CFZ Will the third time to have a HC on last yr of a contract be different?


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You know they would have claimed it over the Dolphins. Mainly because of the 16 game season. But people forget the Dolphins had to play the AFC championship game on the road.
The media had already crowned them heading into that game. That's what made their losing so much more satisfying! Full disclosure I don't think the Dolphins have any claim to the greatest team ever either because of their ridiculously weak division and path to the Super Bowl that year. They were essentially the same team the Cowboys hammered 24-3 a couple the previous year. I really think Roger getting hurt probably cost the Cowboys a chance to clobber the Phish again in '72. I did not think much of the Ratscums that year.. We just couldn't muster a consistent offense with Morton and a rusty Roger that year.


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The media had already crowned them heading into that game. That's what made their losing so much more satisfying! Full disclosure I don't think the Dolphins have any claim to the greatest team ever either because of their ridiculously weak division and path to the Super Bowl that year. They were essentially the same team the Cowboys hammered 24-3 a couple the previous year. I really think Roger getting hurt probably cost the Cowboys a chance to clobber the Phish again in '72. I did not think much of the Ratscums that year.. We just couldn't muster a consistent offense with Morton and a rusty Roger that year.
Keep in mind that I was too young to watch back in 1972. But something didn't smell right, I got the sense that something was wrong just by the fact they were underdogs in both the AFCCG and super bowl. If my memory serves me right, out of their 14 wins, they only beat one or two teams with winning records. Those records were 8-6. Then in the AFCCG, had Bradshaw not got a concussion, the Steelers probably win that game. He did reenter the game and mount a comeback. But fell short. I wonder if I can find that game.


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If this season goes the way I think it will ( based on current roster) MM will be lucky to be here after the Texans game in week 11.

If Jerry doesn't sack him then, he'll just let him wither on the vine till the bitter end.


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Mike McCarthy will be the third Cowboys head coach in the last 14 years to enter a season on the final year of his contract. In the two previous times it happened, the HC was either fired in mid-season or just not renewed again. Also, the two previous times this happened, the Cowboys failed to make the playoffs.

Reviewing the two previous examples:
  • 2010 Season with Wade Phillips. Much like McCarthy this year, going into the 2010 season, Wade Phillips had seen his 2009 team get embarrassed by the Vikings in divisional round game 34-3. In 2007 under Wade the #1 seed Cowboys lost in divisional round to the giants 21-17. The Cowboys started the 2010 season 1-5 with Tony Romo before he broke his collarbone in October. Then the team just quit on Phillips and Jerry fired him after 1-7 start. Of course we did not make the playoffs. The age of Garrett followed.

  • 2019 Season with Jason Garrett. This was the final season with Jason Garrett and in his near decade long tenure with Dallas, we only made the playoffs 3 times. In the previous season with Garrett in 2018, the team did win the NFC east, won a WC game vs the seahawks but got manhandled by the rams 30-22 when the rams rushed for over 250 yards. Garrett was allowed to finish his last year of his contract in 2019, but the team went 9-7 and did not qualify for the playoffs. Garrett was just allowed to walk at season’s end (thankfully, lol) As a side note, the man Jerry said would be scooped up in a moment’s notice as a HC has never been hired again as a HC…at any level.
So as we head into 2024, Big Mac is hanging over a cliff with a roster on paper that appears to be less talented than last year’s squad. And he has a division winner’s first place schedule this year. If this team has a rough start, this could quickly turn into another 2010 season with a firing. I hope not.

And I sincerely believe - this is a bad way to handle a head coach. IMO it woukd have been better to fire McCarthy after last January's humiliating playoff loss to GB. It was the worst playoff loss in Cowboys history. It is extremely hard to just block that mental memory out and move on. This team better have a roaringly good start or the seat gets scorching for Mac’s behind.
A good crust on Mac n cheese is essential :laugh:

Seriously though you’re absolutely correct about Big Mac being on the hot seat. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing to be honest.


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It's aligning perfectly; no.
Mike and no Dak in 2025. Either Lance looks good, or we suck a year and draft a QB. I wish the FO was smart enough to make a trade for an additional 1st round pick, but they're idiots.
What QB are you going to draft that’s 100% sure to become a franchise QB?


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I think there are some significant differences between previous lame duck year coaches.

1) 12 12 12 - Back to back to back 12 win seasons speaks of a sturdier foundation on which to build.

2) The best offense in the league. In '09 heading into '10 and in '18 heading into '19 the Cowboys had a decent defense and kind of an okay offense. This offense has been the highest scoring in the league in two of the last three seasons and basically are a Dak thumb injury in 2022 from a threepeat in that department. This offense can win a track meet. I'm not sure those offenses could.

3) Maybe the best pass rusher in the league paired with maybe the best cornerback duo in the league. If this defense can figure out how to even slow down the run so we can force teams to pass it's gonna allow the offense to boat race some people.

4) Kellen Moore and Jason Garrett are gone.. those dudes' paint by numbers adaptation of Air Coryell was what led to our ultimate downfalls. McCarthy may not be Bill Walsh but he's a lot better game day play caller than those two.

