Why it's ridiculous and wrong to demand that Jerry step down as GM

Well, based on your measuring stick, there are at least 28 GMs who fail every year.
That is absurd. You must be young. You don't seem like you have much perspective.

A GM is measured over time. Most get 3 or 4 years to build a team and then they get fired..... Jerry has given himself 28 years. We are near the bottom of the league over that time period across all franchises in playoff wins. It's not even a question. Jerry is literally a punchline as a GM. Did you hear all the encoragment he got in Philly? They love him there b/c they know as long as he is the GM, we have no chance.
Bold> I think the logical disconnect for some members is that they greatly overestimate the number of 'serious' fans attending games, buying merchandise, etc.
I think those of us who are invested feel that all of our team's fans should be just as invested. Honestly, a message board like this is probably more indicative of the die-hards. After all, we spend all this time thinking and talking about our team. Meanwhile, AT&T seats 80,000. Not sure how many members this board has.
JJ is able to do this off the 90s team. That euphoria is still there. He is able to pocket sales from merch and fail as a GM. He still wins if the team is somewhat successful. Fill the stadium up 75% and quota is met. Bring in this new HC to revive the fans, draft or trade for a new WR to give hope. It's a wheel strategy he uses. But at this point I had enough of him doing it his way. Get a real guy in here so we can get back to football. JJ had 30 years to do something and FAILED.
DFW loves NFL football. Go ahead and bring in another team.
The Jerry ****show is not worth the concern.
There won’t be another DFW NFL team because you wouldn’t get another stadium built. I’ve thought San Antonio would be a good city for expansion that would definitely siphon support from the Cowboys. But Jerry has enough power to block that because of the revenue he’s created for League.
Jerry owns the team. He has the right to be the decision maker. He risked everything to turn the Cowboys into a money maker. As much as I disagree with his decisions and loathe his way of doing things, I am adamant that it is selfish and unfair- and silly- to expect him to stop being in charge
Those demands are silly and naive, and the media that asks those questions are the most unprofessional of reporters, and that is saying something.
But what fans and media can/should do is to crucify his poor decisions and stop supporting his business. He is only successful because he has convinced fans and media to buy what he sells. Most businesses that put out such a poor product end up out of business.
If the Cowboys that Jerry Jones sells are not what he represents them to be, fans and media alike must stop giving him a pass. His sales should drop and layoffs should follow.
If he faces financial ruin, he will have no choice but to either sell the business or put a product on the field that is worth buying.
Jerry has been careless, and his product is worthless.
Fans and media must quit buying it.
Where do you have that narrative from that JJ risked everything to turn the Cowboys into a money maker?

I know JJ is telling that to everybody who wants or doesnt want to listen to him. But JJ tells a lot of crap if you let him.

So is this a proven thing or did you just not question what he is trying to sell: The narrative of the risk taker who went All-In and had success.

I am asking because one of your main reasons you gave that he has the right to be the decission maker is that stated above.
That is absurd. You must be young. You don't seem like you have much perspective.

A GM is measured over time. Most get 3 or 4 years to build a team and then they get fired..... Jerry has given himself 28 years. We are near the bottom of the league over that time period across all franchises in playoff wins. It's not even a question. Jerry is literally a punchline as a GM. Did you hear all the encoragment he got in Philly? They love him there b/c they know as long as he is the GM, we have no chance.
You make no sense. I am using your measuring stick for GMs.

Spell out your criteria for successful GM. I will give you over 25 GMs every year who fail according to your measuring stick.
Jerry owns the team. He has the right to be the decision maker. He risked everything to turn the Cowboys into a money maker. As much as I disagree with his decisions and loathe his way of doing things, I am adamant that it is selfish and unfair- and silly- to expect him to stop being in charge
Those demands are silly and naive, and the media that asks those questions are the most unprofessional of reporters, and that is saying something.
But what fans and media can/should do is to crucify his poor decisions and stop supporting his business. He is only successful because he has convinced fans and media to buy what he sells. Most businesses that put out such a poor product end up out of business.
If the Cowboys that Jerry Jones sells are not what he represents them to be, fans and media alike must stop giving him a pass. His sales should drop and layoffs should follow.
If he faces financial ruin, he will have no choice but to either sell the business or put a product on the field that is worth buying.
Jerry has been careless, and his product is worthless.
Fans and media must quit buying it.
ahhhh cute. Hi Stephen!!!!
Where do you have that narrative from that JJ risked everything to turn the Cowboys into a money maker?

