Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

4 guesses Tuesday. Wrong 4th letter on the 3rd guess. TBH, I wouldn't have thought this was a word.

Missed the Framed movie. At least I've heard of this one. Who knows, maybe tomorrow they'll have one I've seen!
05/03/2023| Framed: 4 –––– Wordle: 4
Framed: Misdirected, but I figured it out.
Wordle: Finally narrowed this one down.

3 guesses Friday

3 for Framed, but no, I haven't seen it. I knew it wasn't the first one, and the character shown made it pretty obvious, though I'd forgotten they even made a sequel.
It's a 3 kind of Friday!!

Wordle: 3

Framed: 3

I, too, have never seen this movie. I just recognized the character.
I have seen the first one and I couldn't do it (and I like stupid movies). I've been told I never gave it a real chance, and that could be true, but I just couldn't get into it.
It's a 3 kind of Friday!!

Wordle: 3

Framed: 3

I, too, have never seen this movie. I just recognized the character.
I have seen the first one and I couldn't do it (and I like stupid movies). I've been told I never gave it a real chance, and that could be true, but I just couldn't get into it.
I'm not a big fan of over the top humor usually either, but there are so many great gags in that movie, it's worth the cringe moments.
Wordle: 3

Framed: 4

I have actually never seen it, but for some reason frame 4 just screamed the movie title out to me.
probably had a lot to do with seeing the back of Tom Cruise's head lol

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