Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

04/22/2023| Framed: 2 ––– Wordle: 4
Framed: Didn't recognize the 1st frame.
Wordle: Narrowed it down and got lucky.

Wordle: 3

Framed: 4

That could've went longer for me, but they were nice enough to only give me a couple of choices. When I typed in Toy Story it only brought up 2 and 4. Otherwise I would have been sitting there guessing which one of the 4 it was. Whew! lol
Wordle: 3

Framed: Missed.

It looked so familiar towards the end, but I couldn't think of the name. I actually think I've seen that movie, but it didn't leave much of an impressions as I hardly remember it.
Chased the 1st and 3rd letters from guess three, right off the board.

So disgusted about missing Wordle, I didn't even bother trying to think of the name of the Framed movie.
When I pop in here and I see you two struggling with the Wordle......oh boy, here we go!!!

Wordle: 6

Whew!! Yeah barely got that myself.

Framed: Missed.

That last frame looked super familiar, but I couldn't think of the name.