Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

11/17/2023| Framed: X ––– Wordle: 3
Framed: Didn't see this Lynch film yet.
Wordle: Three guesses but I got lucky.

3 guesses Saturday (almost two, but decided to go with my first thought, because when I second guess myself, I was usually right the first time...Doh!!!)

5 for Framed (never saw it)
Wordle: 5

I didn't fare as well today as you two. lol

Framed: Missed.

You know, I feel like I watched that at some point, but missing it on Framed tells you how much I paid attention to it.
11/21/2023| Framed: 2 ––– Wordle: 3
Framed: Thunderdome in background.
Wordle: Three and not a bad day at all.
