With each passing game I gain more acceptance of the inevitable.


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theebs;2298086 said:
I think all the blame and credit this season needs to go to the players.

Some pretty good coaches have been coaching a number of these players on this team, and the results are always the same. For some reason there comes a point in the season where the team is flat, and against the nfc east it seems more frequent.

I will never understand why our secondary is so bad. It is baffling to me. We have had some really talented people coaching this secondary but it doesnt seem to matter.

Hopefully this group will get better as the season goes on.

Is it just me, or do these guys play scared? I was watching the Ravens/Steelers game tonight. We have more talent in the secondary than both of these teams, but nonetheless, both of these teams play with an ATTITUDE.


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Bleu Star;2297654 said:
Wade's ho hum style of leadership isn't helping the cause. Barring a strong run and possibly an appearance in the Super Bowl. Garret needs to take over the reigns post haste.

<flame retardant suit donned>

Wade is the deer in the headlights.
Except not as aggressive.


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Boysboy;2297663 said:
I have a funny feeling that around this time next year, we'll be criticizing Garrett just as much, if not more than Parcells/Wade combined, while Wade will be down in The Big Easy getting that Saints defense to wreck havoc.

Pt being that the personnel on this team just isn't very smart, much less have discipline and heart.

Garrett is ready to take over and it is inevitable. Garrett will be more effective than Wade and he will have Brian Stewart head first out the door.

Wade would go back to SD. Norm would hold huge interest in depends diaper shares once Wade goes back to SD


Makin' It Rain
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I've never been hot on Phillips. It's not quite like the Switzer era, but he's a guy I've always hoped the players could just carry to a Super Bowl (or, hell, a playoff victory).

I think Phillips was a nice short-term band aid to follow Parcells, as the players had grown tired of Parcells and an anti-Parcells worked well for them. Coaching can sometimes be cyclical, and I don't know that you wanted to follow up Parcells with another hard ***. But my concern was always that his honeymoon would wear off and we'd really suffer in Years 3 and 4, if he were even still around, because of his laid-back, ho-hum, excuse-laden nature.

I'm not trying to rail on Phillips. He has a good regular season record, isn't the worst coach in the league, is a good guy and I'm sure works hard. I just don't think he really adds anything to the equation.


Makin' It Rain
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Boysboy;2298046 said:
Like I said, PERSONNEL probably has alot to do with it. Even if Rex Ryan was coaching our D, it would be the same.

While I'm not hot on Phillips, I agree our personnel is a big part of the problem.

Ellis is a solid player, but he's not real electric at the point of attack and doesn't bring constant heat. Spencer hasn't really developed, for myriad of reasons. We have no inside linebackers capable of blitzing. And our line isn't good at creating much pressure, either (true, Ratliff can on occasion, as can Canty; not constant, though). None of our safeties, even Roy, have ever shown much ability blitzing.

I don't get the feeling that we ever really rattle quarterbacks. It looked like we were going to do that to Campbell on Sunday, sacking him twice on the first two drives. But was he ever sacked again? And too often when we get there, we just bounce off the quarterback. Bouncing off McNabb is one thing, but Rodgers? Campbell?

As good as Spagnaola (sp?) and Jim Johnson are, they're aided by having good pressure players. I don't think we have many of those.


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RainMan;2298112 said:
I've never been hot on Phillips. It's not quite like the Switzer era, but he's a guy I've always hoped the players could just carry to a Super Bowl (or, hell, a playoff victory).

I think Phillips was a nice short-term band aid to follow Parcells, as the players had grown tired of Parcells and an anti-Parcells worked well for them. Coaching can sometimes be cyclical, and I don't know that you wanted to follow up Parcells with another hard ***. But my concern was always that his honeymoon would wear off and we'd really suffer in Years 3 and 4, if he were even still around, because of his laid-back, ho-hum, excuse-laden nature.

I'm not trying to rail on Phillips. He has a good regular season record, isn't the worst coach in the league, is a good guy and I'm sure works hard. I just don't think he really adds anything to the equation.

Same thing happened to the Pats after Parcells bolted. Parcells ended up making an *** out of himself with that stunt he pulled before/after that Super Bowl. It was already late in the game for the Pats to do a patient search for a HC, so Pete Carroll became their best emergency option as they didn't have alot of time.

