Why Parcells Really Quit

Your opinion is noted, but needed. Shouldnt you be trying to figure out how yall blew the biggest lead in CONFERNECE GAME HISTORY!!!

Ouch, thats gotta hurt bad.

As for Romo, saying he is a one-year wonder just exposed your agenda here.

As for TO, the owner has said numerous times he is coming back, what is it about that that you cant understand?

No be gone troll, back to your Patriots board to spend the offseason thinking of what could have been.:laugh2:
I don't claim to know the reason that BP retired, but I have to say it's a good thing, imo. I have lost a lot of respect for Jerry Jones(as if my respect matters) and the way he let Bill hold this team hostage last offseason and was about to let it be done this offseason. I've read it here a lot of times, but I have to say it again.... NO COACH is bigger than the Dallas Cowboys. NONE. The minute Bill Parcells needed a minute to think about if he wanted to be the coach is the second I would have canned him. Nothing about the Cowboys is half arsed, and his(BP) committment was, imo, as early as last year.

Jerry I remember the press conference introduction of Bill Parcells. The common theme was.... This thing has to work. We can't fail.

Well......It kinda was a failure. I'm sorry. It was. The talent level has been vastly improved, but overall it was a failure. The only difference between a Dave Campo coached team and a Bill Parcells coached team is that Bill got more out of his guys in games 6 through 10. Other than that slow starts and down the stretch fading has been a constant for the last 7 years.

I don't expect much success from here on until the only thing Jerry Jones does is write checks. He's not a personel guy at all. Hire a GM and lets matter again.

C'mon Jerry. Step aside. Please hire a GM.
Pats Fan;1332449 said:
Well, the reason, if you are clear headed is simple.

Jerry Jones needs to remember he is the owner, not the coach. I remember when Kraft first took over the Pats. He thought because he sat in the stands --like me, that he could make decisions about what happened on the field. Dumb. I know alot about football, but I would never pretend to be a coach. Never. It takes years, lots of smarts, lots of experience.

Parcells left the Pats with the comment, if I am going to do the cooking, then I am going to doing the shopping. Close enough, not exact.

Kraft wised up and backed off with Bill Belichick. Left him alone. Still someone last year made the dumb mistake of letting Branch and Givens go. I don't think it was Belichick. That's another story.

Parcells left for the following reasons. TO was shoved down his throat by Jones. No way, no how did Parcells want this guy. A cancer. I know enough about Parcells. He had to go along to get along. It is so hard to win a SB, you need a team. To TO, he is the team. Enough to get rid of him.

Second reason, I think he saw clear, very clear that Romo is a one year wonder. Next year, forget it, in the clutch, he was no were to be found. And that smiling face when he was winning, it was weird. One year wonder. He saw that.

So Bill said, no way, no how are we going to win next year or the next. I am getting tired of Jones, TO. If I can't win, then time to move on. Move on.

Plus his heart is in the Northeast. It will be interesting to see where he winds up.

Oh, and by the way, every coach in pro or college is NOT up for grabs. Geez, you have got to be joking. Weiss, never. Carroll, never, Smith, never. Just because you do not have a coach does NOT mean every coach is for the taking.

Reality check, the loss of Parcells is a big one. Jones needs to become an owner like Kraft, not a coach.

It will be interesting to see what happens to TO at this point.

Great theory, but no facts at all.

First the TO bit. JJ did not force feed BP TO. Sure it was no doubt his idea but he gave BP every opportunity to nix that deal. Think about...all BP had to say you sign TO and I walk. If BP hated the idea so bad he could have easily said that and had all the leverage in the world. Good luck finding a coach in mid March. The facts do not add up at all. Again, great theory but that is all it is.

The Romo bit is laughable. Not saying that he will or will not be a one year wonder, but that can not be based upon the 11 games he played in this year. Romo played well enough to win the Seattle game. If you want to hold Romo the holder responsible then do so. Other than that if you look at the last four games of the season you will see that Romo was put in a very bad situation. Our defense was beyond horrible. Horrible would have been an improvement. Try getting in a pass only mode and see what happens to a seasoned vet much less a new guy with limited starts. Not saying he was perfect, but given the conditions and his limited experience he did an admirable job. Did you watch the games?

