Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

You ever have that situation where you got all of the letters but one.
However you only have 2-3 chances left and that word could have a number of letters to get the correct word?

For example.

you have two chances left to get the word and you have the last four letters in place...

- O A T S

You try B for Boats not it
You try C for Coats not it.

You are out of chances and the answer was GOATS.

So annoying when it happens like that.
You ever have that situation where you got all of the letters but one.
However you only have 2-3 chances left and that word could have a number of letters to get the correct word?

For example.

you have two chances left to get the word and you have the last four letters in place...

- O A T S

You try B for Boats not it
You try C for Coats not it.

You are out of chances and the answer was GOATS.

So annoying when it happens like that.
More than once. I hate that. I'd almost rather get no letters in the first two tries.
06/12/2024| Framed: X ––– Wordle: 3
Framed: Missed, never heard of the film.
Wordle: 3, WordleBot 109➧24 words left.

Just happened to me, I believe it was last Saturday or Sunday. It's definitely frustrating.
You ever have that situation where you got all of the letters but one.
However you only have 2-3 chances left and that word could have a number of letters to get the correct word?

For example.

you have two chances left to get the word and you have the last four letters in place...

- O A T S

You try B for Boats not it
You try C for Coats not it.

You are out of chances and the answer was GOATS.

So annoying when it happens like that.
Yes, it's very annoying. WordleBot recommends wasting a guess on a word that contains most of the applicable letters. For your example, guessing the word MAGIC would eliminate three possible words.