Carroll was alot like Wade, a players-friendly HC whom the players loved and wanted to play hard for. It worked out GREAT initially, but slowly but surely, it wore on the players and most of the vets like Ted Johnson and Bruchki started not to buy into his philosophies.

As much as I liked Parcells and how much he helped rebuilt this organization, him ditching us at the last minute like he did with the Giants/Pats/Jets...we should have seen this coming a mile away.

With that being said, I hope the post-Parcells syndrome isn't hitting us.


Junior College Transfer
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RainMan;2298112 said:
I've never been hot on Phillips. It's not quite like the Switzer era, but he's a guy I've always hoped the players could just carry to a Super Bowl (or, hell, a playoff victory).

I think Phillips was a nice short-term band aid to follow Parcells, as the players had grown tired of Parcells and an anti-Parcells worked well for them. Coaching can sometimes be cyclical, and I don't know that you wanted to follow up Parcells with another hard ***. But my concern was always that his honeymoon would wear off and we'd really suffer in Years 3 and 4, if he were even still around, because of his laid-back, ho-hum, excuse-laden nature.

I'm not trying to rail on Phillips. He has a good regular season record, isn't the worst coach in the league, is a good guy and I'm sure works hard. I just don't think he really adds anything to the equation.


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RainMan;2298112 said:
I've never been hot on Phillips. It's not quite like the Switzer era, but he's a guy I've always hoped the players could just carry to a Super Bowl (or, hell, a playoff victory).

I think Phillips was a nice short-term band aid to follow Parcells, as the players had grown tired of Parcells and an anti-Parcells worked well for them. Coaching can sometimes be cyclical, and I don't know that you wanted to follow up Parcells with another hard ***. But my concern was always that his honeymoon would wear off and we'd really suffer in Years 3 and 4, if he were even still around, because of his laid-back, ho-hum, excuse-laden nature.

I'm not trying to rail on Phillips. He has a good regular season record, isn't the worst coach in the league, is a good guy and I'm sure works hard. I just don't think he really adds anything to the equation.

You're dead on and he's a great second fiddle on any team but he ain't no Jeff Fischer or Little Bill. Garrett with the right personnel will be the next coming. Wade isn't here to be a caretaker in his or Jerry's opinion but that really is were he fits best in this equation. We couldn't get another hard *** but another hard *** (Coughlin) won the whole thing. That's 6 SB rings from the Parcells clan and a good load more SB appearances and conference championships in the last 20 years than any other hard *** clan. Hard ***' and there hard *** teams win championships. Dungy and Lovie were a fad, even Cowher was a hard ***. Garrett will be a hard *** with unsurpassed articulation and charisma. If Jerry loses Big red, which he won't, Cowher is around.


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AKATheRake;2298128 said:
You're dead on and he's a great second fiddle on any team but he ain't no Jeff Fischer or Little Bill. Garrett with the right personnel will be the next coming. Wade isn't here to be a caretaker in his or Jerry's opinion but that really is were he fits best in this equation. We couldn't get another hard *** but another hard *** (Coughlin) won the whole thing. That's 6 SB rings from the Parcells clan and a good load more SB appearances and conference championships in the last 20 years than any other hard *** clan. Hard ***' and there hard *** teams win championships. Dungy and Lovie were a fad, even Cowher was a hard ***. Garrett will be a hard *** with unsurpassed articulation and charisma.

Lovie had Ron Rivera though, who has alot of fire. Dungy has Peyton, who has alot of fire.


Makin' It Rain
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Boysboy;2298119 said:
Same thing happened to the Pats after Parcells bolted. Parcells ended up making an *** out of himself with that stunt he pulled before/after that Super Bowl. It was already late in the game for the Pats to do a patient search for a HC, so Pete Carroll became their best emergency option as they didn't have alot of time.

Carroll was alot like Wade, a players-friendly HC whom the players loved and wanted to play hard for. It worked out GREAT initially, but slowly but surely, it wore on the players and most of the vets like Ted Johnson and Bruchki started not to buy into his philosophies.

As much as I liked Parcells and how much he helped rebuilt this organization, him ditching us at the last minute like he did with the Giants/Pats/Jets...we should have seen this coming a mile away.

With that being said, I hope the post-Parcells syndrome isn't hitting us.

Good post, boys. I think we just have to hope we can make a smooth transition to Garrett soon. I have my worries with him (such as that he's overrated a tad by the masses), but have some hope as well.

