Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

Moviedle must've heard @Runwildboys' criticism because today's is easy. :D

8/10| Framed: 2 | Moviedle: 1 | Wordle: 3
Framed: I first guessed a RD Jr. movie.
Moviedle: Checked it out of habit. Easy.
Wordle: The 3 guess streak continues.
Framed is a different test than Wordle. Wordle, you can use deduction to make guesses and determine the word. Framed, you either saw the movie or you didn't. For the movies I have seen I get the right answer in 2 or 3 guesses (because I usually watch the same movies over and over LOL). But for the movies I have never seen, Just forget the 6 guesses and put me down for a miss.
Framed is a different test than Wordle. Wordle, you can use deduction to make guesses and determine the word. Framed, you either saw the movie or you didn't. For the movies I have seen I get the right answer in 2 or 3 guesses (because I usually watch the same movies over and over LOL). But for the movies I have never seen, Just forget the 6 guesses and put me down for a miss.
You'd hate Moviedle. (If you haven't tried it and want to, there's a link to it at the bottom of the Framed page.) I stopped playing, because there are so many movies I haven't seen, and I usually only watch a movie once, so it's a waste of time too often for me.

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