If Jones was as meddlesone as you say, TO forced on him and Romo a one year wonder then why did BP take over two weeks to make a decision? If all of what you were true BP would not have taken the flight back to Dallas after the Seattle game if you know what I mean.

So every coach is not up for grabs that is major revelation to me. I had no idea. Everyone here has opinions and wishes that is what a message board is here for. BTW for the right amount of cash and or draft picks you would be surprised how many unavailable coaches become available.

Reality check. The loss of BP is not big at all. If going 9-7 and having your team fade like a cheap T-Shirt is big then yeah I guess you are right. BP infused some talent for sure, but he was hardly wildly successful.

In the end you offer a theory, but nothing substantive to back it up at all. Not one small piece of evidence.
Pats Fan;1332449 said:
Well, the reason, if you are clear headed is simple.

Jerry Jones needs to remember he is the owner, not the coach. I remember when Kraft first took over the Pats. He thought because he sat in the stands --like me, that he could make decisions about what happened on the field. Dumb. I know alot about football, but I would never pretend to be a coach. Never. It takes years, lots of smarts, lots of experience.

Parcells left the Pats with the comment, if I am going to do the cooking, then I am going to doing the shopping. Close enough, not exact.

Kraft wised up and backed off with Bill Belichick. Left him alone. Still someone last year made the dumb mistake of letting Branch and Givens go. I don't think it was Belichick. That's another story.

Parcells left for the following reasons. TO was shoved down his throat by Jones. No way, no how did Parcells want this guy. A cancer. I know enough about Parcells. He had to go along to get along. It is so hard to win a SB, you need a team. To TO, he is the team. Enough to get rid of him.

Second reason, I think he saw clear, very clear that Romo is a one year wonder. Next year, forget it, in the clutch, he was no were to be found. And that smiling face when he was winning, it was weird. One year wonder. He saw that.

So Bill said, no way, no how are we going to win next year or the next. I am getting tired of Jones, TO. If I can't win, then time to move on. Move on.

Plus his heart is in the Northeast. It will be interesting to see where he winds up.

Oh, and by the way, every coach in pro or college is NOT up for grabs. Geez, you have got to be joking. Weiss, never. Carroll, never, Smith, never. Just because you do not have a coach does NOT mean every coach is for the taking.

Reality check, the loss of Parcells is a big one. Jones needs to become an owner like Kraft, not a coach.

It will be interesting to see what happens to TO at this point.
I don't know if you are correct about Romo. I've begun to think of him in the terms you so articulately stated for the reasons you just gave.

I am beginning to hear that some players want TO gone, but a lot of them say he had nothing to do w/ BP leaving. The ones that want TOP gone may well be BP's boys.

I completely agree w/ you East Coast comment. That's why I never wanted him here in the first place. Do you have any insite why he backed out of the Tampa Bay job?

And the first think I thought of when he announced his "retirement" was what I told my Daddy after watching this w/e's PO games: We don't belong in the same league w/ any of these teams. How we beat the Colts is beyond me. They must have played us as a bye week. I think BP realized that after 4 years of roster churning and remodeling everything, he wasn't any closer than when he started. We are now forced to consider a HC (Phillips) because of the defense BP left us with. This alone should tell everybody something about the kind of mess he left. And I don't knmow if I trust him to stick around and advise Jerry on who to get to replace him. I just never have felt he had the best interest of the Cowboys at heart, and that deepdown inside he was still pulling for the Giants, Pats and Jets...
The window is closing for the Pats. Not willing to pay for good WRs caught up with them late in the game. Its clear now that the quality of the assistants for the Pats is not what it was. A slow drop towards being just like everyone else in the NFL.
Anyone who does not recognize that the BOys actually have about as much talent as any team in the NFL needs to quietly disapear in shame. And that was BPs doing. Clearly we DO have the talent to win; its now a matter of using that talent efficiently.
This thread has alot of truthiness to it.

And moronic blowhardness.
Think they would have like to have Branch on Sunday?, :laugh2: :yousuck: :patriots: now go away Troll and focus on your own problems!.

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