s or Garrett’s or Aikman’s or Dak’s or anyone else’s. I’m all in because they are the Dallas Freakin’ Cowboys and they bring me joy.
:clap: :starspin: :starspin: :star::star::star:

Chuck 54

Well-Known Member
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Wow….NY Knicks? Well at least the Cardinals have done something for you bro!
Haha….Knicks did plenty back in the days of Walt Frazier, Debusher, Bradley, Pearl Monroe, Willis Reed, beating Chamberlain’s lakers. Then the era of Patrick Ewing….lol. It’s been awhile, but right now they are the hottest team in the NBA with the top defense.

Chuck 54

Well-Known Member
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Why would you curse Parcells for every 2nd down run? He wasn't the offensive coordinator. He wasn't even an offensive coach.

Oh because you're a fan? Well then, carry on.
Parcells, to his credit, controlled every aspect of the game. It was like clockwork. Pass inc on first down, grab a beer because they will run on second down….lol


Beyond tired of Jerry
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I've been a Cowboys fan since I was 6 years old and a Pittsburgh Pirates fan for the same time (pray for me) - that's well over 50 years ago.

I'm "all in" on both because I don't know anything else, but I'd be lying if I said I have faith in either team figuring out how to win another title.


Well-Known Member
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I've been a Cowboys fan since I was 6 years old and a Pittsburgh Pirates fan for the same time (pray for me) - that's well over 50 years ago.

I'm "all in" on both because I don't know anything else, but I'd be lying if I said I have faith in either team figuring out how to win another title.
It was Clemente in the 71 WS I bet. As clutch a performance as you will ever see at the plate and in RF.


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Maybe they go bargain shopping again. I think there is going to be high turnover on the roster this year, as they’ll look to go cheaper for cap purposes.

We will be told in camp how excited they are about this team and how talented it is, blah, blah, blah. Jerry will sell everyone they’ll win some games and then have an epic or embarrassing collapse. The Cowboy way! Rinse and repeat.

CT Dal Fan

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Hats off to you. Fans like you are the ones that help keep my fire burning for this team.

One of these years it has to break in our favor. I'm 22 years younger than you so I missed the '70's Super Bowls, here's hoping we soon have another to celebrate.


Well-Known Member
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Nobody by your namesake on here can be called dumb or naive, you are simply just misguided unfortunately lol. Our cap situation combined with the reality of our ownership will ensure your enthusiasm is shot down come the FA signing period.

Chuck 54

Well-Known Member
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It sucked watching us go from a perennial 5-11 laughing stock to a young playoff contender in 4 short years.
Sorry I butt hurt you and your love for Parcells….lol. Relax. I never said he wasn’t a great coach, but for me winning isn’t everything. I hated him when he coached the Giants and that didn’t change just because they found an ugly Cowboys sweater that fit his fat ***


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I’m all in on the upcoming free agency period. I believe we will sign some LBs and linemen.
I‘m all in on the draft. I believe we will bring in players based on the FA signings that will improve the team for 2024 and beyond.
I will eventually be all in on the 2024 season, sometime by August 2024.

Naive, dumb, maybe worse. That’s just who I am.
I‘m 67 years old, and since I was 9 years old, I’ve been a baseball fan of the St. Louis Cardinals, a basketball fan of the New York Knicks, and a football fan of the Dallas Cowboys.

I’ve been a proud fan through all the glorious championship seasons of each franchise and a long suffering fan through the horrible laughing stock years of those three franchises. There have been many many seasons in all three sports when I knew my team was not the best, sometimes closer to the worst, but there was always hope on opening day, always hope that they’d make the playoffs so I could watch my team in the post-season, and there have been many years when that didn’t happen and the postseason had no allure, so I pulled for my team to ruin someone else’s dream as the seasons drew to a close. Even with the long seasons of baseball and basketball, I have never purposely missed watching one of my teams play when on TV no matter how bad they were.

I don’t love everything or everyone. I couldn’t stand Duane Thomas because he wasn’t a team player and because I loved Calvin Hill and his running style, all elbows and knees. I cursed Parcells on every 2nd down run that got stuffed after a first down inc pass because everyone watching knew we were running after an inc pass. I hated both Jerry and Jimmy for what they did. I’ve been disgusted with every offseason when every fan knew we needed to improve the OL and the defense but didn’t. Nothing has embarrassed me more than the way Arizona, Miami, Buffalo, SF, and GB ran the ball down our throats this season.

More importantly, even if Dallas does nothing to improve the run game or the defense for 2024, I’ll still be excited about every game, no matter what our record. I’ll cherish anytime the network or streaming app broadcasts the national anthem from Dallas with the lone trumpet player featured, followed by the helmets with the star appearing from a tunnel. That’s just who I am. I know the franchise hasn’t won anything more than a divisional title since 1995. I see the disfunction in the front office. I’ve watched the Bobby Carpenters and Taco Charltons come and go. I see us win because of certain players one week and lose because of them the next. I’ve seen Hall of Fame coaches on the sideline for Dallas, along with guys who never did better than 5 wins.

I‘m as frustrated as any fan by the two #1 seed teams in the NFC that lost their first playoff games despite two different teams, coaches, QBs, etc. But I’m still all in on the offseason and the 2024 season because …… well, I know no other way. I cannot become a fan of any other teams. I cannot live in negative misery for more than a few days at a time after a loss. That’s what I loved about sports when I played them and what I love about golf, the only thing I can still do. There’s always the next day, the next game, the next round or shot, the hope of improvement.. The Dallas Cowboys have made me happy when they were the bottom of their division and when they won Super Bowls. When the time comes to rebuild and we stink, I’ll still enjoy a valiant effort, the occasional win, and watching players like Bill Bates struggle to just be a part of the team.

So, yes, I’m all in! Not because I think they’ll win, not because Jerry sells me on his empty promises, not because we do this or do that, not because we pay this player or that player. I’m all in because they were My Dallas Cowboys long before they were the Jones‘s or Jimmy’s or Garrett’s or Aikman’s or Dak’s or anyone else’s. I’m all in because they are the Dallas Freakin’ Cowboys and they bring me joy.
You old fart. I'm not 67 till tomorrow LO. L.
It's the cowboys, Red Sox and celtics!.