Women march topless in Portland without incident

Not the types you'd necessarily want to see naked.

LOL at the dudes with cameras, though.

bbgun;3334600 said:
Don't you mean flat-chested chick or a dude with Bob's physique?
SultanOfSix;3334822 said:
I swear some people just have nothing better to do.

You object?

I fully support topless marching.

Only downside I can see so far is there aren't many women in that photo I want to see topless. It's actually kind of hard to separate the men from the women.
If they don't want men to look then don't take your top off.

I mean come on do you think guys don't look in Europe at the beaches hell yea they due.
Hoofbite;3334844 said:
You object?

I fully support topless marching.

Only downside I can see so far is there aren't many women in that photo I want to see topless. It's actually kind of hard to separate the men from the women.

I would enjoy looking at the female body as much as any other (heterosexual) guy as it is his natural inclination, but I fail to see how this benefits women in any manner whatsoever. Men find it difficult not to look at a woman's cleavage, let alone the entire package exposed.
SultanOfSix;3335350 said:
I would enjoy looking at the female body as much as any other (heterosexual) guy as it is his natural inclination, but I fail to see how this benefits women in any manner whatsoever. Men find it difficult not to look at a woman's cleavage, let alone the entire package exposed.

This is absolutely true IMO. No matter how glorious or horrid, a man will look and be unable to prevent himself. It's just how it works. I mean, some things are just as basic as that. I don't get it.
Viper;3336090 said:
I'm an *** man, when is that march?:D

When it is socially appropriate for men to be unclothed down there. The point of this march is because men can do it. Besides, technically, it should be a men march for showing *** since it's pretty acceptable for a woman (especially on the beach/mini-skirts/boy shorts)
VietCowboy;3336347 said:
When it is socially appropriate for men to be unclothed down there. The point of this march is because men can do it. Besides, technically, it should be a men march for showing *** since it's pretty acceptable for a woman (especially on the beach/mini-skirts/boy shorts)

Bob's getting aroused.
We need one of them marches here in TX:busty: :stetson:
CowboyFan74;3336403 said:
We need one of them marches here in TX:busty: :stetson:

Good news for you: Boobs haven't been made illegal in Texas. Only your butthole and fun place are illegal. That doesn't mean bared mammary glands is a right yet, so you may get topless marches in cities where they've outlawed it to get said law tested in court.

I honestly believe a woman should have the right to go topless anywhere a man can. So good for them?

But for a woman to want to be topless AND want men not to stare? Out of their ****ing minds. Will never happen and it's not something that can simply be "changed".

If men walked around with their ***** out, women would look. Even if it wasn't due to some attraction or "OMG *****" mindset. It's something thats just out there it's going to get looked at.

This **** is just human nature.
Men are visual by nature.

Women aren't neccessarily.

If a march was set up where men walked around with $100 bill stapled to their chest, there'd be hordes of female oglers as well.
Teren_Kanan;3336664 said:

I honestly believe a woman should have the right to go topless anywhere a man can. So good for them?

But for a woman to want to be topless AND want men not to stare? Out of their ****ing minds. Will never happen and it's not something that can simply be "changed".

If men walked around with their ***** out, women would look. Even if it wasn't due to some attraction or "OMG *****" mindset. It's something thats just out there it's going to get looked at.

This **** is just human nature.

True. If jugs don't attract/distract men, then why are women constantly getting them augmented?
bbgun;3336854 said:
True. If jugs don't attract/distract men, then why are women constantly getting them augmented?

Because they look better? I don't know what you think, but when I was watching Nell the other night (great movie btw), and saw Jodie Foster, it would have looked a lot better with a little extra.

With that said, personally, I find the total opposite to also not be too attractive looking. I remember reading a stat somewhere that there are an equal if not more women who do reductions as opposed to augmenting them.

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