With each passing game I gain more acceptance of the inevitable.


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theebs;2298086 said:
I think all the blame and credit this season needs to go to the players.

Some pretty good coaches have been coaching a number of these players on this team, and the results are always the same. For some reason there comes a point in the season where the team is flat, and against the nfc east it seems more frequent.

I will never understand why our secondary is so bad. It is baffling to me. We have had some really talented people coaching this secondary but it doesnt seem to matter.

Hopefully this group will get better as the season goes on.
tbh it should have dropped on the players two offseasons ago, but did anyone want to listen to me? Noooooooooo....


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RainMan;2298158 said:
Agreed, again. I am thankful we went the Phillips route over Turner. He's having some success in San Diego, but I'm not a believer in him whatsoever as a head man.

Norv Turner took a beat up San Diego team farther last season than they ever went during the Schottenheimer/Phillips versions. The AFC Championship game. He took a beat up San Diego team farther than the Cowboys went last year, and the Cowboys had better talent in my book. (especially considering San Diego's injuries at that stage of the season)

If we want to think that Phillips is the right guy, fine, but after seeing what keeps happening with Commanders coaches (mediocre season after mediocre season no matter who is in charge), and Raiders coaches (hello Mr. Kiffen), and after seeing Turner do a pretty good job in San Diego last year under immense scrutiny and pressure, I wouldn't dog him too much.

Lets see who gets farther this year. I'm hoping for Dallas but I would be lying if I said I had great faith in a Wade Phillips coached team in the playoffs, I just don't at this point. I WILL BE PLEASED, OVERJOYED, TO BE PROVEN WRONG on this.


Old Fashioned
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I dont know how Red's mentality is either, being a former player Id think he'd be pretty soft too.


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I have my doubts about Wade but this is one loss, and in 8 weeks we COULD be 10-1 or 9-2, and that's a team in a great position.


Kane Ala
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Why in the world would you fire Wade if he won a SB? How do you do that? Sure it's been done. Here. But that was a personal problem. If Wade wins a SB he'll be back. That would be good for Garrett. He needs seasoning to be a HC. He's still not ready for it. He should be after next year. Not saying he won't be just I think it would be better for him to learn for another year or so.

The expectations here have always been unrealistic. Just like the Yankees, the Cowboys are supposed to be in the hunt every year. But the expectations for the secondary of this team are unrealistic IMO. By most fans.

We have a player in his first year here and his first year back from a prolonged absence from football. By the end of the year he should be a dependable back.

Tnew is still injured. A groin injury is not the easiest thing to play with. And they don't get well in a short time. Hopefully by the end of the year he'll be close to 100%; if he doesn't reinjure it.

Scandrick and Jenkins are rookies. They will be better by the end of the year; probably. But you cannot trust them.

And our regular safety duo is not playing. Say what you want about RW but when you lose a starting safety you are gong to lose something.

The point of all this being you have to protect these guys as much as possible. You don't want to give up two or three TDs or several huge plays trusting these guys to play man coverage esp with your starting safeties not back there.

If you'll be patient then they will develop. I'd rather trust what very smart guys are doing than think we know better. And Spencer will get better and our pass rush will improve even more.


Messenger to the football Gods
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crazytown41;2297999 said:
Bill Cowher ;)

Exactly what the doctor ordered. Not Cowher necessarily, but we need a fire starter. JMO, of course..............