And for the record, I'm not basing any of this anti-Wade stuff on yesterday's one loss. I'm not dumb enough to fire a guy after one game. :) This is just an opinion I've held since his hiring, still hold, and will continue to hold until something drastic happens to prove me wrong. I've never viewed him as along-term fit here, and I'm not convinced Jerry does either. I seriously see him in a situation where it's Super Bowl or bust for his tenure here.


Makin' It Rain
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AKATheRake;2298128 said:
You're dead on and he's a great second fiddle on any team but he ain't no Jeff Fischer or Little Bill. Garrett with the right personnel will be the next coming. Wade isn't here to be a caretaker in his or Jerry's opinion but that really is were he fits best in this equation. We couldn't get another hard *** but another hard *** (Coughlin) won the whole thing. That's 6 SB rings from the Parcells clan and a good load more SB appearances and conference championships in the last 20 years than any other hard *** clan. Hard ***' and there hard *** teams win championships. Dungy and Lovie were a fad, even Cowher was a hard ***. Garrett will be a hard *** with unsurpassed articulation and charisma. If Jerry loses Big red, which he won't, Cowher is around.

Here's my thing with Phillips.

Read any book or hear any tale about a great head coach (or even a really good one), and one of the first things you're told is how they were a master psychologist. I was reading Boys Will Be Boys, and it talks about how Jimmy almost went into that profession. Lombardi, Parcells -- they're all that way. Even in the lower levels, there's a lot of that involved.

I've never once heard Phillips described in that light. The only praise he gets is that players say they like him and that he's a player's coach. Didn't Bill once say here that he didn't want to be called a player's coach? That that is code word for the inmates running the asylum? I see a lot of that with Switz...err, Phillips.


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Boysboy;2298133 said:
Lovie had Ron Rivera though, who has alot of fire. Dungy has Peyton, who has alot of fire.

Can't agree anymore. But Phillips does have Jerry and that man has more fire than them all put together. I didn't like when Jerry got in Jimmy's hair and he shouldn't have cause Jimmy has what you need. Jerry stayed out of Parcells and Wades hair after he lame ducked everyone after Jimmy but I wouldn't mind Jerry getting Wade boiling so he would crack a whip this weak. Ive never seen a bigger vegetable than Brian Stewart. The guy is a drip and that's a guy who adds nothing positive at all to the equation. He isn't even a useful fluffer. Garrett, Cowher and I could only imagine Jimmy coming back. If Wade can't do it, and let him take a good stab at it this year his way, those are the 3 I want coaching this team.


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RainMan;2298144 said:
Good post, boys. I think we just have to hope we can make a smooth transition to Garrett soon. I have my worries with him (such as that he's overrated a tad by the masses), but have some hope as well.

And for the record, I'm not basing any of this anti-Wade stuff on yesterday's one loss. I'm not dumb enough to fire a guy after one game. :) This is just an opinion I've held since his hiring, still hold, and will continue to hold until something drastic happens to prove me wrong. I've never viewed him as along-term fit here, and I'm not convinced Jerry does either. I seriously see him in a situation where it's Super Bowl or bust for his tenure here.

It could have been (much)worse with Norv Turner. At least Wade's a 1/2 decent coach, I doubt Norv would have lasted 5 minutes with TO(he couldn't even handle Michael Westbrook, Albert Connell, and Randy Moss in his previous coaching stints).

I would have preferred Ron Rivera, but like I said, it was a last-minute thingy and Rivera didn't exactly have HC experience.


Makin' It Rain
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Boysboy;2298156 said:
It could have been (much)worse with Norv Turner. At least Wade's a 1/2 decent coach, I doubt Norv would have lasted 5 minutes with TO(he couldn't even handle Michael Westbrook, Albert Connell, and Randy Moss in his previous coaching stints).

I would have preferred Ron Rivera, but like I said, it was a last-minute thingy and Rivera didn't exactly have HC experience.

Agreed, again. I am thankful we went the Phillips route over Turner. He's having some success in San Diego, but I'm not a believer in him whatsoever as a head man.


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RainMan;2298150 said:
Here's my thing with Phillips.

Read any book or hear any tale about a great head coach (or even a really good one), and one of the first things you're told is how they were a master psychologist. I was reading Boys Will Be Boys, and it talks about how Jimmy almost went into that profession. Lombardi, Parcells -- they're all that way. Even in the lower levels, there's a lot of that involved.

