Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

06/18/2024| Framed: X ––– Wordle: 4
Framed: Missed it. Never heard of this.
Wordle: Four. WorldBot 158➧34➧3 left.

Wordle: 5

Ugh, totally had my "blonde moment" for the day on line 4. :facepalm: Completely moved one of the letters, as you can see. Totally over-thinking it. :laugh:

Framed: Missed. I don't think I've even heard of it.
4 guesses Thursday

Missed the Framed movie. I was pretty sure I knew it from the first frame, but couldn't remember the name. I need to stop doing these games as soon as I wake up.
4 guesses Thursday

Missed the Framed movie. I was pretty sure I knew it from the first frame, but couldn't remember the name. I need to stop doing these games as soon as I wake up.
Yeah, I've done that several times myself. Groggy, staring out of one eye as your contacts adjust, and trying to think of 5 letters words or movies. :laugh:
Wordle: 3

Wow! I lucked out. I went CRANE and then FAINT. Then AINT rolled over. There were quite a few words I thought of that could have went there. Luckily I started with PAINT and nailed it.

Framed: Missed.

Have never seen it.
Wordle: 4

Framed: 6

I knew it felt familiar and finally on that last Frame it occurred to me that I had seen it. I had to sit there and let it sink it in for 5 minutes, but the title finally came to me.