Bottom line is I feel a lot better about this team heading into camp than I did either of those.
Really looking forward to seeing Zimmer’s defense and how it looks with the Cowboys players.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Although Garrett coached longer we win more playoff games with him than with McCarthy who was brought here to win a championship. We were more competitive in the playoffs under Garrett. None of his playoff teams laid an egg in the playoffs. After 4 seasons with McCarthy we still haven’t won a divisional playoff game since the 95 season. He can’t even beat his old team minus Aaron Rodgers. The players don’t go to battle for him. Nothing has changed with McCarthy. We still have an undisciplined, unmotivated highly penalized team that doesn’t show up for the playoffs. Barring a deep playoff run which I don’t see happening McCarthy will be gone after this season. Good riddance!


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No. Mike hasn't been able to change the culture so far. Being in the last year of his contract and low likelihood of a new contract gives him less of a voice players will listen too.
This is my concern as well. If the team struggles early, it will challenging for Mac to hold the locker room together. Doesn’t mean he can’t or won’t. But I’ve never been a fan of a coach hanging over a cliff as a motivator.


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I have no doubt that this team could easily struggle this year, as the roster is currently constructed.

The defensive trenches aren't much better (unproven)

The LB core is marginally better

The FS is still not a strength of this defense

The WRs, we'll see.

McCarthy is still calling the plays, and I don't trust his chess-match skills in the big games.

And who knows how Zimmer is going to do with this rag-tag defense, and let's see how he uses (and rides) Micah

And with a tough schedule, this team may implode. I wouldn't be surprised at a 9-7 season, maybe barely making it into the playoffs, and then losing in the 1st round.


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Mike McCarthy will be the third Cowboys head coach in the last 14 years to enter a season on the final year of his contract. In the two previous times it happened, the HC was either fired in mid-season or just not renewed again. Also, the two previous times this happened, the Cowboys failed to make the playoffs.

Reviewing the two previous examples:
  • 2010 Season with Wade Phillips. Much like McCarthy this year, going into the 2010 season, Wade Phillips had seen his 2009 team get embarrassed by the Vikings in divisional round game 34-3. In 2007 under Wade the #1 seed Cowboys lost in divisional round to the giants 21-17. The Cowboys started the 2010 season 1-5 with Tony Romo before he broke his collarbone in October. Then the team just quit on Phillips and Jerry fired him after 1-7 start. Of course we did not make the playoffs. The age of Garrett followed.

  • 2019 Season with Jason Garrett. This was the final season with Jason Garrett and in his near decade long tenure with Dallas, we only made the playoffs 3 times. In the previous season with Garrett in 2018, the team did win the NFC east, won a WC game vs the seahawks but got manhandled by the rams 30-22 when the rams rushed for over 250 yards. Garrett was allowed to finish his last year of his contract in 2019, but the team went 9-7 and did not qualify for the playoffs. Garrett was just allowed to walk at season’s end (thankfully, lol) As a side note, the man Jerry said would be scooped up in a moment’s notice as a HC has never been hired again as a HC…at any level.
So as we head into 2024, Big Mac is hanging over a cliff with a roster on paper that appears to be less talented than last year’s squad. And he has a division winner’s first place schedule this year. If this team has a rough start, this could quickly turn into another 2010 season with a firing. I hope not.

And I sincerely believe - this is a bad way to handle a head coach. IMO it woukd have been better to fire McCarthy after last January's humiliating playoff loss to GB. It was the worst playoff loss in Cowboys history. It is extremely hard to just block that mental memory out and move on. This team better have a roaringly good start or the seat gets scorching for Mac’s behind.
Lol multiple on this board swore Garrett would get a HC offer, dude was out of coaching at the age of 55, but it's sad how long Jerry kept him


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Ha. Jerry seems to think that people will perform when on the hot seat.

Other than the coaches, didn’t they tag Prescott twice? Asking him to ‘prove it,’ he proved nothing and it cost them way more money when they caved. Nice plan.

They aren’t good at this, but they are gonna keep trying because they think they are “close,” and egos rule. What human is smarter or better than them?


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BULLET! This could go sideways fast if they start compiling losses. It could turn into a cascading failure to the point that Jerry fires MM during the season.


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Is a divisional round playoff loss worse than a Super Bowl loss?! If I’m not winning the SB then I have zero interest in being in one.
IMO, losing a Super Bowl is light years better than losing a wild card game at home against an inferior opponent. You had to have won at least 2-3 playoff games to get to a SB. We haven’t won two playoff games in a season since Starter jackets were all the rage.


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I wouldn't' blame McCarthy if he looked at other offers. Most teams would look at three consecutive 12-5 seasons with complete envy.

They haven't been successful in the playoffs but they also haven't stopped going to the playoffs and each time is another opportunity.

Or does Jerry still believe that 500 other coaches could get there with this team?

I think the Cowboys will be around 10-7 this season but will be a better team in December and January than they have been recently.

If so, Jerry would do well to sign him before the end of the season because there will be other offers. No one can say that he doesn't have the resume.