Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

08/20/2022| Framed: 2 —–— Wordle: 3
Framed: I first guessed an Austen story.
Wordle: So close. Almost a 2 guess day.
Same with Wordle - almost 2, but 3 guesses Saturday

Never saw the Framed movie.
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How do you post the results? When I try it just shows the top line
Unfortunately the forum still doesn't allow us to post the yellow and green emojis here. When we paste the Wordle results here, and click post reply, the forum ends up erasing it. I have a process though.

I paste the Wordle results in a text message, take a screenshot, crop that image, upload the cropped image to imgur.com, copy the image link, hit the image button on here and paste that link. :thumbup:
Alright gents, I'm going to be absent for a week. Taking off to Seattle for a week. Fly back Friday afternoon just to turn around and head into the mountains for my company camp trip for the weekend. So, I promise my absence isn't me quitting on you guys. ;)

I'll be back (in Schwarzenegger voice)

Framed: 2
Wordle: 5

Alright gents, I'm going to be absent for a week. Taking off to Seattle for a week. Fly back Friday afternoon just to turn around and head into the mountains for my company camp trip for the weekend. So, I promise my absence isn't me quitting on you guys. ;)

I'll be back (in Schwarzenegger voice)

Framed: 2
Wordle: 5

Well, give us the week's answers now, and we'll let you know if you were right, when you get back. :grin:
08/23/2022| Framed: 6 —–— Wordle: 4
Framed: I never seen it, but I guessed it.
Wordle: I just missed a three guess day.
08/24/2022| Wordle: 4 —–— Framed: 1
Wordle: Tried most of the vowels today.
Framed: Seen it. I quickly recognized it.
08/25/2022| Framed: 2 —–— Wordle: 4
Framed: 1st guessed a Tom Cruise film.
Wordle: Did it assbackwards, but I got it.