Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

05/15/2023| Framed: X ––– Wordle: 3
Framed: Didn't see it, never heard of it.
Wordle: All correct letters, wrong word.

Last edited:
Wordle: 5

Framed: 1

Juggernaut, I almost tried that too! In fact, I actually typed it out in the box at first, but something was telling me that frame just didn't look like that movie.
I wish they had more than one Framed and Wordle per day.

Probably posted in this long thread but is there a starting word you normally use on Wordle?

I usually start with Audio gets most of the vowels. Do not know if there are other five letter words with all of the vowels or not.
I wish they had more than one Framed and Wordle per day.

Probably posted in this long thread but is there a starting word you normally use on Wordle?

I usually start with Audio gets most of the vowels. Do not know if there are other five letter words with all of the vowels or not.
I've recently been using AUDIO as well. If I get any letters; and if it's possible, I use them to try to create a word with E and Y.

I also try to incorporate as many of the standard Wheel of Fortune Bonus Puzzle consonants in it. Those being R, S, T, L, N.

Another word that I've used before that also contains four vowels is ADIEU. In that cause I'd try to add O and Y to the results.
4 guesses Wednesday

Missed the Framed movie. I did see it once, but I didn't remember some of the actors I see in the frames being in the movie, so I assumed it was yet another flick I'd never heard of.
I've recently been using AUDIO as well. If I get any letters; and if it's possible, I use them to try to create a word with E and Y.

I also try to incorporate as many of the standard Wheel of Fortune Bonus Puzzle consonants in it. Those being R, S, T, L, N.

Another word that I've used before that also contains four vowels is ADIEU. In that cause I'd try to add O and Y to the results.
I usually start with SPACE. I don't know if that's a great word to start with or not, but it's just my to-go-to. I'm hellbent on getting that word on 1st try sometime. haha
05/18/2023| Framed: 2 –––– Wordle: 4
Framed: Knew this immediately on two.
Wordle: Lame, just missed a three day.


Knew today's Framed film because this great Samuel L. Jackson scene. I laugh every time I see it.

I usually start with SPACE. I don't know if that's a great word to start with or not, but it's just my to-go-to. I'm hellbent on getting that word on 1st try sometime. haha
Just did a search of previous Wordle answers; good news, SPACE hasn't been used. Before the New York Times bought Wordle, the game's code had SPACE set to be the answer on Nov. 1st, 2024.

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