Twitter: Woods talks about defensive miscommunication


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Your exactly right with your assessment of what a below average safety has to say.

Pop in a whole game of Troy Polumolu and see a guy who wants to make a tackle every play. Woods ain't trying to make the play every play with the way he talks.

Also, Woods ain't in good shape then.
Polumolu got hurt a lot, IIRC. I'm not going to pretend to know it's because he didn't know when to go less than 100%, but going full on when you're not in any position to make a play does nothing but drain you and make it less likely you'll make the next play.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not condoning standing at the sideline and watching to see if your teammates make a play, but conserving energy that's better used when you're in a situation in which that energy can benefit you is sometimes the smart play.


Go Seahawks!!!
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Looked like the defense thought it was game 4 of the preseason instead of the regular season.


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Not playing full speed 70 plays will raise a few hairs.......I understand what he's saying and it not the first time I've heard it. In fact, from my understanding it quite common among players ( take a play or two catch their breath ) but it's NOT and I repeat NOT something you speak about in public coz fans don't wanna hear it.

Great ones play full speed in practice. When you're too tired to play full speed, you need to be off the field for someone who can.


It's all in the reflexes
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Woods has been labeled here and there , deservedly so, but being a loafer he is not. He’s constantly sticking his nose into plays, sometimes with too hard of a hit on a contested reception and sometimes lunging for a hero tackle to shut down the play instead of being a “safety” and making the “sure” tackle, albeit several yards sacrificed.

I’m sure what he was saying was that, from his perspective, there are plays in the game where it’s far-side, behind you, and there’s nothing you can do, the options are:
A - Keep emptying the tanks for a “show of effort”.
B - Know when it’s an out of control play, jog towards it and conserve stamina for the next play of many.

I’m not defending the short-range loafing (10-15 yard stuff) just the long plays that Woods is used to. These are humans...maybe juiced a bit, but humans. Anyone expecting a WR to run all-out on 9-routes for 70 snaps a game has played too much Madden.

Again, that said, there are genuine, short-range effort issues that have surfaced since even week 1.


Cowboys Diehard
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I think the bigger problem is "from a fan's perspective" we're seeing both, miscommunication and lack of effort.

Agreed. Seems like when a player makes excuses for taking plays off, he may be an active part of the problem. Not a good look.

He might not be what it sounds like -- I'll admit that, but it would likely serve him better to avoid making those types of comments.
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While I agree that Jaylon should have been running hard the whole time, you seem to completely absolve Aldon Smith, Joe Thomas and about 4 others who had shots to make a tackle way before Jaylon and failed to do so
Asking a 280 lb defensive lineman to stop Beckham in the open field is ridiculous. Smith has been one of very few bright spots on this defense.

Jaylon screwed any comeback attempt with his boneheaded mistake on the block. So there’s that too. If you’re trying to absolve Jaylon for the play on Beckham


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So Asante didn't like a scheme at the end of his career when he was a dog turd of a cb, got it
He had 5 picks in 2012 with him. Doesn’t seem too washed up. Probably why he started with, “of course it didn’t effect me”. Cocky or not he was right about it not affecting him lol.


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I disagree. This team is 1-3. They haven’t earned the right to loaf on plays. It takes 0 talent to hustle. Giving up 300 yards rushing last week? On the final Beckham touchdown, had Smith not half butt ran to the play, he was there to make the tackle.

You want to take plays off? How about build a big lead and then you can rest when you win.

The entire unit has played like utter dog doo from top to bottom. Yet, we have guys wanting to take plays off, get mad a fans for calling them out for lack of production etc.

Even if it’s not realistic to go 110% every play, that is not what ANY fan wants to hear from them. You bust your butt, you do what you need to do to win ball games Xavier.

i dunno if we have the player personnel right now to fix a bulk of the issues, because teams are able to " out-physical " us ..which ironic is exactly
what happened with Marinelli regime,

we were already seeing creases of being bullied vs run - even in the Rams first game this year -and the dam totally volcano broke
vs Cleveland, and it didn't take Chubb himself to do so ... backups Hunt and no-names.

the biggest problems is no suitable interior resistance as:
- Poe is useless, and like Crawford, is really hurting this defense; he's not on fumes, he's fully cooked, he has nothing left.
- whether vs run or pass, Crawford is still getting knocked/ bounced around with ease, has been in every game this year.
- Hill is still green vs run and in a learning curve, sometimes he's turned, and occasionally he'll flash penetration ability.
- Dlaw usually very sound vs run, is injury gimpy, is knee issue vs pass too?
- Woods is far more effective in spots and packages, the more he has to play , the more he is exposed as a limited rotational player.
- Griffin looks either lost or disinterested; hes' out of position vs run, he's just not uncomfortable here and thus ineffective
- Aldon had show up.. until this Brown's game. Flexed at both ends, the OTs took him out this game.

- Could a conditioning driven practice squad Snack Harrison been an alternative, its a mute point now
and its a bare supply now with bringing help off the street, but i'd use whatever able body i can to what they have in them.
i'm using Gallimore and Anae even if it's pass rush packages only.


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- Jaylon continues to be a huge problem, both on a physical a IQ cerebral level ...and on a leadership level.
he fails as lining up players and calling the signals- everyone is still in disarray. and Jaylon is very often out of position, whether vs run or
in pass coverage, Always easily fooled on mis-directions, stuck in blockiing traffic, often has his back to the ball in coverage, and he has
been utter useless as a blitzer. .. he can run in a straight line ,,and that's it ! - sorry but i cannot wait to get his useless off this team.

- Joe thomas is what he is - a decent serviceable backup, He can get tangled up in traffic- sometimes he'll make a fine open field play
ala the helmet to helmet play that refs blew the call ..but he'll occasional have a blown play or bad tackle

- Guess what ?, no other LB on the roster that we can mentioned,.. Gifford used on special teams, and all Justin March does is special teams,
We dropped the ball in not getting more quality LB depth, imo...

LVE may likely return in due time,.... but he is another for whatever reason; is too easily fooled on misdirection oriented plays, and he may be
one that always has to be totally protected and cover by "true" big bodies in front, sean lee in his prime could do that, LVE may not have that
kind of Sean Lee instincts and read anticipation to beat traffic

Speaking of which i have my sheer doubts that Lee will even male it back this year ...


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Ask Zach Martin or Tyron Smith if they give up on plays. How would that work out? That comment was very telling.