Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

11/11/2023| Framed: 1 ––– Wordle: 2
Framed: Just zoom in and you'll get it!
Wordle: Chased vowels and got lucky!

3 guesses Saturday

5 for Framed. Haven't seen it, and had the right movie in mind on guess 4, but thought it was called The Barbie Movie . I tried a couple other correctly themed movies based on the first frame. Oh well.
5 for Framed. Haven't seen it, and had the right movie in mind on guess 4, but thought it was called The Barbie Movie . I tried a couple other correctly themed movies based on the first frame. Oh well.
Framed: 4

Haven't seen it, but I remember seeing the character in a preview.
I haven't seen yesterday's Framed movie as well. However, I did zoom in on the sign near top of the building and recognized the MATTEL logo. Otherwise I would've recognized it on frame four too. :thumbup:
11/13/2023| Framed: 2 ––– Wordle: 3
Framed: Didn't see it, never heard of it.
Wordle: Three guesses, but I got lucky.