I've never once heard Phillips described in that light. The only praise he gets is that players say they like him and that he's a player's coach. Didn't Bill once say here that he didn't want to be called a player's coach? That that is code word for the inmates running the asylum? I see a lot of that with Switz...err, Phillips.

Yes sir...... Need a motivator, first and foremost. In any business/organization/team you need an example, a leader who will motivate their people to do things they don't want to do, to achieve the things that they do want to achieve. The Dallas Cowboys are no different from the owner, coach, players, to the guy who scrapes the gum from below the stadium seats. I posted a thread earlier that got into this. It was specific to Wade's halftime interview during yesterday's loss. He was asked how is he going to motivate them to take this game over and he said the coach can throw out a motivational halftime speech but it's up to the player's to motivate themselves. I couldn't believe my ears and believe me Owen's knows how many balls went his way, this is his way of trying to get the team angry about something so that they play with the anger they haven't shown. Owen's problem is that he needs to play a different record. The inmates running the asylum my brother.

I wish Zach Thomas was around longer cause there's a guy who will straighten some heads out. he's also sitting beside Flo and the other road graders in that locker room. Believe me, with time that guy is going to straighten someone out if it needs be. Would have happened already but he's very new, eventhough a decorated vet. Bottomline, Wade needs to not just accept the responsibility of taking blame, he needs to make examples and demand results. He needs to make these players hungry. Back in SD the players were saying he made them feel like they were invincible. Yah I'm sure he doe'sthat with our guys but that works when you have Marty Schottenheimer making the fundamentals important again like tackling and playing angry/hungry. Coach gives the reality check, keeps them focused and makes em mad at the world, right hand builds their confidence. We got the right hand, we have the coach. He just has to play second fiddle to the guy who should be the right hand right now. Unreal, the players have to motivate themselves.



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Boysboy;2298156 said:
It could have been (much)worse with Norv Turner. At least Wade's a 1/2 decent coach, I doubt Norv would have lasted 5 minutes with TO(he couldn't even handle Michael Westbrook, Albert Connell, and Randy Moss in his previous coaching stints).

I would have preferred Ron Rivera, but like I said, it was a last-minute thingy and Rivera didn't exactly have HC experience.

You're right Wade is a better option than Norv. For one it works better defensively, even though we should have better results on that side of the ball, and we get Garrett running an offense and progressing faster with that responsibility rather than he would under Norv. Last minute thingy was big yes, but Jerry always had Garrett in mind and wanted someone to take over the D while Garrett was progressing. Listen, Jerry could have had Dan Reeves in a heartbeat. Jerry could pull alot of guys out of retirment if he wanted to. Garrett is what Jerry wants because he's young and has all the tangeables and intangeables of a great head coach. We most likely have our next long term (Landry, Cowher, Fischer Long term type) coach in Garrett.

In regards to Wade handling T.O. That's all Jerry. Wade's takes it cause he has the passive/push over not uptight mentality. He's team is down half times and they don't need motivational speeches that will build more will and urgency to win in his opinion. In Wades mind nothing is ever a big deal. He's a good ole boy who'll do a good ole right hand job for you but has to be lead himself by a stronger personality. We'll see if Jerry's overpowering personality with Wades overpowered personality will benefit this team when we need to grind.


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Boysboy;2297663 said:
I have a funny feeling that around this time next year, we'll be criticizing Garrett just as much, if not more than Parcells/Wade combined, while Wade will be down in The Big Easy getting that Saints defense to wreck havoc.

Pt being that the personnel on this team just isn't very smart, much less have discipline and heart.

I still want Wade gone but you are right.


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Boysboy;2297663 said:
I have a funny feeling that around this time next year, we'll be criticizing Garrett just as much, if not more than Parcells/Wade combined, while Wade will be down in The Big Easy getting that Saints defense to wreck havoc.

Pt being that the personnel on this team just isn't very smart, much less have discipline and heart.

I agree..it seems that this team (especially the D) doesn't have much heart. Discipline has always been a problem even under parcells.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Watch the look on Brian Stewart's face when the defense is getting railed on and compare it to Romeo Crennel's face when his Browns are getting it handed to them. They're virtually the same. (BLANK)

Both coaches should enjoy their last moments on the sidelines this year.

I really hope Stewart turns this around but he seems to be in over his head.