I know JJ is telling that to everybody who wants or doesnt want to listen to him. But JJ tells a lot of crap if you let him.

So is this a proven thing or did you just not question what he is trying to sell: The narrative of the risk taker who went All-In and had success.

I am asking because one of your main reasons you gave that he has the right to be the decission maker is that stated above.
Anybody that owns a business risks everything to build it.
It isn't for the faint of heart.
There's always someone trying to benefit for themselves off of your work,and they don't care if they take you down to get what they want.
I think those of us who are invested feel that all of our team's fans should be just as invested. Honestly, a message board like this is probably more indicative of the die-hards. After all, we spend all this time thinking and talking about our team. Meanwhile, AT&T seats 80,000. Not sure how many members this board has.
CowboysZone's membership is only a quarter of AT&T Stadium's seating capacity. There is nothing wrong with all fans being strongly invested in their favorite teams.

However, the question becomes how invested each fan is--whether they are CowboysZone members or not. Then, the question becomes how many similarly invested fans are there? What is that total? Then, the question morphs into, "Why are the most seriously self-proclaimed invested fans passively sticking it to Jerry Jones by not buying merchandise, by not going to home games, by devoting tons of personal time on message boards like these, etc.,--instead of proactively and aggressively organizing exponentially more likeminded fans into direct actions that will 'coerce' Jones loosing his death grip on the general managership?

I mean. There are ways that can actually push Jones into possibly altering his preferred management method. Those are barely tried. Instead, we, the fans, consume enormous amounts of time and energy pointing fingers at each other. We sling labels at our fellow fans that the other person is not doing enough to force Jones into being compliant.

Maybe. Perhaps. Possibly the wiser course of action, for the most determined of us, is to stop blaming other fans. Get off their <expletives>. Conceive realistic (not fantasy or wishful thinking) action plans. Then put time, energy and money into organizing. Because, right now, and every year before today, forum site rants and paying for billboards fail miserably before they are even thought of.

Me? I have always maintained the way to best modify a narcissist's mindset is between his ears and not in his wallet. It is okay for anyone to disagree BUT no one person, out of all the millions of Cowboys fans in the entire world, have seriously (again realistically, not fantasy or well-intentioned) done the latter either.

Jerry owns the team. He has the right to be the decision maker. He risked everything to turn the Cowboys into a money maker. As much as I disagree with his decisions and loathe his way of doing things, I am adamant that it is selfish and unfair- and silly- to expect him to stop being in charge
Those demands are silly and naive, and the media that asks those questions are the most unprofessional of reporters, and that is saying something.
But what fans and media can/should do is to crucify his poor decisions and stop supporting his business. He is only successful because he has convinced fans and media to buy what he sells. Most businesses that put out such a poor product end up out of business.
If the Cowboys that Jerry Jones sells are not what he represents them to be, fans and media alike must stop giving him a pass. His sales should drop and layoffs should follow.
If he faces financial ruin, he will have no choice but to either sell the business or put a product on the field that is worth buying.
Jerry has been careless, and his product is worthless.
Fans and media must quit buying it.
As far as I am concerned he can sit with an empty stayjum. I never wanted him as the owner anyway. He has stupid written across his face.
Anybody that owns a business risks everything to build it.
It isn't for the faint of heart.
There's always someone trying to benefit for themselves off of your work,and they don't care if they take you down to get what they want.
where do you got that info from? statista.com ?

Or is it just your own opinion?
He doesn't listen to demands.
He does, however, have to answer to profit/loss statements.
If he can't sell his product, he's no different from any other business owner. He will either have to put a product out that is worth buying, or shut his doors.
It really is that simple.
Jerry does not know how to run the Dallas Cowboys .Jerry is not capable of making sound decisions on contracts and he waits to long to make decisions ,that keeps the Cowboys in unfavorable positions money wise.So they can't be players in the top free agent game.Dallas needs a smart innovative GM,Jerry is not cutting it.
You make no sense. I am using your measuring stick for GMs.

