Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

12/06/2022| Wordle: 4 ——— Framed: 6

Wordle: Tough one. Used all vowels by 2.

Framed: 100% luck. Guessed the location.
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I had the 2nd, 4th, and 5th letters in order on the second guess, and it took me to 5.
Ouch. I hate when I have a couple green squares and I don't immediately get it.

I don't know how the heck you recognized that movie from the first frame. I didn't even know they made a movie from of it.
Despite not seeing the film, I immediately recognized the scene from the trailer.

I watch a lot of movie trailers, it helps me discern if I want actually watch the film.

Maybe that's why I have done well at guessing movies I haven't actually watched.

I don't know how the heck you didn't recognize DiCaprio as Gatsby in frame six.
Ouch. I hate when I have a couple green squares and I don't immediately get it.

Despite not seeing the film, I immediately recognized the scene from the trailer.

I watch a lot of movie trailers, it helps me discern if I want actually watch the film.

Maybe that's why I have done well at guessing movies I haven't actually watched.

I don't know how the heck you didn't recognize DiCaprio as Gatsby in frame six.
I recognized DiCaprio, obviously, I just never knew they made a movie of The Great Gatsby. I always wondered where the meme came from.