Twitter: Woods talks about defensive miscommunication


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Just me, I honestly believe if they can fix this we'll see significant improvement. He's right, you have to get 11 guys playing as one.

Not playing full speed 70 plays will raise a few hairs.......I understand what he's saying and it not the first time I've heard it. In fact, from my understanding it quite common among players ( take a play or two catch their breath ) but it's NOT and I repeat NOT something you speak about in public coz fans don't wanna hear it.
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Just me, I honestly believe if they can fix this we'll see significant improvement. He's right, you have to get 11 guys playing as one.

I disagree. This team is 1-3. They haven’t earned the right to loaf on plays. It takes 0 talent to hustle. Giving up 300 yards rushing last week? On the final Beckham touchdown, had Smith not half butt ran to the play, he was there to make the tackle.

You want to take plays off? How about build a big lead and then you can rest when you win.

The entire unit has played like utter dog doo from top to bottom. Yet, we have guys wanting to take plays off, get mad a fans for calling them out for lack of production etc.

Even if it’s not realistic to go 110% every play, that is not what ANY fan wants to hear from them. You bust your butt, you do what you need to do to win ball games Xavier.


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Their pursuit was trash on that reverse...the backside CB could've made that play instead of a LB chasing a WR.

Woods speaks some truth, but the other parts show why they suck. The mindset is not a winning one, I'll say that.


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Just me, I honestly believe if they can fix this we'll see significant improvement. He's right, you have to get 11 guys playing as one.

Not only is there a big void in talent on defense, but there are leadership issues. Lawrence and Jaylon are NOT leaders. This is where the McCoy injury hurt the most.

Then you throw in a total new scheme, DC, and all the this nonsense with 4-3 and 3-4 combined with so little time in the offseason and you have the perfect storm for this disaster. And that's not even mentioning all the injuries.


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While I agree that Jaylon should have been running hard the whole time, you seem to completely absolve Aldon Smith, Joe Thomas and about 4 others who had shots to make a tackle way before Jaylon and failed to do so


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I disagree. This team is 1-3. They haven’t earned the right to loaf on plays. It takes 0 talent to hustle. Giving up 300 yards rushing last week? On the final Beckham touchdown, had Smith not half butt ran to the play, he was there to make the tackle.

You want to take plays off? How about build a big lead and then you can rest when you win.

The entire unit has played like utter dog doo from top to bottom. Yet, we have guys wanting to take plays off, get mad a fans for calling them out for lack of production etc.

Even if it’s not realistic to go 110% every play, that is not what ANY fan wants to hear from them. You bust your butt, you do what you need to do to win ball games Xavier.

I think he's saying, or at least trying to say it's humanly impossible to go FULL SPEED 70 plays WITHOUT a break. But it's not something he should be saying ........


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You bust your butt, you do what you need to do to win ball games Xavier.

Especially if you are on your first contract and want to make the big money on the second one. THAT is the "business decision" a guy like Woods should be thinking about.


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The defense lacks leadership: either its the players or the coaches. It just seems that they are out of tune with each other.

Blame should go first and foremost to Nolan. What the hell was he thinking about changing the scheme?

Secondly, it's the players. They clearly are void of talent and outgunned.

When our Dline sucks to hell and gets blown out by the opposing team each and every play, it says a lot about this defense.


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Not only is there a big void in talent on defense, but there are leadership issues. Lawrence and Jaylon are NOT leaders. This is where the McCoy injury hurt the most.

Then you throw in a total new scheme, DC, and all the this nonsense with 4-3 and 3-4 combined with so little time in the offseason and you have the perfect storm for this disaster. And that's not even mentioning all the injuries.

and disaster is exactly what we're seeing but the more I think about it, MM didn't do them any favors. He probably should have held off changing schemes once he knew how much CV19 would impact offseason preparation.


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I think he's saying, or at least trying to say it's humanly impossible to go FULL SPEED 70 plays WITHOUT a break. But it's not something he should be saying ........

I mean his statement makes it seem as if he's condoning quit or going half-speed but I'm 100 confidence that's NOT what he means.....just me though.


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and disaster is exactly what we're seeing but the more I think about it, MM didn't do them any favors. He probably should have held off changing schemes once he knew how much CV19 would impact offseason preparation.

Anything they do now is helping for next year season. This defense is nowhere near championship ready and the Oline is in shambles.

For Nolan's scheme you need talent or you get burned. Although I haven't seen all the blitzing we heard about.


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I think he's saying, or at least trying to say it's humanly impossible to go FULL SPEED 70 plays WITHOUT a break. But it's not something he should be saying ........

This is how I read. I run almost every day and it hard to string miles together sometimes. I probably wouldn’t have said it out loud, but I do appreciate the transparency from him about it. I’d also say there are certain times or situations within the game where they should be going hard. Like the reverse by OBJ I felt like that would’ve been a situation you’d give your all, but it just seemed like they didn’t communicate the right call and some guys just didn’t go hard.


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Excuses, complaints, blame-shifting... that is all I am hearing from the players.

Not even close to the type of winning mindset they need to right the ship. They are not acting like men, but just a bunch of overpaid, entitled boys that are sensitive to criticism.

If we had a HC with any sack— people would be getting benched and he would be taking some action instead of touting the “status quo” crap that the Jones’ are known for.


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It seems to me that he's saying a good time to catch your breath is when there's no chance of you helping on the play anyway. Anyone who's ever played any sport knows those moments come.

However, there seem to be players who don't know when to rest and when to go full speed...and at least one player who doesn't seem to have a clue about anything that's going on around him.


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It seems to me that he's saying a good time to catch your breath is when there's no chance of you helping on the play anyway. Anyone who's ever played any sport knows those moments come.

However, there seem to be players who don't know when to rest and when to go full speed...and at least one player who doesn't seem to have a clue about anything that's going on around him.
Your exactly right with your assessment of what a below average safety has to say.

Pop in a whole game of Troy Polumolu and see a guy who wants to make a tackle every play. Woods ain't trying to make the play every play with the way he talks.

Also, Woods ain't in good shape then.


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Hate to say it they just need to go basic on defense, make it not simple and will be much better. Still will be below average but much better lol. With how much I’m hearing how complicated Nolan’s defense is, and no offseason they just need to be more basic


Fattening up
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The secondary issues have been a big part of the problem. Throw the fact that we can’t contain the run and you have terrible performances across the board.

Hopefully, getting 2 of our best DBs back addresses the secondary problem. Then we can win by out scoring teams and letting them try to keep up by beating us repeatedly in the outside running game.