Spell out your criteria for successful GM. I will give you over 25 GMs every year who fail according to your measuring stick.
I literally told you how teams measure success and you rejected it. I'm beginning to think you are on the spectrum.
He gets a pass because of what he's done for the league like it or not Jerry has been beneficial to the money making the league has made over the years.

As far as everything else I would love if let it all go, he and Stephen! Get some real guys in here
Spot on ,good post.All fans want is a good consistent football team to be proud of ,but Jerry is not a football guy.And he is stubborn and incredibly cheap , if I was Jerry I would bring in some great football minds to run the show.
Jerry owns the team. He has the right to be the decision maker. He risked everything to turn the Cowboys into a money maker. As much as I disagree with his decisions and loathe his way of doing things, I am adamant that it is selfish and unfair- and silly- to expect him to stop being in charge
Those demands are silly and naive, and the media that asks those questions are the most unprofessional of reporters, and that is saying something.
But what fans and media can/should do is to crucify his poor decisions and stop supporting his business. He is only successful because he has convinced fans and media to buy what he sells. Most businesses that put out such a poor product end up out of business.
If the Cowboys that Jerry Jones sells are not what he represents them to be, fans and media alike must stop giving him a pass. His sales should drop and layoffs should follow.
If he faces financial ruin, he will have no choice but to either sell the business or put a product on the field that is worth buying.
Jerry has been careless, and his product is worthless.
Fans and media must quit buying it.
And blocked. The opinion of this poster is completely irrelevant.
We as individual fans can want/demand/whatever we want. It's part of being a fan. Jerry as seen over the last 27+ years does not have to listen to us fans. But we can still voice our opinions.
Jerry owns the team. He has the right to be the decision maker. He risked everything to turn the Cowboys into a money maker. As much as I disagree with his decisions and loathe his way of doing things, I am adamant that it is selfish and unfair- and silly- to expect him to stop being in charge
Those demands are silly and naive, and the media that asks those questions are the most unprofessional of reporters, and that is saying something.
But what fans and media can/should do is to crucify his poor decisions and stop supporting his business. He is only successful because he has convinced fans and media to buy what he sells. Most businesses that put out such a poor product end up out of business.
If the Cowboys that Jerry Jones sells are not what he represents them to be, fans and media alike must stop giving him a pass. His sales should drop and layoffs should follow.
If he faces financial ruin, he will have no choice but to either sell the business or put a product on the field that is worth buying.
Jerry has been careless, and his product is worthless.
Fans and media must quit buying it.

it would be easier to blast you, but thats not the correct response. Let me explain.

What are you are witnessing is some people, mis directing their anger. Its normal, its not correct, but its normal. A lot of people grew up thinking the NFL was 1 thing , as that IS not what it was sold to them BUT what they percieved it to be. People are coming to the fact that the NFL is not about winning the SB, nor is it even close. They have a winner for the sake of having a winner and making money and selling a product. Think of it as cartoons. Cartoons was advertisment MEANT to push the toys. The SB is advertisment meant to push the league. Most of the teams dont care. Take the Rams and Eagles, if they win, great, hoo ray, if they dont, no big deal, they made money. Its win win.
If they win, wonderful, its a spike, but what they want and this was clear when the league broke its own rule for the Giants and gave them a SB to host, its not about winning the SB.

The league is a club that invites people to throw money at it. End of mystery. A lot of people are shocked when they finally realize this. you have to give people time. When people give their friends or family explosive news that they themselves sat on and had time to digest, but want the friends and family to digest it in 30 seconds. Same deal here. Some fans are just realizing this fact and need time to digest.

Jerry Jones, due to weather and placement and the rules can have an all year money farm. The other teams want this as well. Jerry has figured out if his stadium makes money all year round and the sport shows, until they fizzle out, talk about him. its money he can count on.

For him, hes figured out how many plates to spin, he just needs to keep them spinning so he can keep the money coming in. Thats it.

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