Witten: This is the stuff I couldn't stand when I played

They need to fire Linehan tomorrow to have accountability for this pathetic showing. The office is so predictable that its pretty easy for a football novice to know if it’s a run or pass. Linehan idea of being creative are slow developing plays that never work. I know we all want Garrett fired, I just don’t see the need until after the season. No matter what we think of Prescott, he’s going to be the quarterback this year and next. It’s a depressing time to be a cowboy fan with no hope on the horizon and no 1st round pick.
witten's best game as an announcer. and if one merely listened to the criticism he made of the cowboys offense, he was absolutely right. might also have been a clue as to why witten decided to leave the team. he knew there was no chance at the big dance with this coaching staff.

I thought he was pretty good tonight...
They need to fire Linehan tomorrow to have accountability for this pathetic showing. The office is so predictable that its pretty easy for a football novice to know if it’s a run or pass. Linehan idea of being creative are slow developing plays that never work. I know we all want Garrett fired, I just don’t see the need until after the season. No matter what we think of Prescott, he’s going to be the quarterback this year and next. It’s a depressing time to be a cowboy fan with no hope on the horizon and no 1st round pick.
Garrett is the one that needs to be fired. What does he even do? We've literally turned over the WHOLE team and coaching staff and we still have the same results. No more careers need to be sacrificed to prop up Garrett. Time for him to go.
Yeah? Well this is the stuff I couldn’t stand watching,and I’m still watching it 9 years later. At what point is there a line in the sand? They fire the assistants,they spend a first on a big FA,and we’re all still here where we were all along. Told you all in week one...we ARE stuck in that episode of the Twilight Zone. I knew it...but have been lying to myself in the denial phase.
What the hell are people, including witten, talking about. Tempo had nothing to do with moving the ball at the end. The titans were in prevent is why they moved the ball.

Either way, dak and the offense need to be able to execute a basic offense. Gimmicks aren’t the answer.

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