Why is the NFL committing suicide?

Right, just as your boss appreciates u making political statements at the front door to his business. Think u r blind buddy.

lol the National Anthem is a political statement. If they didn't want politics to mix in with their business or sport than then owners would have gotten rid of the need to honor the flag and stand at attention for the National Anthem
Right, just as your boss appreciates u making political statements at the front door to his business. Think u r blind buddy.

Gee, we've heard from 25% of the league's owners supporting their players.

Yet, I'm blind?
source please on these eight owners you say who appreciate?

Go freaking look it up. All are on Twitter and I'm not posting links because many directly mention a political leader's comments and that would be considered a political post.

But please go prove I'm making it up.
Owners needs to show they have balz, it's my stadium, it's my sideline, it's my uniform, I pay your salary...Do your stupid dumb snoflake bs outside of working hrs, Ty! So far I have yet to see this unfortunately and I cannot understand why. Stop the coddling...
The stadiums that tax payers help pay for? Those stadiums?
Go freaking look it up. All are on Twitter and I'm not posting links because many directly mention a political leader's comments and that would be considered a political post.

But please go prove I'm making it up.
pretty typical lazy facts, tomorrow will be interesting
pretty typical lazy facts, tomorrow will be interesting

No, I'm not posting things that are banned.

You are the one being lazy and refusing to embrace simple searches like "falcons owner statement."

You could do five seconds of research to find that information, instead you'll call people lazy. Are your fingers to tired to pull this off?

Google.com - then the search term I gave - replace with other teams I cited. It isn't that hard
No, I'm not posting things that are banned.

You are the one being lazy and refusing to embrace simple searches like "falcons owner statement."

You could do five seconds of research to find that information, instead you'll call people lazy. Are your fingers to tired to pull this off?
right.....sounds legit. Like I said, tomorrow and going forward will be interesting. And your post takes us right back to the premise of the original post, the NFL (and society) is committing suicide.
Well, like I said several times, Ray Rice was never proven guilty - at least not in a court of law. And if your response is "well, that's different because there is footage for all to see" then you've created an untenable position in today's climate because you've created a situation where, so long as there is no footage, different rules apply.
RAY RICE ADMITTED IT and he took a court supervised plea deal instead being found guilty

He had to go through counseling, therapy and court ordered community service just for the chance to have the case dismissed after a year....... that is the same as Probation Before Judgement which is not the same at all as being found Not Guilty..... and you know this
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right.....sounds legit. Like I said, tomorrow and going forward will be interesting. And your post takes us right back to the premise of the original post, the NFL (and society) is committing suicide.

Yes, this society made some awful decision that we are now paying for. I agree with you on that
Let's take a vote right here, How many of us think the owners have a special sensitivity to the issues being protested and appreciate it being done on their sidelines. I say ZERO %

Add Buffalo

Add Denver

We are at 10
Let's take a vote right here, How many of us think the owners have a special sensitivity to the issues being protested and appreciate it being done on their sidelines. I say ZERO %

Add Colts

Add Seahawks

What's that like 12 now?
source please on these ten owners you say who appreciate?

otherwise, pretty typical lazy facts........tomorrow will be interesting

***? I already responded to you.

I can't link to stuff that says political things.

I literally gave you a search to copy to Google.
***? I already responded to you.

I can't link to stuff that says political things.

I literally gave you a search to copy to Google.
You are being disingenuous at best

The Owners are in this pickle because they follow the initial and loudest crowd on these social issues so they won't look insensitive ...... their finger in the wind attitudes allow them to be easily manipulated into saying and doing stupid things..... the idea that they invite and welcome these social activists is ludicrous ...... they simply love piling on when they can score points with the under-served fan demographics..... women, minorities etc.......

This is how we ended up with this ridiculous DC Policy and the pandering Rooney Rule..... Goodell came out in favor of Michael Bennett before he heard the truth from the cops and again looked stupid

I would say the OP is right on with his question.... the Owners seem intent on killing the Golden Goose
You are being disingenuous at best

The Owners are in this pickle because they follow the initial and loudest crowd on these social issues so they won't look insensitive ...... their finger in the wind attitudes allow them to be easily manipulated into saying and doing stupid things..... the idea that they invite and welcome these social activists is ludicrous ...... they simply love piling on when they can score points with the under-served fan demographics..... women, minorities etc.......

This is how we ended up with this ridiculous DC Policy and the pandering Rooney Rule..... Goodell came out in favor of Michael Bennett before he heard the truth from the cops and again looked stupid

I would say the OP is right on with his question.... the Owners seem intent on killing the Golden Goose

Yes. 0% of the owners support the players.

10 have already come with statements of support. Spin it how you want but 10/32 is substantially larger than 0%.

I do realize that facts and math are completely irrelevant to many on this board. Keep ignoring facts.
Yes. 0% of the owners support the players.

10 have already come with statements of support. Spin it how you want but 10/32 is substantially larger than 0%.

I do realize that facts and math are completely irrelevant to many on this board. Keep ignoring facts.
thanks Newsbot. If you get the NFL anarchy you want, I suspect you'll have little left to chirp about
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Stephen Ross has been long supportive of his players taking stands in what they believe. So, I do believe there are some Owners that truly care and aren't just doing that just because.

They don't believe that the game's popularity will one day fall like it did baseball and boxing.

Boxing used to the most popular sport in the country. Boxers used to fight constantly. In Sugar Ray Robinson's final year as a pro boxer he fought fifteen times and it would be to sellout crowds.

Baseball was and still is known as our 'national pastime.' Not only was MLB big, but so was minor league baseball. Smaller towns that couldn't see MLB were deeply invested in their minor league team.

Now look at them. Boxing is almost extinct and baseball is probably the 3rd most popular sport in the country.

But the owners and Goodell just don't see it.

On one hand it's a shame to see another sport being ruined, but on the other hand you can't help but think they are getting what they deserve.


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