Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

06/01/2023| Framed: 6 ––– Wordle: 6
Framed: I didn't see it. I saw the trailer.
Wordle: Used 20/26 letters. Watch out.


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5 guesses Thursday

Missed the Framed movie. I knew what it was but the 5th frame, but couldn't remember the name of it.
5 guesses Thursday

Missed the Framed movie. I knew what it was but the 5th frame, but couldn't remember the name of it.
Wordle: 5

Yeah, it wasn't looking good for me there for a few lines.

Framed: Missed. I've seen it, but didn't put it all together.
Congratulations keeping your Wordle streaks too. And nice job doing it in just five guesses! Five guesses isn't typically a great day, but yesterday was a tough one. And it's better than me. :laugh:
I forgot the name of the Framed movie too. Started to type Red Room (the location where Black Widow was trained), because the trailer reminded me of her, and Red Sparrow popped up. :thumbup:
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4 guesses Friday

2 for Framed. I also recognized the jet, but my first several thoughts were X-Men movies.
Wordle: 3

Framed: 2

I absolutely love that movie. It might be one instance where I think the sequel was better than the first. I also thought X-Men at first frame.
2 guesses Sunday

Missed the Framed movie. I did see it once, and a couple of the scenes looked vaguely familiar, but I could have thought about it for an hour, and never would have come up with the answer.

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