Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

5 guesses Sunday Started off needing only the 4th letter. If I'd used my usual 1st word, instead of swapping 2 of the letters, I would have had it in 2 or 3 guesses.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

5 for Framed. Never saw it.
My history in wordle.

1. 1 The word was aloud. I'll never forget that.
2. 35
3. 189
4. 245
5. 128
6. 44

Going by the total, I think I missed it completely about a dozen times. But if you use 4 as par, I think I am still under it by a bit. I don't use go to words, I just pick words at random.
Wordle: 6

Wow!!! Talk about a freefall!! I was starting to sweat there at the end. lol

Framed: 6

Have never seen it, but recognized that last frame. I remember seeing an article with the actor talking about preparing for that part.
Wordle: 6
Seriously? Two days in a row? :laugh:

Framed: Missed.

Didn't recognize that one.

For some reason I kept wanting to The Outsiders, even though I know that story didn't take place in NYC.
6 guesses Tuesday. Had all but the first letter on guess #2, and fell hard. This is getting on my nerves.

Framed: What the Hell is that? Is that a real movie, or SNL short???
3 guesses Wednesday. Almost 2, but I thought, "Nobody ever uses that word.", so I changed it.

Missed Framed. I've heard of it, but never saw it.
Last edited:
03/06/2024| Framed: 2 ––– Wordle: 2
Framed: Didn't see it, still figured it out.
Wordle: Tried eliminating Y, got a 2 day.


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