Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

11/30/2022| Framed: 5 –––––– Wordle: 3
Framed: I didn't see it and just guessed it.
Wordle: Rearranged the letters and got it.
Last edited:
12/01/2022| Framed: 1 ——— Wordle: 5
Framed: Easy. Very recognizable device.
Wordle: Tough one. Almost had it in four.
Framed: 3

By that 2nd frame, I knew it looked digital. 3rd frame totally gave it away. Great movie. I've actually been wanting to revisit this one.

Wordle: 3

Dang, that just went......smoothly, for me today. :D

12/03/2022| Framed: 3 ——— Wordle: 3
Framed: Seen it, took a bit to figure it out.
Wordle: Fortunately got the 6th letter first.
3 guesses Saturday

Never saw the Framed movie. I think I've heard of it, but never would have guessed it was that genre
Framed: Missed it. Have never seen it

Wordle: 5

I was THIS CLOSE to putting today's answer in my 2nd row, but for some reason was like "nah, that wouldn't be it!". It was it. haha
