it's sad how irrelevant we are to kids/teens these days. "america's team" can't live off the fans from the 70s and 90s forever. i worry about the future of this fanbase.
Oh come on .. the team that wins the Super Bowl is always the bandwagon favorite and fan's "blueprint special" example for how teams should be run for the next year or two afterwards so of course they said Seattle. If the Cowboys were really irrelevant, the Cowboys would not be one of, if not the top, draws for televised games and their monetary value would decline or at least flatten out.
I'm frustrated just like all fans, but it really just makes people look silly to downplay the popularity of the Cowboys. Don't get me wrong, it makes for good media given that it pulls in both fans and haters, but I actually feel a little sad (seriously) for fans who spend so much of their time wailing about the downfall of the Cowboys popularity when that's not the issue. The real issue is the downfall of the team itself, not the team's popularity. If you want to rant and wail about a decline, that's where the focus should be.
The bottom line is that the Cowboys are worth more today than they were yesterday, and tomorrow, they'll be worth more than they were today. No matter how many times someone tries to claim otherwise, the Dallas Cowboys are still America's Team. After 17+ years of failed season after failed season, that hasn't changed. The only place where you can say their popularity is down is probably in the Dallas area and that is mainly due to the loss of the local bandwagon fans who only rise up to support the team when they are winning, and that happens in every major market where there are teams, especially successful ones, in other major sports such as MLB, the NHL and the NBA.