Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

09/09/2024| Framed: 3 ––– Wordle: 2
Framed: Three. Should've got it on two.
Wordle: Two. 20 left, another great day.

Agreed. I initially typed Wild Hogs, but that wasn't listed. Then I thought about more "comedy" movies with motorcycles and I remembered the trailer for this featured a terrible CGI motorcycle scene. :muttley:
The video will start at the motorcycle scene and the terrible CGI is when he drives it into the house.
Wordle: 3

Well, that worked out better than I anticipated after my usual starting word flopped.

Framed: Missed

I'm pretty sure I've heard of it, but can't say I have ever seen it.
Wordle: 4
Got ahead of myself this morning and tried the same letter in the same slot on line 3. Hate when I do that. :laugh:

Framed: Missed.
I've never heard of it, but I definitely tried the title they flashed in background of the 1st frame. :muttley:
09/13/2024| Framed: 1 ––– Wordle: 5
Framed: Classic, immediately knew it.
Wordle: 365➧48➧2➧1, cutting it close.

Wordle: 2
Wow!! Talk about some luck......er........I mean, I totally meant to do that. :grin:

Framed: 1

I haven't seen that in a long time, but had a feeling on Frame 1.

Good way to start a Friday. :cool:
Wordle: 3

That was a tough one with the way my letters feel. Took me forever to think of the right letter combo I needed.

Framed: 3
I knew what it was in Frame 2, I just needed to figure out which one it was. :laugh:

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