Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

12/11/2023| Framed: 2 ––– Wordle: 2
Framed: Seen it, I don't recommend it.
Wordle: Got E & U, tried a word with O.

4 guesses Monday, because I decided my third guess was too mundane, so I went with a different one.

Missed Framed. I don't think I saw it, but I had a feeling by the 4th frame and was sure by the 6th...but there was no way I was remembering the title.
Dang good scores, Juggs!!!

Thanks! In Wordle, I got lucky picking the right word with O, U, and E. Went with HOUSE because of the S, also H is more common than M. In Framed, I easily recognized the Wes Anderson movie.

Today in Wordle, I tried finding more vowels: ADIEU ➧ PEONY ➧ CREST ➧ THESE. In Framed, I noticed Frances McDormand and I remembered she defecated in a bucket in this and won an Oscar. :laugh:
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Yeah, what you blurred out wouldn't have helped me. Lol
They're the Japanese animation studio that created the today's Framed movie. Coincidentally, their most recent release won the box office last week making it the first original anime title in history to do it.

2 guesses Wednesday

Never heard of the Framed movie.
Congrats on getting Wordle in two! :thumbup:
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