Woman Booted From Flight for Boarding With ‘Emotional Support’ Squirrel

A woman was kicked off a plane in Orlando late Wednesday after she attempted to fly with an “emotional support” squirrel, according to a report from the New York Post. The Cleveland-bound woman reportedly indicated that she planned to fly with the varmint Tuesday night, but did not specify that the animal would be a squirrel. When she was asked to leave the plane, the Post notes, she refused, forcing Frontier Airlines to deplane other passengers before forcibly escorting her out.

full article: https://www.thedailybeast.com/woman-booted-from-flight-for-boarding-with-emotional-support-squirrel


How stupid has flying become? It’s like Walmart now...you just know there’s a good chance a YouTube video is ready to get uploaded. I don’t fly....I hate it. You can’t get me around gen public people on a confined space,where I have no freedom or control. Swear if I’m rich...straight doing private jets.

For my last flight, I bought a first class ticket. It helped some. Was three times the normal price though.
This snowflake can take her squirrel and shove it into a dark confined space.....................squirrels are NOT "service animals" in any shape or form.:mad: The airline had grounds to eject merely because the lady didn't tell support services in advance what sort of animal it was. You've got to make arrangement ahead of time. You can't just show up at the ticket counter. They will be required to contact the support medical desk for clearance which takes time.....I would've not given her a boarding pass or let her board if she already had one. She should have been stopped at the gate............I was a ticket agent for 18 years and this would never had passed muster and I meant business and was NOT intimidated by threats from morons.

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